Reclusive Right-Wing Hacker Warns: "Get out of ETH now!"
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Damn, I like this guy.
>he recommends tezos instead
he probably got raped by tyrone lul
idk how you can think you are above anyone when you went to prison. at that point you are pretty much the scum of society tbqhwyf
'eth sux!!! but this one is pretty good..(aka please dont let my ico investment flop)'
"fuck ethereum, buy tezos, btw i have financial interest in tezos"
sounds legit
>formal proofs can't be done in ethereum because they aren't using a functional programming language, unlike TEZOS
jesus this guy. nothing. i repeat. no significant PRACTICALLY usable software with has ever been written in a functional programming language.
>On Red Ice Radio, Andrew reasoned that "The way I look at the term 'white supremacy'... Africans are supreme in Africa... it's not like the Chinese aren't supreme in China. Why shouldn't Whites be supreme in the nations of their forefathers?"[66]
you have 10 seconds to refute this
i member seeing a doc and this guy was in it, he literally didn't hack anything... he just found member specific urls at Apple. guess he just got out and had to join the nazis and suck dick for protection
this is pretty funny, he's like every other faggot on here spouting some trash to affect the market, but since he's not a total nobody he maybe has some sliiiiight clout
Well technically everyone's decendants goes back to Africa, so that makes blacks the supreme race.
this ugly motherfuckers a nazi?
talk about inferior genes
what a catch-22
out of africa theory has been debunked already
well, he isn't wrong about the garbage language etherium uses for its smart contracts. at first I didn't believe that someone could take JavaScript and make it worse - but Vitalik somehow managed to.
also this dummy keeps talking about how ethereum isnt viable but hasnt touched solidity
If Weev got raped by a nigger in prison it says more about niggers than it does about Weev. Why do we tolerate our prisons being full of gay niggers?
He's not wrong though
Literally anyone on this board can tell you that ETH is headed to the shitter in the short term
blame rope abolishers
>Well technically everyone's decendants goes back to Primates, so that makes primates the supreme race
Dinosaur days. We all know, deep down, they were the best. Fuck non-whites though, seriously they're all trash except nips.
>MSM acts shocked that a white person would join a white supremacist group in prison
>intentionally lies to their readers that it's something crazy and insane
>it's literally the only way to survive against the far more racist black and mexican gangs which the MSM will never talk about
That's not a complete picture, though. It's a new theory. It has an OK foundation, but needs more evidence. One examination of the dental record does not a debunking make
t. Actual scientist
he always admitted the hack wasnt a sofisticated thing
weev is the very embodiment of the concept of troll. anyone who would take his word at face value would be an utter fool
"far more racist" lol
they do band together for protection against black and hispanic people, but they don't care about race or anything, prison is a harsh place and if there wasn't the aryan brotherhood, white people would get punked a lot lot more.
>what is Scala, F#, Rust, and Haskell
being this retarded.
The main proponents behind what doesn't convince people about this argument is all first worlders are free to immigrate to any country they please, so whites are as free to move to China as a Saudi is free to move to America, granted whites immigrate significantly less than other races but that mere prospect of being able to is what sort of mitigates that argument.
The most appropriate position to take is a strong stance against refugees and especially illegal immigration in all its forms, as these people don't have the financial ability to move to more prosperous nations and are therefore damaging the economy and are a legitimate danger to the stability of any first world country.
He went to prison for hacking an iPad not a human body.
also, more importantly, they are dumb as shit and simply cannot compete with whites in a modern society
Because he is legitimately a lot smarter than you and a lot less of a degenerate. Getting Locked up by crooks because you speak out against Jews does not make you scum.
i didn't talk about 'functional programming' (like using lambdas is a non-functional language), i wrote about 'functional programming languages'
scala is very far from being a purely functional programming language, no successfull practical applications use its functional data-structures for example. they generally just use the ones from java
F# is also far from being pure BUT fine we can call it functional. no significant software has been written in it anyways - do you know any? lol
Rust - literally not functional jesus that's like C#-level functional (lambdas don't mean that something is a functional language), still, nothing of significance has ever been written in it
Haskell - OH YES _THE_ purely functional programming language. born 30 years ago. designed on a mailing list by like a dozen of academics, many of whom can't code for shit.
nothing of significance written in it. EVER.
facebook pays some group because they can use the money for marketing, but that's that, they just swallow money while the little they actually produce could be done in a decent programming language for 1/100th of the cose
s/of the cose/of the cost
why recommend Tezos instead, another ICO scam, and not Decred?
it's a mystery to me how nobody sees that DCR solves Bitcoin's main flaw
>another /pol/ thread on Veeky Forums
Impossible for you autists to contain yourselves.
