Why does Veeky Forums seem to hate capialism?
How broadly are you defining "capitalism"? Any objective look at history will show that capitalism (in some form) is the surest way to prosperity.
Because everybody and their grandmother has something to say about it.
Captlitalism is outdated
Because we're fascists
>website full of millenials living on the mom and pop fund
>hates capitalism
gee I wonder why
There's nothing to hate. It's just one stage in history. But the dialectics must flow~
You need to go back.
Hating materialism, which can form a hate of capitalism, is a cliche among almost everyone interested in the humanities to be quite honest family
But it doesn't. You'll see people fiercely debate with Communists.
Capitalism is the natural thing. In one form or another it has always existed. Toddlers fight each other over toys, early human nomadic tribes fought over teritories rich in resources and with nice climate, basicly over capital. They werent sharing that stuff with outgroups for sure, either traded it or fought for it. Deep down even worst most hardcore commies here know, capitalism isn't going anywhere.
Cooperation is more natural than competition
If it's not forced and within in-group, yes.
Free-market, unregulated capitalism and individualism with limited government is the best system that we have ever produced.
>materialist systems
Commies and capitalists are both shit.
>unregulated capitalism
So hiring children and making them work 10 hours a day in horrid conditions for almost no pay is a good idea to you?
I don't hate capitalism, though. I think you're browsing the wrong threads, OP.
People don't really like working 40hours/week just to be able to barely afford food and rent.
Veeky Forums doesn't hate capitalism.
I'm getting sick of the meme that Veeky Forums is hugely leftist, it's just not true. There's a pretty healthy mix of opinions around here.
Veeky Forums just looks leftist compared with /pol/, but anyone would.
If it is a voluntary contract then I see no issue with it.
It's not voluntary if that's the only thing keeping you off the streets. Then it becomes mandatory. Unregulated capitalism is just as bad as communism, even worse. Take the redpill with food and water, 2wice a day, for the rest of your life.
Of course you don't, you soulless, heartless beast.
>kid has one shot at life
>have him waste his most productive years working on menial jobs, ending up with a most likely retarded citizen
Nobody can survive without the both, stop making politics out of nowhere
I dunno, /pol/, why do you hate capitalism?
You niggers can't shut up about how globalism is bad despite living in countries that benefit greatly from it.
if the laboral conditions are safe(non economic regulations but preventive), and dont spend to much time working(universal laboral minim conditions garanteed) and have a comunal volunteer school or something, then and just then you should not worry.
You do need to regulate basic rigths, but is not necesary a bad thing to let the children work into the free market, even if they are not well payed as adults.
Many rural areas let the children help with the family work and has nothing wrong.
Because we are reaching a critical point in history where there isn't enough work for young adults entering the work force and yet we are being fed consumerist bullshit all the time to buy things we can't afford and don't even really need