Tell me more about the Bulgarian Empire
Tell me more about the Bulgarian Empire
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most of their achievments were made by vlachs
It was shit.
United different tribes to fight the Byzantines. Then used Byzi scholars, architects etc. to create cities, religion, army etc. Spread the Cyrillic to other Slavs, achieved autonomous orthodox church. Collapsed when the Byzantines invited the Kievan Rus and then poked their eyes.
t. Bulgar from Thrace
>"Having crushed the Bulgarians, Basil exerted his vengeance by cruelty - he was said to have captured 15,000 prisoners and blinded 99 of every 100 men, leaving one one-eyed man in each cohort to lead the rest back to their ruler. Samuel was physically struck down by the dreadful apparition of his blinded army and died two days later, on 6 October 1014, after suffering a stroke"
It was a wretched place, dirtbags got what was coming to 'em
vlachs are just latin speaking bulgarians
It's not like said Empire didn't rescue the Byzantiboos from the Arabs who were about to rape and pillage Constantinople, and 300 years later again aiding the Byzies killed the the majority of the leaders of the 4th crusade along with Baldwin I of Flanders
True origins was finno turcic invaders building an empire
Byzantium/Bulgaria was a love/hate relationship
pretty much same as modern Greece/Bulgaria, periods of slaughtering each other like dogs and periods of mutual lovefest
Stay deluded Turk
'Vacuum' empire that arose in the absence of anything more meaningful.
>what are the Byzantines, Arabs, Goths and Franks
Spartan outposts.
>'Vacuum' empire that arose in the absence of anything more meaningful.
like what?
That's why today there are almost 27 million vlachs and only 5,5 million bulgarians
>5.5 million
Actually since you stated the total world wide population of 25 million, the total population of Bulgarians is 11.5 million. Still not as much but please don't cherry pick facts to better suit your arguments
more like ~12 million bulgarians and ~250,000 vlachs
I really hope that you don't count all the turks and gyppos .
Are romanians the worst posters on Veeky Forums?
i think yes
>I really hope that you don't count all the turks and gyppos .
he already counts them as romanian
As long as they continue to livge in bulgaria, you can call them as you please.
theres about 20 million of them in romania and about half a million in bulgaria
Did the mean old gypsy stole your sweetroll?
Nigger you were using our alphabet till the 19th century, stop trying hard to be latins.
>our alphabet
> not a copy paste of the greek alphabet
>oh sweet a bulgar thread
>nope, its a gypsy thread
Romanians please go.
he stole my mekitsa
>he was said to have captured 15,000 prisoners and blinded 99 of every 100 men
...someone call the 911...
gyppos get out reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
What the fuck does tri moreta mean?
"three seas" as in bulgaria extended on the three shores of the balkans, that's what it means to bulgarian nationalists
on Veeky Forums it's a forced meme so ignore it
Continuously managed to outplay the Byzantine Empire for centuries. Sometimes through wit, sometimes through sword(Krum, Simeon the Great). The reason they respect is that unlike most states around them, we actually developed to a higher level(closer to that of the ERE) and managed to punish them frequently. In the end we fell due to internal strife and crafty byzantine politics(nothing wrong with realpolitik, just saying). Still, Tzar Samuel led a total war for fourty years, making them exhaust all their resources against us. Bazil the Great even said that: "Conquring the bulgarians was my greatest deed. Thread lightly around them." The following emperors did not and we ended up rebelling a centuary and a half later, usurping their place as the strongest force in the Balkans.
If any has any questions, I'll answer them.
Bulgaria has been ruled by the ottomans for centuries and has ~15% muslims
Germany and England achieved that number in just 10 years
>that population decline
the wonders of modern "western" ""civilization""
>we actually developed to a higher level(closer to that of the ERE)
This is true to some extent, though Bulgaria has literally been a depressing shithole ever since.
I would even go as far as saying that the Bulgarians were more of a threat to the Empire than the Arabs even were in the long run.
t. True Roman Pavlopolous
Why do you think romanians are romanised bulgarians?
Nah, I wouldn't say we were a shithole since then. Our third state has been successful. Times only became hard following our second 'liberation' - 1989. Commie times fucked us in the long run and following 'transition' only did further damage. However, not all hope is lost.
Also, we were their main foe on the European theater. The first byzantine prince to have wed outside of the ERE was married to our boy Tzar Peter.
Not all of them, but those along the coust of the Dunav certainly are. Up until their 'national revival' phase, they spoke a bulgarian dialect. Their entire language has been built on the idea of replacing slavic words with latin ones. The southern part of Romania has also historically been part of our lands(especially Northen Dobrudja)
>idea of replacing slavic words with latin ones
Like what? Can you give me some examples?
