Does it not concern you that females are taking over cryptos!

>golem and bancor have female lead and guys working for them.
> aragon just hired a girl.
> if women get lot of money they wont respect you.

more of that leggings

It's doesnt matter. It's a free market. If they are suscessful and the projects are good, better for me.

Crypto only for men

>tfw no cryptorich domina to be your sugarmama

well, might aswell just kms now

Not at all tbqh. Thinking that women can't have powerful positions is such a giveaway prrof of "I'm a poor third worlder." Sexism is over-rated if you're able to pull hot bitches even without money.

t. a middle class mid-20 white guy from LA, where th0ts flock based on looks becasue everyone is rich here already anyway

Fuck, why are all of my long coins hiring women? I pray to god they aren't diversity hires.


Any crypto project that isn't ran entirely by white men is simply a marketing project.

this. they aren't leading the whole projects anyway.

It's funny. I used to buy the whole women are equal meme back as recent as 5 years ago but as i rose in the ranks of the company i worked for and eventually made my own micro business, I learned that it is not true. Life experience, without being a lemming, will red pill you. There is always exceptions to any rule, like strippers and prostitutes,but for the most part i have never seen a woman bring anything to the table worth their paycheck.

>tfw Satoshi Nakamoto is actually a fat black woman

OP is an insecure faggot.

You're on the wrong board. Go suck some dicks with the men's rights activists on one of their stupid websites.

Meanwhile, I am going to make some gains with muh trades then go for a swim in my pool in the house I bought cause I know how to crypto.

>> if women get lot of money they wont respect you.

>implies respect is what i want from a woman

Engineer here.

They never have good ideas or solutions, but they very effective at executing them. Girls are just way better at discipline, way better in school. Its all biological.

I'm not an insecure fag like you so no.

>Girls are just way better at discipline
hahaha, yeah, no

> if women get lot of money they wont respect you.

Okay. Tell me when women have ever been a good investment?

user, how long and where have you been working ?

>Thinking that women can't have powerful positions is such a giveaway prrof of "I'm a poor third worlder.

I seriously hope this is bait, because otherwise you are retarded and likely blind and deaf.

it's always the incels that are against women in power

incels are quite hurt when what they though was their last refuge, societal patriarchy, is taken away

it's really quite funny

enjoy a life time of people not respecting you

t. a person that lols@incels

Great, we are now in the post-ironic bait era.

incels are the elephant in the room man, you're 100% right. if only they could find a way to leave us all alone without going out in a mass shooting

>golem and bancor have female leads
>aragorn hired a girl
Explains why they're turning into shitcoins

I don't care if women are in power. I just don't anything to do with whatever they are in power of. The more women in power the quicker the meme dies. Kinda like chemotherapy/radiation therapy. It sickness and weakens the host(civilization) but its overall effects eventually kill the cancer(feminism).

reminder women are literally jewish golems

More women in power means better material conditions for the men and children/incels who rely on them to exist, so feminism is an extremely good thing.

I'll bite, let's say this is all true.

This doesn't prove at all that women should be in positions of power.

If in your life experience, that includes studying history and acknowledging the current global situations, you are convinced that women are somehow as worthy as men when in positions of power, you can only be retarded.

The more power they hold in a country the more miserable and on the verge of collapse that country is. If it's rich, it's usually because of riches accumulated before they gained so much power, and it's still not enough to stop the decline.


You do realize that more women working means lower wages for everyone in the market, right?

And it means lower birthrates.

Population growth is almost always a boost for the economy. China with the USA population would be a shithole

Yeah, sectors that are dominated by women tend to have a lower pay, which is the opposite of female empowerment.

>Population growth is almost always a boost for the economy

Yeah, it's population growth + freely accessible sexual and reproductive healthcare + planned parenthood, both of which are directly in line with female empowerment, that boosts the economy.

Not factoring in family law.

Why would I reproduce when it can be taken from me along with all my possessions and 15% of my pay?

I think that's an MRA meme. Don't men who fight for custody of their children in family court win more than 50% of the time?

>Yeah, sectors that are dominated by women tend to have a lower pay, which is the opposite of female empowerment.

You are not very bright, are you?

Do you know what the demand and supply law is?

>Yeah, it's population growth + freely accessible sexual and reproductive healthcare + planned parenthood, both of which are directly in line with female empowerment, that boosts the economy.

No, it's just population growth and the increased demand for goods from the population.

Reproductive healthcare(read: abortion) literally kills fetuses and prevents the population from growing, I fail to understand how a sane human being could link it to positive population growth.

And there is a correlation between higher equality indicators measured by the UN and lower birthrates.

Female "empowerment" literally kills your country, slowly and in a subtle way.


How do you mean? More female employers, ideas, and innovations = more jobs, no?

Aren't you advocating for population growth leading to better economies?

>Reproductive healthcare(read: abortion) literally kills fetuses and prevents the population from growing

??? Unplanned pregnancies like adolescent pregnancies/rape/lack of birth control will lead to better wealth?

