I'm about to get out of high school and want to start my own electrician company so I can make over 100k

I'm about to get out of high school and want to start my own electrician company so I can make over 100k.

I'm probably majoring in a business degree. Is this a good idea? My backup is law school. My marks are good enough to get there.

Can anyone give me some tips on how to succeed as an electrician business owner? Should I go for the union or non-union and if I go union then what does that mean for me? Will I owe them later on our make less money as a business owner?

Anything else I should know? Thanks.

Don't you know this board is about nothing but shitcoins now?

Discuss business related topics somewhere else.

Why would you post something like this here?
It sounds like you're already going to fail if you come here for serious advice.

>I'm about to get out of high school and want to start my own electrician company so I can make over 100k.

Just be an electrician and learn the trade. Don't worry about 'owning a business' right now.

>I'm probably majoring in a business degree. Is this a good idea?

Not if you just want to be an electrician.

>My backup is law school. My marks are good enough to get there.


Unless you want $150k of debt to make $35k a year telling minorities to plead guilty.

Law school is probably the worst decision anyone can make in the field of education in 2017.

>Can anyone give me some tips on how to succeed as an electrician business owner?

Again, just learn the trade.

Don't go to college.

start-up culture is cancer
every fucking newfag wants to be his on boss and make bank

go get some experience, you fucking piece of normie shit

Thanks for the quality advice. This board is full of shitcoin spammers.

Hey, fuck off, kid. You're 17. You don't know shit.

Good point



i'm not in the trades, so take what i say with a grain of salt. just kinda repeating what i remember other anons mentioning before relevant to it:

1) find out ANYONE you know in the trade. make connections, ask if they need help. even if it's just getting them coffee, it's a foot in the door and starts adding to "years of experience on the job"
2) look for local trade schools. classes are usually much cheaper that college, and usually are like 2 years
3) read. google PDF's of books. "Electricians for dummies" kinda shit to start- kinda learn the basics, start learning the terms/jargon, regulations, and SAFETY
no one wants to take a kid to the hospital because they didn't know how to deactivate a live line, and confirm 100% that is it deactivated

also, you sound modest/humble
that will take you VERY far with the more "salt of the earth"-type people that are very frequent in trade/construction
be patient, kind, humble, willing to learn, and realizing that they have YEARS of knowledge ahead of ya, and the old boys will start to like ya


I'll also add, try to get a journeyman/apprenticeship sponsorship for electrician work. You'll learn more and make more money up front than going to a college or university

truest words ever

Yeah, I'm not going to college. Apprenticeship seems like a better choice.

Have you considered becoming an electrician first?

Listen to this guy OP (and the people saying similar). If your goal is to own your own business as an electrician, you definitely don't need college (and I say that as someone who probably wouldn't have a career without a college degree).

Just learn the trade, get a couple years under your belt, and eventually you'll have the skills/experience/connections to do it on your own.

How many years of electrician experience do you think I'll be doing before I start a business?

not sure if its because of summer but man... this.
a few months ago this board was fun with

>knee pads

but now? shill X coin! no shill Y coin! no those are fail! Shill the Z coin.
I'm aware that this was branched from /g/ but it wasn't until recently that the coins really started taking over board with 2-4 threads about the same coin per coin.

I dare say this is just groups attempting to hype bags in the form of raids

No idea, I don't know anything about the field. But here's what I did when starting my career, that definitely helped, and I think would apply to any industry.

Find people who are doing what you want to be doing (through Google or personal connections). Email them and say something like "I'd love to learn more about what you do and how you got there". Arrange a phone call or meet for coffee, and ask lots of questions. Protip: make the conversation about them, not you. Be curious as hell. People love talking about themselves, and in my experience if you're just starting out, they will be happy to talk your ear off about what they do. Towards the end of the conversation, ask them if they have any advice for you, and (this can be key) if there's anyone else they know you could speak with to learn more.

I guarantee if you do this with 3-5 people, you will have a much better understanding of what it takes, and potentially will make the connections to get started in an apprenticeship or something.

Learn the trade and make friends with someone in college.

get their course syllabus and read about it yourself / watch YouTube videos.

You are way better off going to do a masters to study business several years after trying to run a business.

It's good to get to grips with theory, then try and then revisit the theory.