It's a meme, Romanians are just Romanians
Before the 1850s Romanian vocabulary was majority slavic, although the core vocab was latin(kind of like english and how it's majority latin, but core germanic)
after that they reformed their language, they replaced cyrillic with latin(similar to the italian writing system) and a huge part of the slavic(and maybe other) words were replaced with french, italian and latin words
they are definitely a latin speaking people, but with strong slavic(bulgarian in particular) influence
>depressing shithole
Bulgaria is pretty comfy country with nice weather, set with green mountains and forests, water flows from everywhere, good, healthy cuisine, ardent people who socialize regularly. Whats depressing about that?
IMO the rest of the balkans were way more depressing in the past
Bulgarian towns were always comfy, while serbs and romanians up north lived in wooden huts
>Whats depressing about that?
Since you joined the EU 150,000 of you have come to my shitheap of a country. That can only suggest that things are pretty atrocious in Bulgaria.
This is a romanian fragment from 1581.please point out the bulgarian words.
>''că văzum cum toate limbile au și înfluresc întru cuvintele slăvite a lui Dumnezeu numai noi românii pre limbă nu avem. Pentru aceia cu mare muncă scoasem de limba jidovească si grecească si srâbească pre limba românească 5 cărți ale lui Moisi prorocul si patru cărți și le dăruim voo frați rumâni și le-au scris în cheltuială multă... și le-au dăruit voo fraților români,... și le-au scris voo fraților români''
I`ve traveled around the Balkans a lot and desu everywhere is pretty much the same. People are great. The golden middle between northern robots who have to make an appointment to go to resturant with their friend one month prior and the lazy southerners.
Idk man I like it here.
Man i don't care about your autism, it's a historic fact that Romanian has been purified
>43% recent Romance loans (mainly French: 38.42%)
>20% inherited Latin
>11.5% Slavic, including Bulgarian, Serbo-Croatian, Ukrainian, and Russian
Could you translate this for me?
>it's a historic fact that Romanian has been purified
Show the proofs , nigga. Also, last I've heard from bulgarian circlejerkers the romanian language was modified in 18th century, not in fucking 16th century. And yet you can't even translate a shitty fragment.
Im not a bulgarian circlejerker
im simply stating a fact
english has a majority latin vocabulary, doesn't mean french and English can understand eachother
romanians prove yet again they are the WORST posters on Veeky Forums
>level of the ERE
Nigga the university of Cologne i am studying at was founded in 1388 and it isn't near the oldest university in west Europe. Where were your universities during 950-1396? Name one university, not a fucking church with monks that copy the bible.
The wonders of ignorant and apathic masses and corruption on the higher level of the administrations.
Switzerland is also a ''modern western civilization''. Stop blaming everything else but yourselves.
You fucking retard, every nation in the Balkans loaned some words from each other.
>english has a majority latin vocabulary, doesn't mean french and English can understand eachother
Romanian and french shares 40% of its words, but I can't understand the frog language.
If im not mistaken university was founded in and only existed in catholic europe at the time, it didn't exist in the orthodox world
yes and switzerland is also expiriancing an aging population
thats exactly my point you stupid low iq gypsy
>cold war ends, iron curtain lifted
>a lot of people go live in the west
>join eu, open borders
>a lot of gypsies go leech off uk and germany
The birth and death rates aren't that different, people just moved elsewhere.
I'm sure you can read up on that on your own.
>Before the 1850s Romanian vocabulary was majority slavic although the core vocab was latin(kind of like english and how it's majority latin, but core germanic)
You fucking nigger, this is what you said.Romanian was never slavic, you inbred bulgarian shit.The only words we loaned were medieval shit like stirrup , grindstone and chisel and other nonsense shit for an industrial country., and you better believe that we have latin synonims for most of them, alas the slavic form was easier.And we borrowed not from bulgarians as you said , but from the entire plethora of slavic people, this including the serbs, and of course the croats , the poles and kievan russians and later the ukrainians and russians.
We didn't purged our language, the slavic words became obsolete.
Read on what? Some regional words that some border faggots used in the Middle Ages?Words that aren't even mentioned in our earliest writings? And when did we switch from slavic to latin if I can read easily romanian books from the 16th century?I
our short term neigbours
had a couple of wars all good
they tried to exterminate the serbs,cant blame them
also rangeban romanians
>periods of mutual lovefest
there is never any love between Bulgarians and Greeks, only uncomfortable understanding
Bulgarians were literally Greeks when the Ottomans came.
