I'll start
ITT: tragic figures of history
>the most famous tranny in history was the worst and most embarrassingly pathetic emperor of all time
Why can't we have anything
How much about this guy was actually true tho. Romans loved talking shit about Emperors once they were dead.
I doubt you could remain Emperor for 4 years being as weird as the stories claim he was.
i mean the dude died when he was 18
sad, short, violent life. he and his mom were beheaded and dragged through the streets.
Worst part? His grandmother both put him into power and decided it was time for him to die
The wildest stories about Elagabalus are from the Augustan History, widely considered an example of ancient shitposting.
Punished Wang. He just wanted a commie free china, at any price
He probably had the hardest life of any patrician Roman, and yet he used his power so well, but was vilified in his day and to this day.
so what he got to retire to his villa and enjoy the good life. Hardly tragic.
That's my point, despite laying down so much power voluntarily with enemies still alive, he was still hated by Romans of his day and unknown by people today. They meme on/love those tyrants Caesar and Augustus when Sulla was better by far.
Apparently he had a massive public funeral, seemed to be an all around mad lad. He is (wrongfully)definitely forgotten by the public today though.
>be duke of Moray
>cousin is king of Scotland
>loses a battle to Anglofags down south
>tries to invade me to cover his debts
>my men kill him in battle
>become king by retarded Scottish succession laws
>not complaining, I get to be king
>everyone's pretty cool with me, despite the whole killed-cousin-in-battle thing
>cousin's wife fled to England with her kids
>cousin's dad fights for the kid's claim on the throne, dies
>try to fight vikings, get shit pushed in
>nephew dies in the battle
>get a bunch of Normans in court, use their ideals on this hot new "feudalism" thing to rule in ways that suck less
>Anglofags down south get butthurt, cousin's wife may have been their earl's daughter
>Saxon berserkers pour into Scotland like Goths through the gates of Rome
>get killed in battle by cousin's kid
>stepson becomes king
>gets murdered 6 months later by cousin's kid, too
>kid is now king of scotland
>mfw some asshole writes a "history" book that says I made a literal deal with the devil 500 years later
>mfw another asshole writes a play based on that book
>mfw that playwright becomes the most renowned author in all of European history
>mfw everyone is convinced that I'm a insane tyrant who believed in magic
>When Elagabalus' grandmother Julia Maesa perceived that popular support for the emperor was waning, she decided that he and his mother, who had encouraged his religious practices, had to be replaced. As alternatives, she turned to her other daughter, Julia Avita Mamaea, and her daughter's son, the thirteen-year-old Severus Alexander.
>Prevailing on Elagabalus, she arranged that he appoint his cousin Alexander as his heir and that the boy be given the title of Caesar. Alexander shared the consulship with the emperor that year. However, Elagabalus reconsidered this arrangement when he began to suspect that the Praetorian Guard preferred his cousin to himself.
>Following the failure of various attempts on Alexander's life, Elagabalus stripped his cousin of his titles, revoked his consulship, and invented the rumor that Alexander was near death, in order to see how the Praetorians would react. A riot ensued, and the Guard demanded to see Elagabalus and Alexander in the Praetorian camp.
>The emperor complied and on 11 March 222 he publicly presented his cousin along with his own mother, Julia Soaemias. On their arrival the soldiers started cheering Alexander while ignoring Elagabalus, who ordered the summary arrest and execution of anyone who had taken part in this display of insubordination. In response, members of the Praetorian Guard attacked Elagabalus and his mother:
>He made an attempt to flee, and would have got away somewhere by being placed in a chest had he not been discovered and slain, at the age of eighteen. His mother, who embraced him and clung tightly to him, perished with him; their heads were cut off and their bodies, after being stripped naked, were first dragged all over the city, and then the mother's body was cast aside somewhere or other, while his was thrown into the [Tiber]
>Following his assassination, many associates of Elagabalus were killed or deposed, including his lover Hierocles.
How can GoT even compete?
Corbulo's a better example of a prominent Roman who got dealt a shit hand.
Speaking of Nero-era Romans, poor Claudia Octavia. I wish I could go back in time and protect her.
truly, elagabalus' life could be a great miniseries
in fact, a lot of emperors' lives could be.
