Why Slavs achieved way less than whites?
Why Slavs achieved way less than whites?
Classic Veeky Forums. Any better bait you got dude? White as in white skin? White as in western European minus whichever ethnic groups you feel aren't white today? I.e. Spain or Ireland
Go to bed, you got school in the morning
But Slav is white
t. Geralt of rivia
No access to Atlantic ocean or Mediterranean sea
t. Ivan
t. Artyom
Yes because every slavic country is Russia and was occupied by Mongols right?
Why do the eastern europeans on /pol/ take credit for western european achievements?
Slavs are white, white has nothing to do with skin color its a genetic cluster of similar traits. Even Balkans are white.
The reason for Slav stupidity though....
Slavs contributed more to the world than scandinavians which Veeky Forums dickrides so much. Did scandis sent a man to space? I don't think so.
Just look at their cranial structure.
first satellite in space: slavic
first man in space: slavic
first woman in space: slavic
>phrenology in 2017
Ave Maria!
>Yes because every slavic country is Russia and was occupied by Mongols right?
Three Slavonic countries would fit this description. Then there are also Turks who fucked shit up for South Slavs.
Then there are Poles, who achieved plenty, but got rekt by combination of plague and Swedish pillagers; and Czechs who got rekt by spearheading reformation before the invention of printing press.
Who sent them to space? Russian Jews
the hell you on about? Veeky Forums hates anyhing related to scandinavia, plus there are over twice as many ukrainians as there are scandinavians
>Who sent them to space? Russian Jews
What the fuck are you even talking about?
It's because Western propaganda has successfully made sure that every Westerner thinks the average Slav lives in squalor and filth. They ignore the fact that 99% of the populations of these other empires they circle jerk over were also poor and dumb as fuck. But it's okay because being a Prussiaboo or Swedeboo or Byzaboo is cool and being a Slavaboo means you're a poorfag or something.
Honestly fuck Veeky Forums. This place is just /pol/ with dates
No, russians and mini-russians(ukrainians)
Remember to report /int/ shit threads
I'm slavic and let's face it our countries are shitholes but I do agree there is heavy bias against us
>ancient germanics were pillaging and killing
>hehe fierce warriors
>ancient slavs offered their prisoners to join them and were treated like equals (after their share of pillaging and killing)
>slavs were so fucking barbaric!
>slavs win a war
>i-it was because X country was weakened!
>western country attacks weaker enemy
>it's called smart tactics ;)
>slavs are not white because of Mongol raids
>but Germans who were attacked and raped by Russians still are
>also ignoring that by that logic entire Europe is asiatic because of the Huns
Wasn't the television invented by a scotsman?
>That Wewuz tier pic
It's not like there's names of inventors...
>not realising Veeky Forums is biased against Slavs and will discredit them at all costs for their jewish overlords
wew lad
Russians and Yugos are literal subhumans. West Slavs are the only decent group.
t. pollack
>Poles and Czechs are more decent than Russians
Russians have more qualities than plumbers and prostitutes.
t. ruskie
This 19th century "All Slavs are the same" shit needs to stop. We're all a dozen nationalities and putting us together as if we share the same genetics or culture is beyond idiotic.