Christianity is pretty lame if compared to other religious beliefs. I mean, pagan culture was mainly founded on the cult of masculinity, bloodsheds and orgies. I would rather be an ancient warlord than a priest
Religious worldviews
Paganism was built around superstition. And stop being so insecure sweety, you're not going to be the big bad alpha male those filthy primitives were.
Anyone who's christian today that was once atheist is just a larper. Most kids went with atheism cause it was the cool thing to do, now that thats become too mainstream people wanna be christian cause it's edgy now. Same with traditionalists. They're all just larpers, The only real christians are mostly now in asia, parts of africa and the americas (discounting born agains and hipster contrarians)
Cute projection, sweety.
>RELIGION was built around superstition
Read your bible, sweetie-pie
YHWH the "I am" is not a superstitious God.
I think that Christianity is based on superstition as well. Why would you put your faith in a metaphysical entity such as God? Why would you live for the Heavens instead of pursuing exellency and satisfying your appetites on Hearth?
Read your bible.
Paganism is aesthetically laughable, almost as much as Christianity and Judaism.
Buddhism, Hinduism and Islam are perfect in this regard. Is there any Western religion that sound as deep, alien and mysterious as Buddhism? Be honest when answering this.
Look at these guys: I'd kill to be as cool as them.
>Worshiping demons just because their buildings look cool
Ummmm, sweety, read your bible please thaaanks ;)
Y'all should check out Sikhi.
>one god
Once you get past that
>rituals are useless, just remember god, serve others, and work hard
It's beautiful in its simplicity.
>encourage others to follow their own religion to get closer to god
>defend the rights of others to follow their own religion
>modern-day jedi
Siki is about to explode in the West, and the Punjabi lock on it is done. Check it out for you undecided ones.
>Works based salvation
Come on, this is a thread about religion aesthetics. Don't be so dogmatic.
>Stop having faith so you can appreciate demonic structures
Yes, it's all about action. What's wrong with that, Pepe?
You have to have some ego on you if you think God, the most perfect being ever to exist, will accept you, a dirty, sinful human being who disobeys him daily, into his kingdom because you "worked hard"
>For by grace are ye saved through faith, and that not of yourselves. It is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast
It's not up to me. It's up to God, and by great good fortune he gave us this life. Maybe we find him, maybe we don't. It's all his will.
God told Sikhs to do selfless service for all of humanity. Not saying it leads to anything. You're the one obsessed with being in the "Kingdom," not me.
Stop worshiping demons
While it might be the most boring one it is also the most civilized one. Personally i think the later makes up for the former.
Dumb frog poster.
>implying all religion isn't superstition
I think he's saying they are particularly superstitious because of their orientation around orthopraxy as opposed to orthodoxy(Islam, Christianity, etc)
>y-you don't grow out of atheism!
I did, I experienced Henosis, had a whole lot of experiences and ended up thinking the true God is Abraxas and I'm debating that the path to glory is kinda luciferan.
user, he is not Christian. He is Kekist.
You are 1000x more of a larper than the "Christians" he's talking about.
Of course user, everybody who has a belief larps.
Even Christians loved pagan philosophies like Stoicism
Read Mediations by Marcus Aurelius, fantastic book that exemplifies what a Stoic life looks like
And of course celebrating holidays in both Christian context (Christ's Resurrection and Eostre's feast for Easter, and Christ's birth and Yuletide season for Christmas) is the height of European culture.
>all pagans are the same
this, tbqh
snow/swampniggers ain't got shit on based Hellenes and Latins
Tolkien did a good job of showing the pagan Germanic heroes archtype, but if you want good philosophy you really need to go Greco-Roman.
>everyone is phonies
Hi user, it's mirror, I think it's time we had a face-to-face
>Christianity is pretty lame if compared to other religious beliefs
t. clueless troglodyte
I became a christian again after having multiple near death experiences at the same time
I shouldnt have survived that shit like I did, and im not writting it off as luck
I can accept that, life changing events like this is reasonable.