>start of semester
>hang up pic related cause it looks cool and brightens up my room
>take class on history of Constantinople
>now I hate Venetians
>start of semester
>hang up pic related cause it looks cool and brightens up my room
>take class on history of Constantinople
>now I hate Venetians
Anyone else got some cool Veeky Forumstorical decorations?
I also have this map.
>he didn't read at least two 1000 paged books on world history by the age of 12 and needs university to teach him basics
There is a great prejudice against the Byzantines in Western historiography, particularly in the Anglosphere.
>being surprised that collages teach things a kid in middle school could learn if he spent some time in the library
this is collage after all they are day care centers for adult children
Nice Futurama reference my dude.
It's pretty sweet though, I'm at Edinburgh uni so I've had lectures from Jim Crow and Margaret Mullett.
>now I hate Venetians
y tho
Venice did nothing wrong. There is no such thing as "good" or "bad" when it comes to history.
I purchased an old Benin flag, the one with a guy cutting another guy's head off, but its just stuck in my closet. I should hang it.
greeks literally asked for it, though
How is it bait, exactly?
Fuck that'd be cool, I need to get one.
Victim blaming T.B.H.
you misogynist
>you will never be 100 year old Enrico Dondolo standing on the bow of the ship leading the mighty Venetian navy full of Europe's finest killers, blindly waving your sword in the general direction of the capital of the world, screaming for the army to attack as your two helpers are struggling to keep you from jumping off into the wild sea
Feels bad, man.
Join the Benin army :DD:D:
genuinely tempted
>you will never be 100 year old Enrico Dondolo standing on the bow of the ship leading the mighty Venetian navy full of Europe's finest killers, wearing your old Benin Empire flag t-shirt, blindly waving your sword in the general direction of the capital of the world, screaming for the army to attack as your two helpers are struggling to keep you from jumping off into the wild sea
Feels fucking bad, man.
You think the only reason he suggested going over the golden horn walls was because he didn't know there was water in the way?
Like he screamed "just go over the walls!" and they had to contrive some way of actually doing that?
Well when he fought Bulgaria in Adrianople, he allegedly led his crossbowmen into a charge against the Bulgarian cavalry.
Was Dandolo actually an idiot? Did one of his assistants come up with all the good ideas and just guided him towards them?
He was probably a religious fanatic who thought God is controlling him in battles or something.
Anyways, the story is the Latin kinds couldn't pay their loans to Venice yet again, so Dondolo basically said either they come up with the money, or he conquers them.
The latins said Bulgaria has money, we'll go borrow some, and started raiding. This prompted a war, and Dondolo went to help his allies.
Near Adrianople the latins got routed, so Dondolo had his soldiers, all mercenary crossbowmen, charge at the bulgarians to allow the latins to properly evacuate. It didn't work, they lost the war, Dondolo was wounded and died the next year.
Imagine being a bulgarian knight and seeing a 100 year old man with blind glass eyes, wearing the fanciest richest clothes, shouting something about paying debts and charging at you. You'd quit wine on the spot.
t.too poor to afford to go to a uni.
They deserved it: en.wikipedia.org
muslims and darkies are bad europeans are good
>Was Dandolo actually an idiot?
No. The blindness thing is totally unconfirmed. Supposedly he received some eye damage during the massacre of the latins, maybe lost an eye. Very unlikely that he was actually fucking blind. It's not like he was a hereditary ruler, dude fucking won elections to become doge. He couldn't have been neither stupid nor insane.
>He was probably a religious fanatic
>a dude who diverted a fucking crusade to settle a ramped up trade dispute
And this makes sense how?
i feel you family
Not everyone has your level of autism, user.
A catholic fanatic, not a "christian" fanatic. There was no "christian" kinship back then, remember the catholics didn't even fight the Ottomans properly until OH SHIT THEY TOOK HALF THE BALKANS.
Kill a traitor before an enemy, hate a heretic more than an infidel, etc.
> "Although his eyes appeared normal, he could not see a hand in front of his face, having lost his sight after a head wound."
t. Geoffrey of Villehardouin, personal friend of Dondolo
>"Documents show Dandolo's signature being fully legible in 1174 but sprawling across the paper in 1176, suggesting that his sight deteriorated over time."
t. Thomas F. Madden, historian of the crusades
>muslims and darkies are bad
They commit barbarous acts against Europeans for one. Enslavement and oppression is common by their hands.
Europeans kill muslims and destroy many mosques too.
I've got a poster of Mile High Chicago.
>muh semantics
Why did they skip over the massacre of the latins
>forever butthurt you were too stupid to attend college
How is it that the Venetians get the blame for the Fourth Crusade and the Franks get away without a scratch. The entire thing and all of the worst sacking is the fault of the Franks.
>The religious differences between the two sides, who viewed each other as schismatics, further exacerbated the problem. The Italians proved uncontrollable by imperial authority: in 1162, for instance, the Pisans together with a few Venetians raided the Genoese quarter in Constantinople, causing much damage.[1] Emperor Manuel subsequently expelled most of the Genoese and Pisans from the city, thus giving the Venetians a free hand for several years.[7]
>In early 1171, however, when the Venetians attacked and largely destroyed the Genoese quarter in Constantinople, the Emperor retaliated by ordering the mass arrest of all Venetians throughout the Empire and the confiscation of their property.[1] A subsequent Venetian expedition in the Aegean failed: a direct assault was impossible due to the strength of the imperial forces, and the Venetians agreed to negotiations, which the Emperor stalled intentionally. As talks dragged on through the winter, the Venetian fleet waited at Chios, until an outbreak of the plague forced them to withdraw.[8]
>The Venetians and the Empire remained at war, with the Venetians prudently avoiding direct confrontation but sponsoring Serb uprisings, besieging Ancona, Byzantium's last stronghold in Italy, and signing a treaty with the Norman Kingdom of Sicily.[9] Relations were only gradually normalized: there is evidence of a treaty in 1179,[10] although a full restoration of relations would only be reached in the mid-1180s.[11] Meanwhile, the Genoese and Pisans profited from the dispute with Venice, and by 1180, it is estimated that up to 60,000 Latins lived in Constantinople.[1]
Because the Franks are like a fighting dog. You set him loose somewhere you want and it'll just ravage its target until there's nothing left.
