Wouldn't it have been easier if Nazi Germany simply used Africa or the Levant for Lebensraum?
Wouldn't it have been easier if Nazi Germany simply used Africa or the Levant for Lebensraum?
God do you think they those nazi boys were secretly gay and would fuck a cute Aryan boy like me?
Maybe, there were lots of fags in the nazi party.
no that was too simple for those retards
Blood and soil
Are there any writings on homosexuality in the nazi party?
Its hot barren climate doesn't suit the nature of the Aryans
the british offered to give them their african colonies that had been seized after wwi back as hitler escalated the invasion of poland. but hitler was quite diabolically committed to a european war to secure lebensraum...tldr he was too full of himself from his previous successes to even countenance such an offer from chamberlain.
Don't know, but Ernst Rohm was an open fag, you could start with him.
>implying the top NSDAP scientists wouldn't have figured out how to terraform the entire planet's climate by now
They believed that Europe was owed to them.
anime when?
Why did Prussia not being German matter more to Britain than the African colonies?
the hitler youth before the night of the long knives was rife with homosexuality according to what i read in evan's third reich in power
how do we get rid of the retards who just took sixth grade history? see:
wow really
sounds fun
as I understand it, hitler's open repudiation of the Munich agreement (taking all of czechia for the reich and not just sudetenland) it became crystal clear that hitler was not going to stick to his word. It wasn't simply an issue of taking the polish corridor but now that hitler's plans for european domination were becoming clear and he would stop at nothing to get what he wanted without recourse to diplomacy, England and France had to act against Germany before they could threaten their continental supremacy.
>it became crystal clear that hitler was not going to stick to his word
Also I should say that although it is suspected that Chamberlain used Munich to stall for rearmament, he genuinely did not want to repeat a world war and was willing to go to great lengths to prevent war from erupting and lives being shed for nothing. But he also staked his whole reputation on the Munich Agreement and felt deeply betrayed as Hitler became more belligerent after having felt that he had come to a personal agreement with him in Europe.
That makes no sense. USSR stole Eastern European and Central Asian countries but that's fine with them? Holy fuck Britbongs are retarded
Most of the concern was that if someone could just blockade them and cut them off there was no point.
Germany got cucked by British naval blockades in WWI and Lebensraum was the answer to that. Hitler wanted autarky, and it's hard to achieve when Britain's finger is on your lifeline and they can squeeze whenever they like.
Are you acting like the soviets weren't a major concern for most of the allies?
If Hitler wasn't a fucking moron and trod on Britain's toes in regards to Poland he'd have had eager allies in the British, they'd been afraid of Russian expansion for over a century by that point.
Don't forget it was Germany that made a non aggression pact with the soviets before invading Poland.
>USSR stole Eastern European
literally wat. eastern europe got occupied after the war
>Central Asian countries
these had already been under russian imperial rule so the soviets had a semilegitimate claim reconquering them, though the british tried to prop up regimes and foment counterrevolutions against the bolsheviks at the time. But, anyway, central asia was even further removed from the westneru european imagination than eastern and central europe and, besides that, central asia's being conquered had happened two decades earlier and was a basic fact that nobody would have thought about when all eyes were on Hitler.
It wouldn't have stopped the war. Germany is geopolitically fated to war due to it's position in Europe.
But they won decades later anyway with the EU without firing a shot. Now they can use the poor EU nations to keep the Euro under control and export like crazy. Capitalism did what the German war machine never could. Now all they have to do is survive the Islam import backlash and ride it out until it's normalized.
There's no way ever in any possible timeline that Britain wouldn't try to contain Germany over Russia under any circumstance. The entire British foreign policy in Europe revolved around keeping Germany split at any cost.
If some Mr. Rogers version of Hitler rose up instead and did exactly what Hitler did except with some magical convincing power instead of military action, Britain would have fabricated a reason to get involved instead of being called in due to Poland. A strong Germany always leads to British antagonism, and morality has nothing to do with it.
reminder that the mod removes threads exposing Jewish control of European communism but allows threads like these.
“And so we National Socialists consciously draw a line beneath the foreign policy tendency of our pre-war period,” Hitler emphasized in Mein Kampf. “We take up where we broke off six hundred years ago. We stop the endless German movement to the south and west, and turn our gaze toward the land in the east. At long last we break off the colonial and commercial policy of the pre-war period and shift to the soil policy of the future. If we speak of soil in Europe today, we can primarily have in mind only Russia and her vassal border states.”
Not only did expansion in the east accord with Hitler’s ideology, but it also seemed to offer the fewest risks. Germany would conquer the necessary living space at the expense of the allegedly racially inferior Slavs, secure for Germany the resources needed to make it self-sufficient and powerful, and put it in position to wage a successful struggle against the Jewish-Bolshevik enemy. Moreover, expansion in the east seemed promising because Jewish-Bolshevik rule had, in Hitler’s opinion, already ruined the Russian state and left it ripe for collapse. “The struggle for world hegemony,” he claimed, “will be decided for Europe by the possession of Russia’s space: this will make Europe the most blockade-proof spot in the world.” Finally, Hitler believed that such eastward expansion posed no fundamental threat to the British Empire. Thus, if Germany pursued a purely continental policy and avoided any challenge to Britain’s colonial or commercial interests, which Hitler believed had been the key mistake of German governments before 1914, Britain might even aid in the destruction of Russia. Indeed, throughout the 1920s and 1930s, and even in the first years of World War II, he persisted in the belief that Britain would, ultimately, be an ally of German-dominated Europe in the eventual struggle with the United States for world domination.
It's a lot harder to keep land seperated from your home nation, especially when nearly all of your enemies would have a land border with said colonies
A blitzkrieg wouldn't work in sub saharan africa
I can't understand how they could've possibly thought their whole colonising Russia idea would ever pan out. Did they imagine some kind of analogy with the conquest of North America? Because that conquest was unwittingly aided by diseases and the pitched conflict was brutal and awful and went on for hundreds of years.