do you demented faggots really consider yourself early adopters? is that your coping mechanism for joining the cryptotrain too late now that is about to go mainstream*? I jumped into crypto in the late 2015 and I don't consider an early adopter myself, although I still had some time to make few bucks. you delusional faggots really make me laugh, you trashtalk about "normies screwing up crypto" without realizing that YOU are the normgroids. i hope your bags will get heavier and heavier, remember that some might be mine


> is about to go mainstream
>early adopters
>got in before the mainstream, but we're somehow not "early adopters"

Normies haven't even remotely caught on yet.

getting in three minutes before it'is too late doesn't make you an early adopter, you fucking moron.

We're early adopters but not innovators, institutional investor phase is just hitting now.

Another retard who doesn't get it.

yes please enlighten me mr "early adopter", what don't I understand? chances are that you don't even know jack shit about the underlying technology you're even investing in and your first investment in crypto was after this january, b-but go ahead

the normies arent even close
just because maybe 3/10 normal people have heard of bitcoin doesnt mean they have any idea what it is,
or have ever even looked into it besides a google search of "what is bit coin :)"

I'm a total latefag and I've still made good money. Play it safe and don't roll dice on mooncoins and the risk really isn't that high.

Market is about to crash, which will make normies not want to invest.
We're fine.

If you are not a millionaire, then you aren't early adopter.

You're too stupid to know the difference between stealth phase and early adopter phase. Still huge amounts of money to be made. B-but keep compensating for that small dick of yours with your false sense of superiority.

End of story.

You're making a fool out of yourself. If you think that more than 10% of the population already got into cryptocurrency, then you should reconsider ever posting anywhere on the internet again.

Lmao, fucking newfags falling for this copypasta.

>Butthurt about newfags and kids being better then you at yet another game the post.

ITT: Raging NEET who doesn't even know the difference between an innovator and an early adopter.

Do everyone a favour and at least try to learn a couple of stuff from the internet, it's got other uses than shitposting, porn and crypto.

>implying that it's not multiple bubbles before the big one goes bust
>implying that rich faggots aren't just taking gains in May and reinvesting in November
Point on the doll where the cryptos touched you.

got in in 2013 lmao

ITT: latefag who uses meaningless labels such as "muh innovator phase" and "muh early adopter phase" to cope with the fact that he came too late. just kys, baka! ^-^

There are 3.8m addresses listed on Etherscan right now, and most people have multiple addresses. It's much less than 1% of the population.

>it's too late!

Bitcoin still has a tiny market cap,wait till its 1 trillion.

damn those are nice quads

kill yourself fucking weeb

Ask any normiefag about crypto and they'll look at you blankly. Ask them about Bitcoin and 3 out of 10 normies have heard of it but don't know much about it other than it was used to buy drugs on the darkweb. Stfu anime fag, normalfags haven't a clue

>I jumped into crypto in the late 2015

If you got in before March 2017 and aren't at least a millionaire, or didn't at least make 30:1 gains buying ETH for $10, then you should kill yourself.

Less than three million worldwide use crypto. We are early adopters.

my 60yo dad has multiple coworkers who talk about ethereum n shiet

we MAY be early adopters but only if you believe that crypto will become this huge unstoppable international thing. personally i believe that bitcoin will exceed 10k each within just a few years. altcoins on the other hand are extremely risky


You're the normies, Veeky Forums is full of normies, go to any discord about crypto and you will see how they're full normies.

Didn't know Silver's market cap was that small. Isn't any money you spend on Gold a waste then because Silver's price would probably rise 100x compared to Gold if PM's were to moon?

and none of these filthy boomers own a single satoshi

talk is cheap, its about who owns how much

Saying you missed the crypto train now is like saying you missed the internet train in 1997

100 billion is NOTHING

It's literally a drop in the ocean

We haven't even begun

I know some /g/entoomen who became aware of ETH because of GPU shortages

so this is how newcoiners cope with their lack of punctuality.

anyway, judging from how many butthurt responses i've received so far, i guess that i've hit a nerve. you really cannot accept that you lost your golden occasion to $$$$$ and came late, and now the only to deal with it seems to comfort each others repeating all together that "you're the early adopters". delusional faggots, topkek

>tfw could have been an ETH early adopter in January 2016, but waited two months and had to buy in when it was already double-digit $
Feels bad only making three-digit % profit, man.

you are just a fucking asshole, m8

>100b to 1t is only a 10x gain
>only turn $1k to $10k
>will never ever be a millionaire

When ANS moons I expect an apology.

You did your math wrong, lol. BTC only has 41 bil in it.

OP is right and all the delusional newfags ITT should literally kill themselves

Maybe we're early or maybe we're late. But even if we're late we're here buying our fucking coins. If you don't like that then you're fucked because we're doing it anyway.

>mfw I started in 2013

People far smarter than you fags disagree.

>People far smarter than you fags disagree.
yes, people unloading their bags on you retards re definitely smart

>chances are that you don't even know jack shit about the underlying technology you're even investing in

I love this meme I've seen it like 5 times tonight.

Fuck you I've been here since June 11

feels like they're projecting
>i can't understand it so no one else here can either!

We don't know what we are, if it's the next big thing everyone here should still be early, if this is about as mainstream as it gets then it was all merely a ponzi

for u