Anyway, whatever. I'm not here to convince anyone. Let's just agree to disagree.

No, I'm not a virgin MGTOW.

cucked. women in power are psychopaths. it goes against all their instincts of being money grabbing whores and slaves to the cock. also due to their inefficient ways of communication and lack of planning skills they drive everything into the shitter, that is not geared at presenting their secondary sexual characteristic to a powerful male.

>adolescent pregnancies
16 year old girl with 25 year old male provider is how it was done for centuries, and thing went amazingly
Rare, and the only semi-excuse
>lack of birth control

>16 year old girl with 25 year old male provider is how it was done for centuries, and thing went amazingly
according to the males.

>??? Unplanned pregnancies like adolescent pregnancies/rape/lack of birth control will lead to better wealth?

You're lumping all of those in as if they're one in the same, and erroneously assuming that access to contraceptives and abortion will lead to less unplanned pregnancies, and rape. You can look at statistics for Black people in America, and realize that that's not true.

Also, you're going to have to define what you mean when you talk about Female Empowerment, or Equality.

They do, but that's if the father fights for custody, meaning that the father actually has to pursue litigation, and that the child isn't immediately awarded to them. However, in cases where litigation isn't pursued, "Moms are granted custody in 85 percent of all cases" This is according to a director for a program representing father and children, so it might be biased, and you should pursue your own research on the material.

Older male/younger female has been the norm for millennia- the age where men are the strongest and most productive, and women the youngest and most fertile.

Frozen served a political purpose: to demonstrate that a woman did not need a man to be successful. Anything written to serve a political purpose (rather than to explore and create) is propaganda, not art.
Frozen was propaganda, pure and simple. Beauty and the Beast (the animated version) was not.

If anything has made me certain that i would rather not give ultimate power over a peoples to a woman its this slag.

evil hag

you're right. this whole preachy propaganda thing in the media has to die. it's utterly retarded and even worse, the people who buy into this shit feel like some kind of underdog revolutionaries, while being the most mainstream-minded lap dogs of a system geared towards making all of us essentially factory workers.

but women actually do not need men to be successful. it's just that being successful is not what women want. not on a primitive reptile-brain level of thinking. they want social status and successful men, which is great, because men want women and to get them we need to be successful and build civilisations and shit.

> i have never been touched by a woman :'(


literally the only reason you think women should be on the bottom of society is because no woman wants to talk to you

t. user that lols@incels

>muh hole
Toasty roastie

> (you -->) :'O=====8 (

Is pussy and dick the only thing your brain can think of?

keep telling that yourself. maybe it will make the mean men go away and you get to touch one of your 'allies', betacuck.

> triggered
I just think it's important to call out the fact that you only hold stupid reprehensible alt right views because you're a social outcast that weirds women out. Rather than reflecting and realizing you wouldn't want to be treated the way you would treat women you go to a social echo chamber (((/pol/))) and reinforce your stupid meme views until you actually believe something so incredibly stupid.

Since it's impossible to convince you with genuine valid arguments ever, I must as well just go straight to where you have no valid rebuttals because it strikes to the core of your insecurity.

Tldr lol@incels
t. an user that reflected long long ago and who now lols@incels

>t. nu males

>t.poor /pol/tard
them being women makes no fucking difference to the whales that pump coins. Or are you here for a reason other than making money?

>Caring what women think
You project well
>Lol nigger dicks
>Valid argument
Goddamn this irony
Do you not see it?

>Since it's impossible to convince you with genuine valid arguments ever,

>1 Post by this ID

you didn't even try you faggot.

if there are women investing, that is the signal to dump our bags on them

Dropped Bancor and Golem out of my portfolio; In all seriousness, we can't let the bull dikes get the crypto tokens.

What are you? A Banc-cuck?

> Don't men who fight for custody of their children in family court win more than 50% of the time?

Not at all.

I never said women should be at the bottom you degenerate. I'm saying that women and men should be equal, yet they're not. It appears that the deck over the last 40 years is still in men's favor, which is simply untrue by current statistical data.

Although I don't mind your delusional reality at all. As the more children go without fathers, the more society begins to fall apart. It's called a fatherless America and it's happening right before your eyes.

If you're interested in actually becoming one with reality - check out the film "The Red Pill" - which was actually made by a feminist.


git munney fukk hoess yad iggg/???


>t. user that lols@incels

Most likely "t. a roastie"

The funny thing is that that movie is not even so redpilling, it's basic entry-level information.

And yet some retards need it because they are heavily brainwashed


she is the best leader that country ever had

t. Mehmet

Incorrect. I like my women on top. Cowgirl style. I like watching those titties bounce.

Women should get to wherever level they want in society but not at the expense of men. That means no special laws for them, no special quotas for them, no double standards for them, and no need of an explanation if I want to fire them. Just like any normal white male. If women had to truely compete with men on mens level it would take no time at all to find them back in the kitchen. Jeez, it gets old having to mansplain this to the mentally ill.

You're absolutely correct.