First doesn't mean best, what has Sub Saharan African contributed to society in the past 1000 years?
Can't have gay space nigger aids without having gay niggers first. Then they get the aids, and then you put them in space and it becomes space aids inside the gay space niggers.
After they have the space aids you get them to make an album and then you have the gay aids space nigger beats to put on ambient in the space elevator.
For the best beats you put them in geosync above africa and make sure they have some natural logs to bonk.
Deal with it faggot
except rhodes was a one world globalist of the anglo variety
its easy to debunk. blue eyes, blond hairs, white skin.
if somewhere hundreds of years ago ..first white person would "appear" ....his/her genes and corresponding "white features" would disappear/ get overrided by black genes in his/her kids. And there would be no us.
Lol I've been to prison too and hate niggers like you even more than I already did so so fuck off
>questions and answers
>on topic discussion
>informative content
>criticism and suggestion
>on Veeky Forums
Guess cryptocurrencies are /pol/ subjects now
Not only is the subject matter of this image absolute faggotry, the style and execution is so utterly gay that anyone who unironically finds any humor in it should be instantly executed
>discussion of ethereum is off topic on Veeky Forums
Yeah, it was always bullshit that he had to serve time to start with.
Mutations: do you have any idea how they work?
if that was a mutation from blacks.... it would be, like i said , overwrited by black genes on first iteration.
there is no blue eyes / blonds / white skin in result of mixed pairs that media nowdays promotes. and you know it
sounds legit
Yup, it was complete bullshit and just goes to show you how fucked up our law system really is.
jesus. why do you people even care? it's not like it makes any of you any less of a loser.
cause preservation of own kind,own nation, own way of living.... is good thing.
ok...move back to europe and give america back to indians....?
They are all dead
It should die out. All racial identity should die out.
You just want to be part of something important. Be part of something bigger than race.
go to hell ((()))
kike detected
Do you realize that, considering the tribal nature of the human mind, it's not gonna happen?
The author of your pic is Abdalla Al Omari, and I'm pretty sure he has a very strong ethnic identity. He just doesn't want others to have it.
Having said that, you can't overcome the human nature. Once you try, you simply align with another group against your own rather than resolve the problem fundamentally.
erm, no? Where's the profit in that? I mean seriously, the best you can get from that is being called a racist asshole. Booya, some great life goal you have, basement dweller.
nationalism and ethnicity is a meme. this whole group thinking complex works just as well with any other arbitrary group you belong to. get in 20 people in a room, give half of them red bands, the other blue ones. wait an hour and you have the whole us vs them game going. I mean sure, you're free to choose whatever retarded identity you choose, but in the end a groups achievements will never be yours. You stay a loser, until you do shit yourself for yourself.
>neo nazi
It's sad that people actually believe this
Race is not arbitrary like an armband
ALL races should be preserved
If you believe in that bullshit, good for you, but those who universally introduce positive discrimination obviously don't. They believe in ethnicity just as much, but in a reverse way.
He's literally a jew.
Weev is a person who can convince himself of anything he wants to believe. That's why he is a "true liberals would ban homosexuality" post-/pol/ neo-nazi. He can find enough niche and obscure arguments in a debate to cause a temporary stalemate and tactfully retreat from it and go shitpost somewhere else. The last thing I'd believe from him is business advice. Especially extreme advice like "eth has NO value! Tezo is THE new crypto!"
>positive discrimination
is discrimination against white people. and that's definitely not positive thing. its basically evil intentions named as something "positive".
we are truly living in world that turned inside out upside down....
violent called peaceful
evil called good
good are called far right and evil
all this "modern" mess is disgusting.
whole countries are working really like they are completely turned inside out and stretched all over globe but ... empty inside.
i shit you not... would not be surprised if some country like Germany or like Sweden..... let whole world to pick and elect for leader for them... while banning own citizens from voting. That how damaged current situation is.
what does he think of bancor?
Who gives a shit what this dumb nigger says
>another clueless /pol/tard
Amazing. You idiots should stay in your containment zone. There were warnings about the DAO's vulnerabilities. Formal verification is *not* a magic solution to secure smart contracts. It does not make writing them easier.