Bulgarian kings were wearing purple silks and sandals, bathing in perfumes, with golden earrings and bracelets hanging and carrying scepters. And of course accepting Greek Christianity.
A far cry from the leathery warlords that came several hundred years earlier and looked to the sky for guidance.
kek, death to all gyppos
>Bulgarians were literally Greeks when the Ottomans came.
greeks stopped existing when the romans BTFO'd them and assimilated them in 3 generations
there was an entity, it wasn't greece, because greece didn't exist, it had another name
anyways, the state doesn't exist anymore
>greeks stopped existing when the romans BTFO'd them
American Education.
Fuck off yuroshit.
The Arabs couldn't breach the walls and were getting rekt by Byzantine raids and starvation, the Bulgars didn't even defeat them in that attack.
And how come without doing nothing Tervel became an honorary citizen of Constantinople and got the title Caesar directly from Justinian II?
It was pain in the ass
t. your ass?
>greek alphabet
>Bulgarian alphabet
This is a document from 1459 for establishing Bucharest from Vlad Tepesh. Written in Bulgarian. Fuck off
He isn't American, he's a butthurt Bulgarian. In general they massively overrate how important medieval Bulgaria was, I've met quite a few.
In reality Bulgaria was culturally a Byzantine knock-off and its successes short-lived every time a worthwhile state (Byzantium, the Ottomans) concentrated their efforts on them.
Even the map in the OP is wrong.
Slavonic, aka the Eastern Orthodox language is not Bulgarian you fucking mong. You might as well say Danes spoke latin because they used Latin in their official documents and churc service. What a retard.
>worthwhile state
I have no idea what's going on here but if you wish to have any credibility whatsoever this really isn't the right way.
>the country that ruled the Balkans, Anatolia, Middle East, Levant and Northern Africa for 3 centuries was not relevant
The Ottomans were very successful early on and had a very interesting culture that actually went beyond just imitating the Byzantines and Arabo-Persians.
Yeah, Old Church Slavonic isn't Bulgarian. The Byzantines, Cyril and Methodius, started codifying that when the Bulgars were still Turkic and a separate entity from the Slavs.
Bulgarians are a strange case. Like the Hungarians, they occupied a Slavic area and mixed with the locals to the point that they lost their genetic heritage altogether. Unlike the Magyars tho, they lost their language too. Any bulgaranon around to educate me on what pre-invasion words are left in Bulgarian and how related the original Bulgarians were to the Turks that conquered then 5 centuries later?
What you mentioned happens a lot, it isn't that strange. Bulgarian has a few non-Greek old Balkan words, most of which probably came via Balkan Romance, a lot of Greek and Latin words and a lot of Ottoman Turkish ones. It barely has any Bulgar words, the Ottoman Turkish ones are much more.
The Oghuric Bulgars (linguistic ancestors of the Chuvash) were linguistically very different to the Oghuz Ottomans. In fact the Oghur/rest split is the earliest one in Turkic.
I never heard about a Turkish split. Care to detail? Did this happen around the Eastern shores of the Caspian Sea as one group moved North towards the Steppes and the other South towards Persia?
Other than the world "Bulgaria" absolutely none. As to how much we were related to the ottomans - probably very very much and I'll probably get lynched for saying it
I don't get the lynching part, the Turkish peoples were fierce warriors and conquered both the Muslim and a good chunk of the Orthodox worlds.
The prehistory of Turkic isn't entirely clear as with most major linguistic families but a basic split in Turkic languages is considered to be an -r vs -z one, hence even the ethnonyms Oghu-r and Oghu-z.
The early languages that appear in Western Eurasia like Hunnic, Bulgar, Khazar etc. seem to be of the Oghur variety (so some think it might have been an East vs West split). They have one modern descendant, Chuvash, which is usually considered to come from Old Bulgar.
Bulgarians were slaves from 1500 up until 1878 when the russians and romanians gave them their freedom.
>written in bulgarian
>top fucking kek.
pretty much but 1400, not 1500
Why do Romanians and Bulgarians fight so much? You realize the rest of us see you both as poor gypsies with barely any differences right? Kek.
Because the poor gypsies have been fighting from the time you were climbing trees for bananas, you wouldn't understand.
Romanians are subhumans with no history and culture and enslaved by everyone and their mom, so they sperg out at any mention of the real countries that neighbor them like Hungary and Bulgaria
It's an inferiority complex they have, you'll notice them in any thread mentioning Hungary with their completely warped version of history.
>bullshitting this hard
>real countries like Hungary and Bulgaria.
Jesus fucking Christ,Hungary may be a country, but Bulgaria is just a turkish village with an amazing WE WUZ shithistory.