
Thoughts on Monacoin? It was being shilled hard as fuck yesterday for a while, but there's nothing today. Is this a good investment?

1. Was it posted on Veeky Forums
2. If yes, then it is NOT a good investment

no this coin is garbage lol

Yes, please buy near the ATH so you can be frustrated and sell off at a loss so that those of us that actually know and love the coin can worry less about pump n dumpers trying to ruin Mona


might be good but only invest a couple bucks

too risky to go in big


i read something about it being backed by the Japanese Yen, but it's not listed as a fiat tie in like USDT or CNYBTC on Bittrex, so i dont know what the fuck it is

jk mona is good :)

T-this was good advice

shit man
go on the subplebbit for it
go put monacoin in twitter
halving in 14 days
lotsa good stuff

I donno bro. I went balls deep in that shit. Either going to make a lot of $ or be a poor fag

we had a thread on it earlier already

The sudden spike started July 1st at 00:00 JST because the Japanese government just removed an 8% consumption tax on cryptocoins. it seems like it's just going back down to where it was before the hype. I'm still hopeful

I regret selling at 30k. This coin has earned me more than anything else. Just hold. It's going to continue to go up, step and ladder, for the next 2 weeks until the halving.

This is a comfy coin. Buy during weekend sale.

It's been steady. I'm buying more. Doesn't fluctuate when btc does and has real world usage in stores in Japan.

been on a consistent path other than the pumps from good news.
I'm going to guess it's because of the halving hype

and looking at the history, it's btc price use to be pretty high, but even at the peaks it was only 100 yen. We currently hit 99.8 yesterday. Even though it is not a ATH with btc rate it was ATH with JPY rate and I guess that's what the japanese care about. The next push might break 100 yen.

Does this coin have a similar relationship to the Japanese gov. as ANS does to the Chinese one? Or is it just trendy there because it's local?

>tfw I bought at 25900 and sold at 27400 then bought back at 33000 like a chump

don't worry user, I bought at 35
make or break right now
this is strengthening my hodling

Is this shit going to moon befote the halving or what? Every fucking thing dips as soon as i buy it now. wtf....i feel safer with xby

You sold? Why not buy back in if you believe in it?

What percentage of your portfolio is mona? Mines 10.5% with 40 mona

m-mona chan....
don't let me down...
put the mask back on and pump up to 50k

Me too bro

>his portfolio is sub 1k$

mona strong
mona carry all on back up charts
mona will provide


this coin is not good pls dont buy desu

Well, today Japan lifted the 8% tax for
Bitcoin purchases, so that's good. Gives incentive to buy with bitcoin. Also exchanges are insuring bitcoin purchases. So Mona is being used in Japan as well and has high trading volume. So the country is adapting to crypto and moving towards it. They still make a lot of weird shit though.


a big percentage. could be the biggest mistake of crypto career. only time will tell. right now im just trying to keep my mind off of it and hoping the bots will stop soon.

>weird shit

I am just a poor farmer, tending to my magic beans

oh shit mona chan giving me a hard one

Looks like it is getting ready to moon.

Kinda want some. I mean there's other shit I want that's more impressive, on top of pumping up my damn ANS holdings since I have the highest hopes for that, but I'm seeing a lot of everyday promise in monacoin too, especially since nip businesses are accepting it. I could see Japanese heavily investing soon just as a hedge against yen devaluation.

At only 70 something cents and with a mere 50 million supply and the major Chinese backers suck as Alibababa parterned with it, this thing can bring pretty fast x100 gains in a red market. What other couns besides Ans and Waves have an entire country behind them. Price is still low. Of all the big power coins, this one will give the biggest rewards by far. Halving is in 2 weeks....14 days.

My anus is ready. Either getting fistfucked or mooning baby. Let's do this.

too many eggs, not enough baskets. i'll buy back if it dips too much, but no meme money left to move around right now. may mine some more on lapool. but banking on ubiq for long run atm

Is it going to go lower than 70 now that the weekend is ending?

