Is it worth a read?
I hear Sowell is pretty based for a negro.
Is it worth a read?
> t. qq because a black is more successful than me
Yes, I read it years ago and his arguments against rent controls and FOR child labor still resonate with me.
Of course, his arguments for child labor hinge on the reality that child labor in factories is among the best possible options for the children given their status in society.
It better be good.
yes. black economics man knows his shit.
The book is long. It is undoubtedly a time-sink. But it will forever change how you view economic policy and "moral" economic crusades.
you can't garner consent from an underdeveloped but still potent human being ie children to commit to dangerous labor or socially & sexually intimate acts ie factory workers, sex, business, etc. They have not developed critical thinking skills yet and are therefore abused for a purpose which they cannot comprehend the severity of. hence why:
child prostitution is illegal in ancapistan
This. So glad I read this book.
>children cannot consent
I am sick of this baseless argument
Consent doesn't matter. Consent is for first, and even second, worlders.
Third world children who work in factories are making the most of their desperate situation. The alternative, in most cases like these, is child prostitution.
>arguments for child labor
Meh, fuck that
My childhood wouldn't have been better if instead of playing LEGO and PlayStation I slaved away at a factory
>hey should we talk about economics
>no let's talk about child prostitution
>prepubescent organisms have sexually purposed orifices so i can fuck em
why don't you fuck the still gestating child in it's mother's womb as you pull it to partially birth abort it? it's got an orifice, right? so it must be consenting, no doubt
>not one of the oldest professions to earn income in existence
what did he mean by this?
You wouldn't have been playing your Playstation if you lived in a third-world shithole like China. The options down there are either factory-work or prostitution. Sowell argues that factory-work is the preferable alternative in that situation. We aren't talking about throwing first-world brats into steel mills.
If you actually had a modicum of reading comprehension, I suggested that factory work is preferable to child prostitution here . Take your fantasies elsewhere.
Prostitution should be a protected institute, not criminalized. Normalfags make arguments for the regulation of marijuana that can be ported over exactly to prostitution. Just like arguments for homosex marriage should protect polygamy.
It's either all okay, or none of it it okay.
When it comes to destroying liberal platitudes about race, he's second to none. He starts getting full retard through when he gets deep in his lolbertarian/friedman-tier philosophy.
>for a negro
Fuck you dude. He's one of the best authors in these fields and his race has nothing to do with it. His stuff is a must-read period. I know you're trolling but this really strikes a a nerve because this is why racial difference shit shouldn't get out to the public: Low IQ whites will think themselves superior to high IQ blacks simply out of virtue of race. Someone like Sowell literally worked his ass off and became one of the most prolific minds in his field just to be condescended to by the lowest of whites and referred to as "based for a negro" and other variants by sub-100 IQ anons. Fuck you, OP.
Yes, just want to affirm the positive reviews in this thread. I had never before thought about the role of prices but reading this book made me realise what an elegant way of allocating resources it is. Sowell articulates this brilliantly
Also this >Someone like Sowell literally worked his ass off and became one of the most prolific minds in his field just to be condescended to by the lowest of whites and referred to as "based for a negro" and other variants by sub-100 IQ anons. Fuck you, OP.
He's one of the few good ones
"Based for a negro" makes lots of sense
As much sense as "he's fast for a white guy" or "he's tall for an asian"
>muh based negro
lifes too short to read a nigger book
You dummy