What do modern-day Spaniards think of Franthisko Franco Ba'amonde?
What do modern-day Spaniards think of Franthisko Franco Ba'amonde?
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Negative figure in Spanish history. Mediocre general and statesman.
If the Francoists were still in charge Spain wouldn't be the shithole it is now.
Franco and his government weren't good for the Spanish society or economy. Spain was corrupt and backwards during his rule. It'd still be a shithole.
what do you think Aznar and Rajoy are?
>Franco wasn't good for economy
This is objectively untrue, while he was a very authoritarian leader who killed a lot of people, he created an economic boom in Spain. There is a reason for why economists talk about an "Spanish Miracle" of economy. The only thing i doubt is that the economy would be still strong if he was in charge nowadays, since the decreasing in Spanish economy was mostly due to the 1973 oil crisis.
Man who Made Spain Great Again
Oh, and sorry for the repeated use of the word "economy".
Don't listen to this retard.
Coming from someone who has been dating a Spanish girl for 4 years and has been to Spain: 90% of Spaniards literally do not give a shit.
Spain has bigger problems to worry about, like their crippling debt and unemployment. Young people don't really have an opinion on him, older people do. Basques and Catalans absolutely hate him, virtually everyone else doesn't give a shit or somewhat appreciates him for saving the country from the communists. Basques and Catalans are communists themselves so this is why they hate him.
In the end, Franco was simply the lesser of two evils. If the """Republicans""" had their way, Spain would be another generic crumbling socialist shithole like Venezuela is today. Franco made genuine attempts to reform the country after he came to power, and to modernize, but with Spain crippled from the long civil war, it was difficult.
Spain is slowly recovering today. There are stormweenies who will praise Franco as being some brilliant amazing leader. He was not. There are commies who will vilify him as litruhlly Hitluhr. He was not. As with most things, he was somewhere in-between.
My high school Spanish teacher basically would agree with your gf. She didn't give a shit about Franco.
I was a shitlib at the time and said some version of "literally Hitler" and she thought that was weird.
And mind you, my teacher was pretty liberal.
Amerifuck scum, you and your bullshit aren't welcome in this board. might be up your alley.
>"Hey, don't listen to all of the propaganda on either side. In reality the guy wasn't as bad or good as some people make him out to be."
Wow, great argument. McFucking kill yourself, faggot.
It's the same with Mussolini. Although Mussolini was vilified a lot more in Italy because of how bad he fucked up WWII, fascism in general wasn't. Americans often wonder why places like Romania, Hungary, Italy, Greece, and Spain don't go around beating the shit out of people at the first sign of the word "fascism." And it's because it never really got the negative reputation in those places as it did after WWII in the rest of Europe.
even Hitler thought Franco was a mediocore general and leader.
King Juan Carlos was the anti-Christ.
"hurr durr anyone to the right of Lenin is a /pol/tard"
That makes sense.
Im a spaniard so "AMA":
Most of the young people hate him because because of him Spain's society and economy was delayed compared to the rest of Europe, but in the other hand maybe 50% of the adults appreciate him or don't care about him because Spain was econominically retarded but if you weren't basque, catalan, leftist of any kind, homosexual, jew, and the list goes on and on, from the 60s you could live better than nowadays (40s were a disaster economically and very hitlerish/mussolinish).
To sum up, it will end up in history as a bad guy but nowadays it has mixed opinions.
I am republican so I don't like him but he did some things well (for his allies which included the army, the clergy and the rich people basically). To sum up, yes, he was "the bad guy" but some old people like him because they lived well in the 60s-70s.
>a man who literally killed people using the motherfucking garrote vil until his very last breath and didn't even allowed them to have a christian funeral and fucked up the economy giving high positions to their BFF
>h-he wasn't evil muh spanish teacher/GF told me I know more about spanish history than actual spanish people!
The Republicans might had not been better but saying that he wasn't evil or a bad guy is stupid
>ost of the young people hate him because because of him Spain's society and economy was delayed compared to the rest of Europe
I wasn't talking only about economy
You could get beaten up for speaking catalan, basque etc. in the street for example
Probably a net positive for those who don't speak the dialects.
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Kys /pol/ poster
A big part of Franco forces were basque soldiers with an ideology further conservative than franco´s
really fantastic response
new world colonies. time for reconquista 2 electric boogaloo
>90% of Spaniards literally do not give a shit.
That's a bit of an exaggeration lol. Spanish people are apathetic about politics in general like a lot of Europe, but people still have an opinion on him. The guy died in the 70s, it's not exactly ancient history. He was and continues to be a highly polarizing figure in Spanish politics. I mean just look at the debates over changing associated street names that are still going on.
Pero eso es mentira
Not Spanish, but I think he was a necessary guy. Maybe not a good guy, but he saved Spain and kept it functional.
>Don't listen to this anecdote, listen to my anecdote instead