My father fought in the yugoslav wars, and had a lot of stuff left over after. As a kid, i managed to brake 2 of his helmets because i used to hit them with hamers, put them on and run into the walls head first, they say he had a scope from his sniper rifle i broke, but dont remember that, he had a real nice black special op tipe suit, with 2 zippers going from your leg up to your neck on both legs (pic somewhat related), but i used to larp as a kid, put it on, jump fences, i managed to fuck the zippers up and tear it, now it's gone, thrown away. I had a jar full of shrapnel we pulled from the florboards of my room while renovating, i played with it as a kid, but we trew it away because grandma feared it was iradiated, i managed to set one of his camo wests on fire, he had 2 small boxes of medical supliesbandages and needles, but we threw that away so the younger sister doesnt stab herself, dad also had a fuckton of all kinds of military shirts, vests, pants and so on, he gave it away to some cousin because he needed it to work in construction, so thats's gone, he had 2-3 9mm armor piercing rounds but we shot that at the range. I cant even begin to tell you how sorry i feel for fucking up and loosing all that. All we have left is one cammo shirt i wear around the house, bayonet he took from from a dead serb soldier, one nice woolen bacalava he wore in the winters, leather pistol holster, and 2 sleeping bags. Now post what you fucked up
ITT: historical objects or artifacts you and your family broke or lost
And we also have his unit pach in the car, forgot about that
I have a completly rusted out beyond recognition WWI revolver that my dumb grandfather and his brother used to play when they where kids, throwing it into water and stuff.
Shit, thats even more valuable than all of the things i fucked up
probably thought they were keeping it clean chill the fuck out if ur so smart build a time machine and go back in time and teach them chemistry smart guy
My grandma still uses an old shot through german helmet as a stop for her gate. It looks like trash now, but was in pretty good shape when I was younger.
>gifted (supposedly) Vietnam-era Marine Ka-Bar, almost identical to pic related, wear and all
>take it to creek nearby, while fishing
>forget about it by the creek
>rains overnight
>come back next day
>washed away, scabbard and all.
>grandfather on dad's side won Bronze and Silver Stars, in WWII, for taking part in the invasion of Normandy (bomber) and rescuing an officer with a jeep
>dad pawned them for drug money, after he died
>Deed from ancient Korea long before north and south split up
>Literally, unironically, WE WUZ KANGZ AND SHIET
>Huge debate over who owns the rights to it
>Kind of worthless now because back then, property was decided by "you own land from this tree to that rock" instead of static, defined borders. Also, it's not like North Korea's giving back our land anytime soon
>Oldest uncle claims it's his, because oldest son traditionally gets it
>Everyone else says "nah, fuck off" because he's always tried to run off and do his own shit, aside from the family
>Based grandpa once used it as a book cover for my dad's textbooks as a sort of "your education will build you your own empire now" sort of lesson
>Because of this, official deed has ink marks and an imprint from the text book on it, which was, admittedly, unwise
>Even though it was a very foolish thing to do to such a valuable family heirloom, I still find it admirable that he'd do such a thing
>In a way, I think he was finally trying to let go of the past that was haunting our family and embrace our future as life as Americans
>Keep asking grandpa to write a book about his life, but I know he won't
>Know he'll die with no one left to tell his life story for him
>"Such is the cost of life as a human"
How does a knife survive vietnam and it's weather and then gets destroyed by rain in one night ?
Was your dad a Cetnik?
I think it was literally washed away by the storm and he couldn't find it.
People have known how to keep firearms clean for 500+ years my guy
No, he fought against Cetniks
>not hoarding all your family relics for hundreds of years
I still have my great-great grandpa's painting and beer stein collection.
Most people only have factory workers and peasants as ancestors who obviously dont leave many family relics behind
so he was what?
A bosniak, defending Sarajevo
My dad's got a rusted old WWII bayonet from his grandfather who fought in the Pacific Theater. Not really broken or anything, but my little brother used to take pictures of himself with it to be edgy
Oh okay, that's good then
Why was your grandfather fighting in a theater?
wait a minute. I just had an epiphany: The world's a stage, thus wwii was just a show
My grandparents earned (and somehow lost during their own lifes) two rare badges of parachuting instructors of OSOAVIAHIM which existed in USSR in 1927-1948 years. Only in the 30s of the 20th century forces around the world start to develop military parachuting and create similar to OSOAVIAHIM organisations.
At least they saved some documents and master badge, fascinating items of hard times.