I just want to buy into this coin because it seems so damn comfy.

it is i felt like shit when i sold at 60 cents

yes monachan is a very cute coin!!!

i want to fugg monacoin

>tfw this coin will rise because neets had a need for a waifu coin

>DGB would be 4000 sats right now if DGB-chan didn't suddenly die

please dont compare that disgusting thing to mona chan

literally who?

monacoin- road to 100 yen

>on our last episode we reached 99.8 yen, and we were forced to retreat back to 85 yen.

>will mona chan be able to take down the evil 100 yen in next weeks episode?

>Tune in this Friday for the epic showdown!

Your waifu's lover





is this is shoop or is this oc i cannot tell

it's a shop of MOON-chan

It's gonna come back!
R-right guise...

It didnt go anywhere

If you're seriously getting worried please just look at the 1 day chart on zaif

It's basically doing nothing right now, about to set back down on the previous trendline and then we'll have comfy gains coming out of the weekend

There we go. I'm all in now. I have not more BTC.

mona-chan! tasukete!

Seeing a cup & handle pattern at the moment for monacoin. We might be in for a huge price increase this week.

Make sure to sell off at the top if it happens.

lol where do you see that? nothing of the sort on the chopping board

monachan will rise again




Im at a 2k$ loss right now

Aint fucking selling

This is about a working product that is being accepted in more and more japanese stores.

>tfw mona is the first shit I invested in quite a lot
>tfw it's tanking
>tfw not selling
Is this how it feels to have iron hands?
I don't want to become a dirty bagholder.

Same. Bought at the ATH like a faggot. Let's do this

Hehehehe! Just bought back in, I love watching you bend down, Mona!

It's just a correction. Was due to happen after hitting ATH. Just wait a day or three and it'll be pumping again.

That chart looks really healthy. No expanential growth or anything just smooth gains.

just bought in at 27.8k sats.


You know, fuck it, just sold a couple bags at a loss to buy this dip. I feel very confident that Mona will make it up and much more than that within a week (and I had held them for two).

Yep, it's a comfy coin for sure.

looking to buy in but i hate catching a falling knife. there are some really large sales orders. not sure if someone's actually planning to sell all those coins or just using the order book to attempt to force the price further down

You have to remember that Mona has a lot of whales and founders. One wallet contains 20% of all Mona, and there was no burning afaik in their history. That being said, they're not idiots and not greedy; the manipulation that happens generally works in favor of people that hodl and only catches those that try to pump-n-dump. I doubt they'd decide to just sell everything and bring the price down below 10k or anything like that, considering the community and potential for further growth.

It's possible that this is a falling knife and will stabilize around 22k where it was at a week ago, but 27k was the floor a few days ago, and Mona usually has pretty stable floors. If it falls to 22k, I still won't regret my purchase.

who was she before she put on the mask?


would ride/10

See, Mona is already recovering, always bet on Mona

A-are we safe?

mfw i bought at 27530 but only a part of my order got filled. hopefully it'll dip again and fill the rest

it was too idle at 27k, so I was sure it was the floor for the day.

Everybody fucking sell. These assholes are trying to make you hold their bags. Its going to fucking dip hard.

"These"? It's mostly glorious honorary Aryans hodling MONA. It may dip a bit more short-term, but 27k +/- a couple thousand will be the new floor for the next week, maybe even just the next few days.

Why do you think it'll dip?

the fake falls have been moved up to 29k now. he wants it to moon! get in bois!


Itching to convert my GNT into mona.
Should I?

alright order got filled so i'm in. might buy some more if it drops to 25k, and yet some more if it plummets to 20k

don't let me down, japs




God damnit market is green. Pick it up Mona you slut whore!

Do you actually have a reason or you just fudding?

If you don't believe me look at this chart of the japanese (people who buy it the most)

Get the fuck out.

Else enjoy holding bags for a month or longer

uh exactly what are you getting at here?

please stop talking about mona I dont want you shitters to turn her into a PnD coin

That this shit is going to fucking drop like a rock. Its going to be fucking freefall.

Everywhere you look its dropping like crazy. And the moving average is about to reverse indicating a long lasting bear market.

Look at bittrex FFS people are already going out because they know its about to happen