
Almost 60 mill in 11 hours
If this is a bad project why are people spending their moneyz?

Other urls found in this thread:


Rich != smart

This shit is uncapped, correct?

>Arthur Breitman is the CEO and Kathleen Breitman the COO of Tezos (tezos.com), a new blockchain platform currently in development. Before founding Tezos, Arthur worked at Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley where he served as a vice president. Kathleen was a senior strategy associate for blockchain consortium R3.
Dodged bullet here. I think ICOs are starting to become just simple cashgrabs.
>Almost 60 mill in 11 hours
Wait until it hits 500m just because it's ICO.
I'm thinking about making my own ICO and just taking money away from all those retards, holy shit.

>why are people buying
Goldman Sachs and Tim Draper, this is where crypto is now. I want to hurt these people.

Cuz people think you can make a quick buck by dumping as soon as they hit an exchange

>Send me your Bitcoin, user!

This, just look status

This might hit 1 billion, their ICO is lasting something ridiculous like 2 weeks.

>You can trust me with your ETH, user. I went to an Ivy League school and majored in philosophy!


don't all txs under 0.1 btc count as a donation also? send less than that and don't get any coins in return

What a fucking ugly bitch, it remembered me of that scene.

Listen to this interview and try to count how many times she says, "Umm.. Yeah!"

Sorry, here's the link

Disgusting people. Disgusting uncapped shit.

The greed of these people is mind-blowing. Would like this shit to fail miserably.

That might be possible. I expect huge dump in ETH/BTC in the next 2 weeks, when "devs" cash out.
>Would like this shit to fail miserably.
Me too, but it won't fail imo. People were throwing money at worse projects...

We need to doxx those motherfuckers.

Friendly reminder that for every 100$ you invest, they personally pocket 20$.

they cash 10$ directly in CASH

and another 10$ in coins.

class war now
gas the capitalists

ok i visited the site, it doesn't state what the fuck it does, or why it needs funding? Why would people drop money in this shit?

Check out the interview. What I gathered from it was that there's something about smart contracts as well as the fact that there is some mysterious bad thing about Bitcoin and Tezos doesn't have this unnamed bad thing.

Tezos natively supports governance and decisionmaking, whereas btc and eth decisions must occur off platform. Tezos functional language better supports formal proofs and smart contracts.


ron + ginny fucked