>2017 is the year the world historically went to its deepest shit.
Thanks World Governments
>2017 is the year the world historically went to its deepest shit.
Thanks World Governments
This is the most peaceful and economically sound year in human history as of right now.
calm before the storm
The Black Plague
The Mongol
Liberalism is dying right before our eyes.
Feels bad man.
The world has gone to shit many times. This is a relatively mild going-to-shits. No mongols raping your wife (no, Muslims are not anything like the mongol hordes, /pol/. Or even middle age Muslims, for that matter.). Agricultural economy is so amazing that we actually have a problem of eating too much.
Quit being such a weak faggot.
Cultural Revolution
Reading about the French revolution is rather depressing. They has so many ideals and it all was destroyed because of poor Parisians and War Mongers
>no, Muslims are not anything like the mongol hordes, /pol/. Or even middle age Muslims, for that matter.).
If I say it is it must be true.
Ok, please explain the parallels to me, user :^)
I think you're underestimating climate change desu senpai. This shit is already causing social mayhem. The Middle East was going through one of the worst droughts in its recorded history before/during the Arab Spring, for example. Obviously there was more to it than that - there was plenty of political corruption and etc that caused the uprisings - but just the fact that the climate had a role by, say, increasing food prices, kinda shows we're racing towards precipice.
If, by some miracle, we survive in the next 100-200 years or so, it sure as shit won't be because we kept going in the direction we're in now.
At this rate, when will climate change start seriously effecting agriculture centers in Europe and the US?
I think that that is sort of besides the point. Social unrest will continue to rise and fuck us over long before something like food supplies is threatened for what is essentially the wealthiest/most well-off parts of the world.
I mean, you think the refugee crisis is bad now? Wait till sea levels really fucks up coastal settlements.
You should know, btw, that the Republicans in charge of the US right now are essentially banning all talk and preparation for climate-related crises. They've literally banned coastal US cities from preparing for rising sea levels locally, for example. The US is virtually alone in its vehement opposition to anything climate change related, infact, including its recently renewed love of coal.
This means the world, including Europe, has a choice to make, which is whether or not to follow the United States down this path. As an American myself, I'm fucking embarrassed that the world will look to the authoritarian shithole that is communist China in attempting to address climate change, since they're rapidly investing in renewables while we race to the precipice.
Cry more, faggot. I'm looking forward to the fun-times after the faggy coasters all die off
not crying breh, just pointing out the obvious. the reality that the US is/has been fucking over the world (and Europe) for decades in the past and decades into the future is obvious to anyone willing to rub two of their brain cells together and look at the world in some critical fashion
Try explaining why you thought going back to fossil fuels was a good idea to our children and grandchildren you degenerate cunt.
There were moments during and shortly after WWII, and during the Cold War, when intelligent, sober, educated people, not conspiracy theorists, seriously discussed whether they were about to witness the total collapse of civilization.
We're fucking fine. Pussy.
This. The West is literally too boring to live in. I've lived a bit in France and in Switzerland but after a while I returned back to Russia, despite being offered to stay on a contract longer. I don't know how to live in a country where there are no problems and you don't have to do anything beside minimum effort to survive. It's like a video game on an easy mode.
So, like the other user said, quit being a weak faggot and get a life. Probably you need an economic collapse like we had to appreciate what you own.
*OP should quit
>la la la i cant hear you la la la everything is fine
You guys are fucking children. Either you're way too optimistic and naive or you're just down right stupid.
A). no practical alternative
B). America castrating itself on the altar of Climate Change won't cause the developing world to follow suit and sacrifice their own economic growth in the name of being green
C). The coastal cities clearly earned God's wrath, who are we to stand in the way of His will?
In conclusion:
Suck it hippy.
It's better to die historic on the Fury road, than to chase after the Green place.
Social unrest will just lead to reform, not a full decline.
Or they don't rely on Veeky Forums as a source.
...Nah, that'd be too easy. :^)
>implying both of the active fronts trying to colonize this site don't thrive on spreading FUD about the current situation in the world
the more you're afraid the more you're likely to join their cause. just a reminder. both sides are trying to fight for your mind. they're desperate. don't give in.
That's what the Romans thought.
>If I close my eyes and cover my ears the boogeyman can't get me!
Good luck with that.
I honestly wouldn't give a shit about your brain-dead edgy opinions if you weren't fucking over both mine and your own offspring.
Yeah just look at how the world is reforming now am i right
>le middle ground fallacy
fuck off high schooler this site is 18+
Many historians argue that Rome did not experience a full decline. There's no break inbetween Rome and the Byzantines. And by the time Byzantium fell, European civilization had already made a come back
You sound absolutely retarded, like what, do you enjoy getting mugged by gopniks or something?
There are several alternatives to fossil fuel, like nuclear power, wind/solar energy, and fuels made from crops.
>Many historians argue that Rome did not experience a full decline
I'm sure the Romans found that very comforting.
>p-p-please be afraid so you'll join us