Germany 1933: The Communists somehow win the election and are able to curtail the opposition in the same year similar to Hitler in our timeline.
What happens from there?
Germany 1933: The Communists somehow win the election and are able to curtail the opposition in the same year similar to Hitler in our timeline.
What happens from there?
Other urls found in this thread:
Communism would probably spread to France.
The USSR and Germany becoming one country
So they would attack and partition poland?
>So they would attack and partition Poland?
Highly unlikely given the isolationist bent of the socialism of that era and the fact that if Germany could go communist without military intervention it would change their outlook.
+ and this is rather significant one of the main reasons why the USSR went after Poland was to create a buffer state between them and Germany (due to their WWI experience).
Also it would mean the USSR would have completed its statue of liberty
better pic
>Germany and France going coommunist
Would that have inspired other countries to go red? Spain would have had closer allies in the civil war, if it would have happened at all,
>Captcha; metauro St Germans
I had no idea the Soviets were building a statue of liberty type monument
The German Army steps in and the Weimar Republic becomes a military dictatorship. Wilhelm might even regain the throne, as a constitutional monarch.
The entire European continent would have turned red while England, her colonies and America would have turned farther right.
>Would that have inspired other countries to go red?
Firstly the prestige that came from an advanced western European country going red secondly and most importanlty the co-operation between the two would have allowed them to create a vastly more impressive from of socialism (this is partly discussed bellow) far quicker due to German technical aide as well as the fact that international communism couldnt be dominated by Russia. Thirdly it would vastly increase the resources able to be sent to other communist parties and possibly notch up communist internationalism.
>if it would have happened at all,
Spain happened indepdently of the events in Russia and Germany.
Yeah at that time they had finished their industrial 5 year plans and had just started their consumer goods and housing one which was supposed to make it a decent country but it got interrupted by Nazi threat.
They tried that and failed hard against the fragile mess that was the Wiemar Republic
France and Poland make a pre-emptive strike on Germany, as it was proposed IRL in 1933. France would be much more eager to attack in this scenario, wouldn't it?
How does Polish military compare to German in 1933?
Back then they were against a democratic republic dominated by social democrats.
If the Communist won there would be a German civil war like in Spain. Junkers, industrialists and the army were too powerful to give up so easily.
>If the Communist won there would be a German civil war like in Spain. Junkers, industrialists and the army were too powerful to give up so easily.
Read the OP.
The Junker class was powerless without the army and had to shill to the Freikorps, as their traditional powerbase; lands east of the elbe and brandenburg/berlin were either partitioned or were in the area that adhered to 'red berlin'. Weimar Prussia was the strongest democratic force in the former empire and only Hitler's intervention saw them return to pre war relevance.
Or the Franco German rapprochement doesnt fizzle out, the Weimar republic doesn't collapse, and we have none of these silly fascist and commie shites running around.
In that hypothetical scenario, why not. We're obviously overblowing the sway communist movements actually had in western europe here so yeah sure, let's go full red.
>We're obviously overblowing the sway communist movements actually had in western europe here
But then it's no fun. I want a realistic development.
Then the only countries where it would be reasonable to have some kind of full-fledged hard red turn are France and Spain, the latter with the caveat of much heavier and far more explicit Soviet/Western/both support.
The Republican Forces arguably could have won the war if the Western European countries actually upheld and enforced their promises regarding neutrality.
But the truth is it's completely unrealistic, the kpd would have needed to go from 17% to 50% to win 1933 since the SPD would have never worked with the KPD post 1914 split. And germany had the largest commie following in western europe. And france wouldn't have followed suit either. The french equivalent was the PCF, and it scored 7% of the votes.
So even if you almost tripled the influence communists had in europe, just so germany could go red like OP suggests, then french commies would have only scored about 21%.
But if we're indulging in alt-fiction with a pro-red narrative, then maybe spain could swing red with german KPD support during their republican civil war? I think that's more likely than france turning red.
>SPD would have never worked with the KPD post 1914 split.
Probably not after the SPD called up the friekorps in 1919 as well
Well that goes without saying. Based Noske did nothing wrong.