This board is too slow. We need a /pol/ adrenaline shot to keep us grounded and active.
Can we please merge /pol/ and Veeky Forums?
Why though?
just stay at /pol/ you dumb stormcuck
/pol/ fell for the civic nationalism meme because Britanny venti flashed them that one time
Just post on /pol/...
just pretend Veeky Forums is /pol/2.0 like the rest of us
No, we need the opposite. Better a slow non /pol/ board than a fast board about how the the Nazis were justified
Because this place was started by /int/ and /pol/tards whining for a serious discussion board.
yeah, we need more SJWs from leftypol!!
>stormfront is bad
>but leftypol is okay
why are SJWs such hypocrites?
>Being against stormfront is SJW
Really? 99% of normal people are against nazis
>being so mentally deficient you believe anyone who's not with you is against you
Blatantly wrong, stop being intellectually dishonest.
When did he mention /leftypol/, retard?
>99% of people support muh anti white politics
this is what leftypol cucks actually beleive
the only people who want the right out of Veeky Forums are you leftypol/reddit/revleft
only leftypol cries about "muh stormfront"
>Not being nazi = being anti white
Are you telling me that the average joe is not repulsed by nazism? You guys need to come back to real life. Too much time spent on /pol/.
We should combine Veeky Forums with /x/ while we're at it too desu.
You're just shitposting now, not even funny. But you got a (you) out of me.
leftypol: anyone who is not with us is against us
pol: anyone who is not with us is against us
libertarians: anyone who is not against us is with us
really whirls the mindcogs
The average Joe is a brainwashed cuck.
you leftists actually believe that anything that isn't part of your anti white ideology is "Nazism"
your also implying that the majority support you anti white subhumans.
>move humanities to Veeky Forums
>eliminate /soc/
>permanently merge /pol/ and /mpl/
>April Furs day /mlpol/ after implementing some kind of range ban to keep them from coming back
You literally can't argue with this.
I'm not a leftist. I'm more of a libertarian.
Keep those racist pricks out of our enlightened board.
>he doesn't factor dualism into his life as an inevitable reality
Absolutely plebeian
>I'm not a leftist. I'm more of a libertarian.
t. "libertarian"
>you leftists
daily reminder nazi stands for national socialism
Racial in-preference is often genetic. This is why we have 'racist' babies.
They were not that way and it's incredibly intolerant of you to not accept them for who they are.
>he isn't aware that Ernst Rohm and the rest of the left wing of the Nazi party got purged during the Night of the Long Knives