Why are Rwandans so good at fighting wars?
Why are Rwandans so good at fighting wars?
I hope I'm uploading the right image
They're the only country in the region that has a functional military.
*only country in the region that's functional
>only functional country in the region
>only country in the world to have female majority in parliament
Read "A Thousand Hills" by Stephen Kinzer
The story of how Rwanda bounced back from the genocide is fucking awesome.
They (the tutsi, at least) are basically autist commandos; hyper efficient and well trained. They're probably the best thing to happen to subsaharan africa.
Seriously though, read that book
Is that book biased much?
And BTW what other books should I read about the east african region?
They're known as the Singapore of africa. Yes, they're functional
It's bias towards Paul Kagame, the Tutsi rebellion's leader. But Kagame is a pretty fascinating dude, so I can't really blame the author.
As far as political bias, it's pretty balanced. At times it even lauds Kagame's right wing approach to things
Either way, it's a good intro to that area and the crazy fucking politics they have in africa
>I was just kidding
Hard to tell these days. Feels like /pol/tards are really taking over this board
Do you think it has something to do with the fact that it's fairly homogenous ethnically and has existed in its borders as a kingdom for quite a long time?
Most other countries don't have that - in subsaharan Africa I can only think of Lesotho and Suaziland, the rest are colonial
They WANT to be know as Singapore. Right now they are still piss poor (but who can blame them, considering where they started from and if you consider that they dont have any natural ressources at all)
Yes very biased. Still its a good read.
If you are interested in the Congo Wars then "Shake Hands with the Devil" and "Dancing in the Glory of Monsters"
>They're probably the best thing to happen to subsaharan africa.
And got constantly villified by the UN. Strange thing, huh?
>Rwanda has been a unified state since pre-colonial times,[31] and the population is drawn from just one cultural and linguistic group, the Banyarwanda;[219] this contrasts with most modern African states, whose borders were drawn by colonial powers and did not correspond to ethnic boundaries or pre-colonial kingdoms.[220] Within the Banyarwanda people, there are three separate groups, the Hutu, Tutsi and Twa.[221] The CIA World Factbook gives estimates that the Hutu made up 84% of the population in 2009, the Tutsi 15% and Twa 1%.[58] The Twa are a pygmy people who descend from Rwanda's earliest inhabitants, but scholars do not agree on the origins of and differences between the Hutu and Tutsi.[222] Anthropologist Jean Hiernaux contends that the Tutsi are a separate race, with a tendency towards "long and narrow heads, faces and noses";[223] others, such as Villia Jefremovas, believe there is no discernible physical difference and the categories were not historically rigid.[224] In precolonial Rwanda the Tutsi were the ruling class, from whom the kings and the majority of chiefs were derived, while the Hutu were agriculturalists.[225] The current government discourages the Hutu/Tutsi/Twa distinction, and has removed such classification from identity cards.[226] The 2002 census was the first since 1933[227] which did not categorise Rwandan population into the three groups.[228]
>And got constantly villified by the UN. Strange thing, huh?
The UN hates success. What else do you expect from people whose battle cry is "don't shoot I'm neutral".
On this notion, I propose we turn this into a Laurent Nkunda thread.
>Do you think it has something to do with the fact that it's fairly homogenous ethnically and has existed in its borders as a kingdom for quite a long time?
>Most other countries don't have that - in subsaharan Africa I can only think of Lesotho and Suaziland, the rest are colonial
I believe things like tradition, organisation, moral development are all qualities that have explained the success of nations much better than ideology or race.
There is little doubt that a mono ethnic society can facilitate the former, but a rule it is certainly not. Multi ethnicity is an obstacle, but it can be overcome.
>Multi ethnicity
They are all the same over there
This has to do more with multi culture
for example In nigeria it has to do with religion, language
>Since 2000 Rwanda's economy,[53] tourist numbers,[54] and Human Development Index have grown rapidly;[55] between 2006 and 2011 the poverty rate reduced from 57% to 45%,[56] while life expectancy rose from 46.6 years in 2000[57] to 59.7 years in 2015.
I am rooting for rwanda and africa in general, not because i like niggers, but because it's interesting
can I get a quick rundown on that guy
What do you guys think about the East African Community?
When are they gonna unite into a federation? They're on the right track, every student is learning Suahili already as a lingua franca as of this year, for example
>When are they gonna unite into a federation?
Why would they want to do that?
>Laurent Nkunda
Random tutsi general who wasnt pleased with the end of the 2nd Congo War and fought on despite no outside backing, very little manpower and extremely hostile ground.