I don't like Etherium either but:
One one hand:
Ethereum is based on a garbage language
On the other hand:
Tezos uses OCaml which is garbage too, because no one will ever write any app on it
The implementation of Tezos is in OCaml, the smart contract language is Michelson. Ethereum's protocol has implementations in several languages and Solidity is not the only smart contract language.
point being that no one really uses either of those languages
why would should I care? Gimme a hot chick with a nice ass and I'll eagerly become a race traitor, bro. It's not like I'm going to see the degenerate mongoloid masses humanity will become in 50k years or so.
Sure enough I believe this bullshit. That's the real conclusion from all those brain-studies on racism. Both SJWs and "Race-Realists" don't want to acknowledge that, but while tribalism is real, the criteria on who belongs to your tribe are subjective and ultimately up to the individual (to a degree - after all you have to really believe the crap you're telling yourself).
and yes, the whole race/ethnicity deal is retarded beyond belief. No matter what side you're on. Judgement based on group-identity might be a viable strategy when you don't get to get any more information on the person / group you're dealing with. In that case experience and statistics is great, but when it comes to dealing one on one with another person, it will inevitably lead to making the wrong calls.
but anyway, my point was building your own identity on belonging to a group and per proxy either excusing your own shortcomings with an adopted status of victimhood, or adopting the "groups" achievements as your own, won't make you any less of a loser. people who care about group identity usually feel - and in my expirience also definitely are - inferior. (and for that there's only one remedy: being successful on your own)
jew pls go.
Hey Veeky Forums, I get you are a bunch of clueless neets, but OCaml is prolific language in the real world. It was used to bootstrap C and is used literally everywhere. Sorry it's not plastered all over some cancerous HTML5 FLAT 2.0 (TM) website with 50 javascript libraries.
Your post confuses me. Are you implying that "far more racist" is an understatement, or that its bullshit? If the later, it seems that you contradict yourself with " if there wasn't the aryan brotherhood, white people would get punked a lot lot more."
Does anyone else not specifically hate and pity modern Native Americans?
>Get fucked by an advanced sedentary civilization.
>Too addicted to alcohol to advance themselves.
>Make up fairy stories about how their society wasn't backwards and ignorant but was the product of a conscious collective choice to be at peace with mother nature/gaia/THU LAND/ w.e to cover up the shame.
>bleeding heart whites soak up your excuses and create a cycle keeping your people constantly trapped in a shitty state of affairs.
If you ever meet a Native American the most humane thing you can do is look down your nose at him.
>europeans were here first nibba
It's pretty hilarious how /pol/ loves doing jew shit.
normies out REEEEEEEEE
get a job, frogboy
>>MSM acts shocked that a white person would join a white supremacist group in prison
The story that he became a WS in prison is a lie itself - he was openly WS in 2008, the only change in prison was he converted to paganism b/c he didn't like sharing Christianity with non-whites and pedophiles.
Link related:
>"Imma make my internet nazi friends lose thousands of dollars b/c muh ebin troll"
>He went to prison for hacking an iPad
*Visiting a publicly accessible URL
mfw Jane Street the #1 based wall street firm uses OCaml for everything
Ah yes fellow Nazis. I am merely a fellow goy, boy I sure do hate Jews. Anyone have any plans to commit illegal hate crimes? Im all ears!
>I don't understand how surnames work so person X is a Jew
Every time
>shekelberg? No that is a purely Aryan surname in origin! Anyway how about gassing some Jews and blacks, my fellow Nazis? See my over the top swastika tattoo? This shows I am a fellow Nazi despite not understanding anything about national socialism. Now who's ready to commit violent, racially-motivated crimes?
Sorry user, the experts have warned you
>shekelberg? No that is a purely Aryan surname in origin!
It literally is you dumb faggot because berg names all derive from German.
Some surnames have no Jewish connection at all and sound Jewish (Kjellberg, Hejlsberg, Aurenheimer), others are shared by Jews and puregoy Germans/Scandinavians.
Auernheimer is demonstably puregoy because there are no rabbi Auernheimers and
i fucking laught at this picture literally 2 minutes
fucking kek
fuck off, and leave my europe alone, fucking murican trash, you brougut it by yourself idiots, now you are running to your master?
nigger lover c u c k s