What came first? The chicken or the egg?
What came first? The chicken or the egg?
The egg came first, but from it something that was not a chicken came out, and that thing made a egg, and from that egg something tthat is soightly different from its parents came out, and so on until you get to a point where something that looks like a chicken come out of that fucking egg.
The rooster lmoa
Neither dipshit. It was and continues to be gradual evolution over millennia
other egg laying creatures existed milions of years before chickens
so the egg
i came from looking at her feet desu
Obviously eggs existed before chickens, but I'm going to assume you mean chicken eggs. In that case, it just depends on whether a "chicken egg" is defined as "egg laid by a chicken" or "egg from which a chicken hatches."
>circular dialectical bullshit
wrong question
"What came before the chicken"
The amniotic sac.
Which came first? The bacteria that would eventually spawn the egg or Earth?
First one must answer the question, what is a chicken? Also, what conclusively and absolutely separates a chicken from all similar and dissimilar organisms?
The chicken came and fertilized the egg.
They both came first. Ever heard of evolution ? the chicken and the egg has it's first form before they evolved.
>what is a chicken
A feathered man.
Technically the egg because it's been built upon mutation upon mutation of a "simple" ovary.
If we're speaking of "hard" eggs, that honor would belong to the first reptiles.
the egg. dinosaurs had eggs way before chickens existed.
How the hell should I know? I wasn't born yet.
All the smart-asses saying the egg "because dinos and other oviparous animals existed before chickens"... It is obvious that the question is about a chicken egg.
The egg from which the first chicken hatched, was it a chicken egg, or an egg of the animal from which chickens evolved? Or is evolution too gradual so we can't even make the distinction? And by egg, can we count any fertilised ovum that will develop a chicken?
Also, oldest discussion about the chicken-egg problem don't address the problem from a chronological point of view, but ontological or even metaphysical.
The chicken.
Eggs can't come
>What came before the chicken
Egg, dipshit. Also this is a scientific matter predating history.