He managed to take large parts of the Kivus (eastern congo) under control and constantly btfo the congolese army and their UN backers, but couldnt really sustain a real rebellion under the circumstances.
Was 'betrayed' by Rwanda and arrested in 2009 when Rwanda und Congo agreed to ally with each against the other various rebel groups in Eastern Congo (which was a good move from Rwanda, for the Tutsis and maybe for him as well, because while being under house arest they still refuse to extradite him to the UN).
His two major sub leaders headed the recent M23 rebellion, but then turned against each other, the two reatrds.
He is still in rwandan custody and will be set loose on the hapless enemies when the Third Congo War finally begins.
tl,dr: despite very goofy looking, he is an extremely capable [for african standards] rebel leader
because they declared that as their plan
I think they don't want to be just 6 irrelevant countries but have bigger ambitions
So the goal is to create an independent Kivu country?
Israel of Africa is better since they became a powerhouse after a major genocide
Eh, Nkunda was more successful than it seemed like he would be, but his army was still getting BTFO by the Congolese and UN even before he was arrested by Rwanda.
Is there anything fishy about Kagame's support in elections?
He's gotten like 90% everytime, that's crazy high
It's pretty much accepted that he rigs the elections to insure that a hutu doesn't seize power.
Fair I suppose. Kagame is the best they got.
>Africa is shit because multi ethnic frontiers
Do you guys believe every civilized country is as homogeneous as Japan?
Rwanda doesn't have democratic elections, which is really good for the country.
Honestly, I think we put too much of a premium on democracy anyway. Africa is simply not stable enough for democracy right now.
Plus, if the some of the west's greatest accomplishments were achieved under absolutism, aren't we kinda assholes for not allowing other countries to go through a phase of absolutism?
are you saying that because you don't like democracy in general, or because the Rwandese doesn't deserve democracy just yet?
Let's put it this way. The MAJORITY ethnic group was resposible for a genocide only 20 years ago.
In a democracy, the MAJORITY makes the decisions.
What would you do?
Democracy just doesnt work there. There are two ethnic/social/tribal/whatever groups in the Hutus and Tutsis and people would just vote for the Hutu or Tutsi no matter what.
Besides they are mostly illiterate, uneducated and lack the understanding of even the most basic political, economical or agricultural decisions -even if they are working to improve.
On the other hand you have one of the most competent governments at the helm and most development parameters are pointing up. So yeah, keeping these guys in power is actually something that would be highly preferable to ""free elections"" and a return to violence, civil war and large scale massacres (just ask neighbouring Burundi)
I get what you mean.
But how can he avoid the power struggle after he's no longer the president? so after dying, most likely
In a direct Athenian-style demokritos, sure.
Unfortunately the vast majority of countries on Earth do not operate under that system.
Don't be pedantic, you know what I meant.
Regardless, a Hutu majority would still elect Hutu representatives, ministers, etc.
Funny then how homogenous countries like Japan and Denmark seem to do so well for themselves
Honestly, I don't have an answer.
Maybe he'll groom someone and start talking them up to the people. By then, those with living memory of the genocide will be a closer to dying too. Currently, Kagame is trying to weed out any "genocide ideology" and make the next gen more unified.
>totalitarian shithole that filters its internet
>suicide hikki culture and economic stagnation for two decades
>>totalitarian shithole
american pls go
How are you even allowed to post here still, Dane?
They fought against black Africans,and if there's one thing a Rwandan hates, it's a god damned nigger.
>if there's one thing a Rwandan hates, it's a god damned nigger.
Rwanda is basically the thesis as to why being an "Uncle Tom" would be greatly beneficial to the worldwide African community
Amazing. I actually learned something today.
>Parliament matters when the reigning president holds an unusually high amount of executive power
I think the Singapore-Rwanda comparison also stems from Kagame's role as a very notable reformist and capable politician just as Lee Kuan Yew was, as well as his tendency towards political suppression. I've heard people refer to Kagame as an example of "Benevolent Dictatorship".
Ethnic homogeneous countries are elite
It's such a shame that Rwanda has no resources. I wish they had taken the Congo
I just want to see Africa do well for once :'(
>btfo french pupets, refuse to have free elections to pleasethe UN
>uncle tom
Alright, let's call it "selective uncle-tomming"
Any good movies about rwanda?
Frontline's "Ghosts of Rwanda" I guess. I forget if it's good or not. I remember it going into the UN's complete incompetance in handling the genocide.
The UN gave their """""peacekeeping""""" force orders to not engage the Hutus, even as they were hacking Tutsi to death in front of their base of operations.