What I want tho is a series or miniseries dedicated to the last century of the western roman empire. That shit fascinates me to no end
>What I want tho is a series or miniseries dedicated to the last century of the western roman empire
user you know as well as I do that they'd have all the Romans running around in lorica segmentata wielding a scutum and a gladius and all the generals would be wearing muscle cuirasses and attic helmets shouting "Form testudo!" against a bunch of Germans wearing raggedy bits of fur and Huns played by Japanese people
keep Hollywood's dirty mits off my precious late Rome
what manga is this
kento ankokuden cestus, follows a slave boxer mostly but nero is one of the supporting characters
this so much
Pretty much every venerated Saint of whatever church had a shit life. Becoming a Saint is like getting the wooden spoon for being last.
Ethernal Shakespo did this to Richard III too.
>be noble and quite succesful king
>reforming army, developing new trade routes, encouraging art and culture, kings stuff
>die like a man and noble knight in a fight, protecting Yorks legacy because of treason
>tudors propaganda shits on you
>some potentially mythical arsehole writes a play about you, portraying you like some evil cartoon villian
>that's how you will be remembered for centuries
It always amazed me how his life was basically a plot of classical opera tragedy.
Pyotr Stolypin
>The last great statesman of the Russian Empire
>He tried to save the Empire and modernize
>Wanted nothing more than 20 years of peace for Russia
>Tried so hard and got so far
>Was assassinated before he could finish his reforms
He was talanted, but he should understand the age of monarchy was over and Russia was one of the last to crumble. Of course, it's natural for a government man to keep everything stable, but still.
I'd like to see how you'd "understand" everything back then.
>and Russia was one of the last to crumble
Is this bait or are you fucking retarded? Russia was the first one since the French Revolution.
>Be born into a well-off Jewish family in Prussia
>Want to prove yourself as a German
>Convert to christianity and let go off your Jewish heritage
>Invent the artificial fertilizer that will save millions of people from starvation
>WW1 breaks out
>Decide to work fully for the fatherland in hope of acceptation
>Develop toxic gas to be used against the empire's enemies
>Wife finds out what you have invented and developed
>Decides to kill herself out of the misery you have brought to earth
>Both sides now use toxic gas
>War is over
>Veterans of all sides now despise you
>Keep working on your projects
>Hitler rises to power
>Imagine he might make an exception for you since you are converted and worked hard for the Fatherland
>Not really, in the end you're just a Jew like all others
>Flee the country
>Die alone, hated by everyone
>Just wanted to be seen as a German
>tfw you will never pay the Roman Empire to suck your dick
The holohoax was just that, a bunch of propaganda.
It never happened, the US and it's allies killed all those people.
You forgot how they used the fertilizer to make bombs
To be fair, he was the one who filled up the treasury to begin with.
Ehhh...he probably grew up wealthy, was consul in his 40s, brother-in-law of an emperor, and all this while plebeian (though noble) to boot.
Tragedy as in sad or tragedy as in it's their fault they died
WEW lad
>not fucking yo by refusing over and over again to acknowledge the truth
who are some more historical degenerates?
>De Sade
other examples?
Probably unironically Hitler.
>Wants to be an artist
>Gets rejected from art
>Gets beaten by his dad
>Brother dies young
>Mother dies young
>Goes off to fight a war getting wounded twice only to return home each time to find that public are against the war effort
>Sees his beloved country divided up
>Attempts to right these supposed wrongs (albeit whilst wrongfully blaming jews and commies)
>Is defeated
>Becomes a synonym for Evil and the go to bad guy of history. Will forever be the worst man of History.
>All because he had Freuds wet dream of a childhood and adolescence.
Inb4 "fuck off back to m8"
I'm not justifying anything he did because he was awful and a mass murderer but it could be argued that he became such a piece of shit because he never had someone to talk to about his problems as a child.
It's so peculiar how history could have changed so dramatically and been so different with only a slight adjustment to the most insignificant of events.
>loved and respected by all of Rome
>forced into an unhappy marriage
>Nero has your brother poisoned
>regularly cheated on and beaten
>citizens get so pissed they start protesting
>Nero decides to kill her
>open up her veins
>suffocate her in a vapor bath
>have her head cut off and sent to that whore Poppaea
>only 22