Veeky Forums Do you prefer BC or BCE
Veeky Forums Do you prefer BC or BCE
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BC because it's shorter and it's what I'm used to.
Having a preference on this matter is autism.
BC because it's shorter, though I'll argue for BCE to trigger christfags
I slightly prefer BCE/CE because it's more accurate terminology, but it's no big deal and I'm not going to correct people who use BC/AD.
anno domini & vulgaris aerae
anything else is garbage
BCE because I love my fedora.
Actually I choose BCE so if it turns out that we massively fucked up the year of Christ's birth it won't compromise dates in any way
Dionysius Exiguus only fucked it up by 2 or 3 years
I bet you like to suck cocks motherfucker
what's wrong with dick?
just use the one that will trigger someone.
BC/AD to trigger Jews and Fedoras
BC, because that's what the date is intended to and will always signify.
It amazes me that there are people who think this can be paved over.
should we use BCBCE/ADCE now?
BC/AD sound better. BCE/CE sound retarded as well as existing for no other reasons than literal Jewish multiculti propaganda.
So you're mad at the fact that I'm not mad?
How is it more accurate terminology, though? The "common era" is just as artificial and arbitrary as the year of our lord.
I used to be quite happy with BC and AD (and I still don't have the slightest problem when other people use them) but after I have seen how much it triggers Christfags I now use CE and BCE for the lulz.
Neither is really good. For one thing, Jesus was not born in 0, as there is no 0, or in 1 BC or 1 AD, but in 6 BC.
So that kind of loses its meaning. AD, "the year of our Lord", also doesn't make sense until, well, 32 AD.
BCE is obviously a way for people uncomfortable with Jesus to avoid talking about him.
It's more accurate because it it's literally the common era - the system everyone uses. At best AD is only literally accurate for Christians, and realistically it isn't even that, since the actual date of Jesus's birth is unknown.
So the Common Era starts with Jesus.
But has nothing to do with Jesus.
>What is Islam, china, etc
We switched to bce/ce because secularist took control in the West but were too lazy to divide history any way besides what they have already been doing.
BC/AD. It's shorter and I'm used to it. Unironically using BCE/CE is fucking stupid, you're still using the same dates as BC/AD but you're just trying to tip your fedora as hard as possible and pretend religion doesn't matter at all or something, idk.
The only profs I've had that used BCE/CE was some uber-kike who literally called for the extermination of Germans once in a class, and my Roman history Byzaboo professor who was actually super religious but tried to remain really secular in the classroom. Later found out it was because a student one year filed a complaint with the dean because she tried making class fun one year and showed up as Emperor Theodosius and proclaimed Christianity the official religion of the classroom. It was all tongue in cheek, of course, but some turbo-autist got triggered hard. Fedoras fucking ruin everything.
I don't see an argument here
>not using best calendar
It's the 14th baktun, people!
this seems really fucking stupid to me. why do we have BC and BCE? seriously, whats the difference between "before christ," and "before christ existed?"
>uber kike
>tips fedora
>it's fucking stupid because I don't like it
>random, crazy anecdotal story.
It would have been easier to type out "I don't have a point", user.
That was a long way of saying "shut up!"
I don't give a shit if you believe me or not. And I already pointed out that it's retarded because it is a secular date system that literally the exact same as a """religious""" one, but it changes the name because fedoras are too fucking lazy to actually create anything original for themselves. You can use BCE/CE all you want, I don't care. But at the end of the day, you're still basing all of your dates off of the birth of my imaginary friend, faggot.
There's no real difference
Both start at the same year because of Jesus
It's Before Christ, thus Before Christian Era makes sense.
>So the Common Era starts with Jesus.
>But has nothing to do with Jesus.
How did you get that from my post?
>>What is Islam, china, etc
Are you implying Muslims and Chinese don't use the CE calendar? Because they do. Glad I could teach you something!
BCE because it triggers Christcucks.
I think it's pretty clear what's "stupid" about this post.
Hint: It's you.
>I have an imaginary friend.
Kek. Even I didn't say that.
I've met more euphorics triggered by AD than I have ever met Christcucks triggered by CE
>I don't care.
Uh huh.
I'm obviously not being literal, but that's the usual atheist comeback. I was being hyperbolic to point out the fact that at the end of the day, you're still basing your date system on the "ridiculous" beliefs of another group of people. So why do it? Go out and invent your own date system instead of being a freeloading parasite
I don't. I'll think you're a faggot but that's about it. 95% of the population still and always will use BC/AD
I've grown up in the states and all my life in school and college we've used bce/ce
Maybe you should have actually read that article, faggot.
My department is forced to use BCE/CE or else we get taken up for it but we all laugh at and ostracise people who use it on a personal basis.
A colleague of mine had his funding withdrawn after he wrote "Ha!" in the margin and docked a percentage point when a student used BCE/CE in an essay.
>you're basing your system on traditional dating and it makes me so mad I'm going to scream and scream
What day is it, user?
>Wednesday (IPA: /ˈwɛnzdeJ/) is the day of the week following Tuesday and before Thursday. According to international standard ISO 8601 adopted in most western countries it is the third day of the week. In countries that use the Sunday-first convention Wednesday is defined as the fourth day of the week. It is the fourth day of the week in the Judeo-Christian Hebrew calendar as well, which may have been adopted from the ancient Babylonian calendar. The name is derived from Old English Wōdnesdæg and Middle English Wednesdei, "day of Woden", reflecting the pre-Christian religion practiced by the Anglo-Saxons. In other languages, such as the French mercredi, the day's name is a calque of dies Mercurii "day of Mercury". It has the most letters out of all the Gregorian calendar days.
Islamic year Gregorian date
1430 AH 29 December 2008
1431 AH 18 December 2009
1432 AH 7 December 2010
1433 AH 26 November 2011
1434 AH 15 November 2012
1435 AH 4 November 2013
1436 AH 25 October 2014
1437 AH 14 October 2015
1438 AH 3 October 2016
1439 AH 22 September 2017
There's nothing common about the "common era"
What about AC/DC
Are you literally retarded?
Your butthurt has made the point for everyone saying they use BCE to trigger christfags
Thanks, I'm using BCE from now on
>There's nothing common about the "common era"
It's used in every country except Iran...
>wow it's another fake story episode
>It's used in every country except Iran...
Only for reasons of global commerce, they still retain their cultural calendar systems. The whole thing is just secular globalists hijacking the dessicated corpse of European colonialism (which they simultaneously claim to hate and consider immoral) and using it as justification to claim we're one unified world, when that couldn't be further from the truth.
It's amazing how they're able to take a concept and use it to not only suppress the foreign cultures of the world but also to suppress the culture they stole the concept from in the first place.
>I see no problem with both, hail Jesus
Fuck off faggot
White = right
By reading it.
On this board?
Hell no
I've never met anyone who cared in real life so I assume you're talking about Veeky Forums or blowing shit out your ass
gayest post ITT
To put it another way, does the fact that English is spoken globally as a lingua franca justify renaming it to Common Tongue?
I think we can all agree that's not only incredibly arrogant, but silly as well. The type thing only a Red Chinaman would propose with a straight face.
Jesus wasn't born in 1ad, it was more like 6 or 7 BC.
Where did I say White was not right?
If anything I'm saying the opposite and condemning the people who are attemping to usurp the achievements of Europe and transform them into an engine of multicultural annihilation.