In fact, I believe the UN knew about Hutu extremeist stockpiling weapons before the genocide started and insisted that the peacekeepers do absolutely nothing to stop it
The whole ordeal actually drove the Peacekeeper Commander (General Dalliaire) to alcoholism, due to his complete inability to stop the atrocities.
Sounds kinda' familiar.
Not "Hotel Rwanda"
>hey, let's take the least interesting part of the Rwandan genocide and turn it into a white guilt flick
Sectarianism is a hellava drug
But what's going on with the west and Islam now is like the complete opposite of what happened in Rwanda
In Rwanda, they sent boots on the ground and ordered them to do nothing. Refugees were totally on their own
Today, they invite the refugees into their countries with absolutely no boots on the ground
wtf i love Rwanda now
In recent years Israel has established quasi-alliances with Rwanda, Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Ethiopia, and Nigeria. It's called the Lieberman plan. aid and weapons in exchange for political capital, cheap labor, and influence. They're trying to copy the chinese
Tutsis are not negroids like other Africans, they are part of the Hamitic master-race which the Jews try to deny it even exists.
I think it's an highlands thing, they look like serbs/croats. In china they've a similar thing with rectangular face square(r) jaw and narrow(er) nose they call it northern sinid or something like that.
>ywn get enough people together for an AK47 Republic campaign
Africa is shit because the human race in it slowly destroys any civilized state they manage to build.
And by human race you mean french and american government?
> learning Suahili already as a lingua franca
Why? Waste of time. English is already the world's lingua franca.
Also except for some sort of a potential free trade union or military pact, I have a hard time believing any of those countries would ever surrender any of their national sovereignty to the others.
Because most of the population already speaks Swahili
and they don't want to be cucks and want to have their own language, is that really hard t imagine?
>Using a fucking reddit meme
Thanks for bringing that to my attention. My only information on Rwanda was the genocide. Its nice that they're transitioning towards a more stable/peaceful government. Emulation of Singapore is however a lofty dream that can be hard to get to. A benevolent dictators are hard to come by, but when they do come by, they can really make a country great. Lets hope the Rwanda's leadership lives a long life to see through its dreams/visions.
It would be pretty interesting to see a very highly developed land locked African nation.
The fact that there's still a press in Rwana is a good thing. It wasn't a thing a decade or so ago.
Running a single party benevolent dictator style requires manipulating press and pushing their changes. Computer for every child, tech literacy, literacy rate, etc are all pushed by the same President.
Democracy just doesn't work without a baseline education and certain cultural foundations. Stop being so Eurocentric about howyou see the world and realize that Africa has it's own ways.
fair point
is that based on any book or any source whatsoever? I don't suppose that user served in Rwandan Patriotic Army?
I don't think every culture is cut out for democracy and I can understand and accept that.
>Under a master plan for 2040, Kigali will be decentralized, with business, shopping, and leisure districts, and suburbs. The plan calls for skyscrapers, arching pedestrian walkways and green spaces to be built, alongside amenities such as fountains and a wetlands conservation area. In addition, there will be an effective public transportation network. However, among the most pressing problems is affordable housing for the majority of the city's population, and a number of schemes are under consideration. The city's population of about 1.2 million is expected to triple by that time.
Fuckers got some ambitions
Are you telling me that Blacks are gonna be KANGZ again?
You seemed to have wandered off from your containment board. Do you need instructions on how to get back?
This. I personally believe that rule of law and democracy are the ideal, but not every place can leap right in to that ideal. As far as I can tell there are rough patches in becoming a developed country where those can be hassles even. Democracy might be the capstone to development, not the foundation.
Fuck off faggot
Because all their rivals are niggers
Seriously, it's a very low bar to jump when everyone around you is a nigger that doesn't even know how to aim right
>being a cuck vs being rich
think I prefer riches 2bh
Yeah because using the most spoken language is going to make them so much poorer
Are you retarded?
Kek, 100 years on and they all want to be Südwestafrika again!
But the Tutsi are black too.
Go off yourself
>Africa is simply not stable enough for democracy right now.
Lol no there's places in Africa with democracy. Don't know how Africa is so exceptional democracy can't work there.
You guy know Kagame funds and aids rebels right?
Tutsi are honorary Aryans
They unironically are a good people that will sit on the throne of Africa
Stop stroking black cocks you fags.
Unfortunately, Swahili is not spoken by anyone who matters.
English, on the other hand....
Of both slave drivers languages Swahili is at least a Bantu from the region so definitely easier to learn.
>gets BTFO by a bunch of machete wielding manlets
Uh huh.