Romans fault for being that weak that merchants could organize riots and gangs in your capital
Well they weren't, they massacred them.
After the Venetians were expelled and relations were normalized there was no reason to do anything to them. The Greeks behaved like savage niggers.
And then they got BTFO because of it. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
>He didn't have a private tutor to teach him history from the age of 6 to 15
>His parents can't speak Italian and insist on speaking said tongue at home.
>He didn't have a basic understanding of the history of fucking Venice.
>He doesn't go to a Russell group university
>He has never been to Italy nor has he ever met one
>He's american
Fourth crusade happened because a Byzantine pretender dragged them into it, not because of a bunch of Latins that live in the other side of Europe. Stop with the revisionism
>ma chi è quel mona che bate la porta e chiude urlando?
What did he mean by this?
>The massacre further worsened the image of the Byzantines in the West, and although regular trade agreements were soon resumed between Byzantium and Latin states, the underlying hostility would remain, leading to a spiraling chain of hostilities: a Norman expedition under William II of Sicily in 1185 sacked Thessalonica, the Empire's second largest city, and the German emperors Frederick Barbarossa and Henry VI both threatened to attack Constantinople
>The worsening relationship culminated with the brutal sack of the city of Constantinople by the Fourth Crusade in 1204, which led to the permanent alienation of Eastern Orthodox and Roman Catholics. The massacre itself however remains relatively obscure, and Catholic historian Warren Carroll notes that "Historians who wax eloquent and indignant—with considerable reason—about the sack of Constantinople ... rarely if ever mention the massacre of the Westerners in ... 1182."
I don't speak or read Venetian so i wouldn't know
Actually, I am at a Russell group university.
Venice did nothing wrong, Byzantines were weak degenerate who needed to take the sword
The Franks were the ones who broached the idea of the Fourth Crusade with extravagant promises of grand armies that never materialized. It was fucked right out of the gate and the Venetians had to do something or they were done. Not to mention Boniface had set the whole thing up with Alexios beforehand (and Alexios had neither the means nor intention to actually pay). The Venetians got fucked over pretty hard and had to do something and for it got labelled as villains thanks to Franks and Greeks. The Byzantine Empire would've died anyway.
Literally nothing about what you said pointed out that it was the direct reason for the 4th crusade
>speaking anything other than latin inside your family's state.
which one?
>What did he mean by this?
che devi votare PD
>Christendom wasn't a thing until with chaledonian Christianity
>the great schism becoming official is not the most tragic part of the eastern romans death
Nice flag, where did you get it? I was thinking of getting a Byzantine one recently actually. Found one for about thirty bucks on eBay.
dindu nuffin?
t. Germano Mosconi R.I.P.
I've got maps of Alexander the Great's conquests and of the Roman Empire under its greatest extent. I love the hand-drawn look. The next one I'll get will either be the Byzantines, the Diadochi or the crusader states.
I've also got "marble" busts of Homer and Aristotle, and a little Roman centurion figurine dotting my bookshelf
My brother is hanging a Templar and Prussian flag in his room
I have a Rhodesia and a Cascadia flag, I don't hang the former anymore though. I originally just liked them for their commie fighting prowess but I later learned that for a country that supposedly was nothing like apartheid era South Africa they were still really racist
damn, they are nice, where'd you get those from?
Some artist out of a booth that shows up to a Wisconsin Renassiance Faire.$10 a map, and it's on good material. Nice guy too, but I can't remember the name of his establishment. I can look it up because I have friends working there, I think he does shipping
ah thats pretty cool, shame it'd cost a fortune to ship it to the UK, thanks though
But Constantinople deserved everything that happened to them
Don't know why autists on this site forget that
Lake Garda, I think.
>not having a firm grasp of the classics and Western history by the end of secondary education
>knowing neither Latin nor Greek
>reading fewer than 40-50 books a year
Seriously &Humanities, step it up.
t. STEMfag
>come from poorfag council estate
>resit failed school to apply to unis
>teachers tell me not to bother
>dont help me with UCAS
>i know nothing about unis so i apply to the cities that sound nice
>they're all Russell Groups
>all but one reject my offer
>Get into the one anyway
>tfw went to uni and did PhD outside Russell Group
>currently a lecturer at Cambridge, previously a postdoc at Oxford
>Jim Crow
Tell him we miss him- Dixie
To be fair they dindu nuffin, and I'm a Byzaboo.
Venetians were just the transport, Crusaders were the ones that did most of it.
They weren't exactly unprovoked though.
I mean reading the accounts it absolutely bizarre how the Byzantines acted with an increasingly frustrated foreign army at their door. The series of events unfolded over nearly a year yet they barely mustered any effort to resolve the issue and instead just happily heaped insults and provocations at the foreign army at their doorstep until it snapped and sacked their city.
Venetians are cool my man.
Ventian bankers along in addition to the 4th crusade was objectively bad
It was good for Venice.