okay, Veeky Forums, question time.
when was the last time you backtracked on an ideological/theological/ethical/political/social/economical stance, what changed and what led to your decision?
okay, Veeky Forums, question time.
when was the last time you backtracked on an ideological/theological/ethical/political/social/economical stance, what changed and what led to your decision?
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libertarian here
i'm starting to open up to arguments against private property being legitimate
it only exists through coercion or violent defense
i still hate redistribution though
m8, i'll help you seize the means of reproduction, but you're still making your own shit with it
Consider myself an utilitarian, but I'm starting to doubt it.
I used to be a Leninist.
I gave up when I realized there are so many books I HAVE to read and my lazy ass wasn't ready for it. I'm still a pretty lefty, but now I'm reading more about history and barely any politics.
i went through a huge hippy period - smoked weed, dreads, etc, etc - you get it
i was a major pacifist, i never got loud and i never yelled, i never swung a fist - it led to a lot of selfish decisions like watching people walk out of small businesses with alcohol and shit like that. That didn't change things though, i was determined to stick to my beliefs and not betray the me i wanted to be
but one day, i walked out of a kebab shop with a box of chips after a night of heavy drinking and i got jumped by six random dudes, all kicking and stamping me into the ground. they didn't mug me or anything, it was a random and what felt at the time like a psychotic act of rage - they just seemed to like kicking me in a bit
it was a humbling experience because i realised i had nothing to barter with or cede to them, my pacifist, non violent bullshit would have never ever worked because there was no way to use it.
I was beaten on a wet street and left there sobbing and battered in november winter, and they really suck here.
op here
would you still consider yourself a leninist? I am pretty open to lots of writing, i live for books and what not, but ive never really considered myself a Leninist, more of a heavily left leaning SocDem
Bentham or Mill?
I always thought that the idea of avoiding conflict at all cost was ridiculous. Obviously violence is bad, and you shouldn't resort to it unless all other options have been exhausted, but sometimes you don't have a choice.
"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."
yeah for sure, as you can assume, i quickly adapted my staunch 'Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament' view of the world. Quickly ripped my patch off my coat and got rid of it all
I used to be a marxist leninist when i was younger
Then i realized that private property is important in a nation because even a businessman can become wealthy in a country so i become a fascist
I've always been a leftist but after reading more I've become sort of right winged in how I think countries develop in a capitalist context. The way to development is sadly through low salaries and the state favoring capital accumulation in detriment of workers. At the same time I've become much more anti-state/anarchist in non capitalist hypothetical scenarios, but I guess that's just mental masturbation.
OP here
That's a seriously radical switch. Why Fascist as opposed to other right wing ideologies that are less, what's the word? Dogmatic? Stubborn
Well, not anymore. Since I didn't go back to reading Lenin and other gommiez for a long time.
I completely relate to that. I can see the sad reality of development, but equally it completely disagrees with my morals. I am still at that really awkward point between ideologies where you want what's best for people, but equally the state. You'll never satisfy both ofcourse, but I think my mandate to the regular people is stronger than that to private institutions that are doing very well off whilst others suffer. Hence my positions as a SocDem
Interesting, I am an avid history fan simultaneous to my interest in politics. Do you find that how history has played out and the fear of repeating its mistakes plays a part in how you think politically?
Well its not really radical switch, i mean, Benito Mussolini himself used to be a socialist before the creation of the Fascist Party, and i think its the only posible system for a proletarian nation
"We are fighting to impose a higher social justice. The others are fighting to maintain the privileges of caste and class. We are proletarian nations that rise up against the plutocrats. It can not last the absurdity of artificially induced famines. They denounce the blatant failure of the system. I am more convinced than ever that the world can not get out of the dilemma: either Rome or Moscow."
-Mussolini in 1945 in one of his last interviews
Honestly women and men are fundamentally different in the way they think and in their body chemistry that most feminist ideas are kinda silly, for instance
>Depression ratio is 2:1 women to men
>1/10 women report depression in the last year
>Women tend to think more along the lines of feelings
>Men tend to be more goal focused
>Women can discern colors better than men
>Men can track moving objects better than women
Men and women are fundamentally different, it's no wonder women get paid less when their depression rates are higher and thus will likely be much less productive. In addition, they take off work twice as much as men.
I'm by no means a "muh tradition" guy but very few people realize how fundamentally different men and women are and how those things explain different problems we face in society
I used to consider myself pretty right wing and a social libertarian and nationalist. However when talking with a few intellectual Libertarians and Republicans I found myself speaking in a much farther left narrative. I remember embarrassingly telling a Ukrainian Immigrant that I believe that I thought that though unions are better for the working class, they usually have mob connections and are always only a tad less corrupt than the corporations they work against, then claiming that was a centrist point of view for distrusting both. I highly admire centrism but I think I know now that I'm center-left to left with the same nation libertarian beliefs added in with a dash of states rights, environmentalism, and decentralization.
Nothings changed much really. There's a few embarrassing moments I regret saying on politics now but I still feel more connected with libertarian or patriotic anti-liberals. I just stopped lying to myself about being right wing and stopped falling for all the slogans.
I used to be a supporter or capitalism because of free market memes. Then I realized you don't need capitalism to have markets, and markets with externalities and separate markets for wage laborers and those with capital isn't really free.
>i'll help you seize the means of reproduction, but you're still making your own shit with it
If you mean production, that's actual socialism, not meme central planning or welfare socialism.
Lenin is shit. Absolute shit.
DemSoc makes more sense than SocDem. The only reason why SocDem exists is because it's easier to transition to because it's just state welfare capitalism.
It's like you abandoned meme welfare social leftism and embraced Marxist historical determinism.
>what's best for the state
Spooky as fuck. What's good for the state should not come at the expense of the individual. The only usefulness for the state is the usefulness of it to the individuals of the state.
The problem with and consolidation of political leadership is they usually have to make more pragmatic alliances and compromises rather than sticking to ideology.
You done good.