Why didn't we hang the fucking traitors?
Why didn't we hang the fucking traitors?
Because the south is the last place in America with a culture, and you don't want to lose that.
I agree. We should have hung the treacherous northerners who tried to undermine the constitution and expand the power of the federal government.
because the people who actually suffered and sacrificed to defeat the "traitors" weren't a tenth as bloodthirsty as your garden variety perfidious Red.
Lincoln's end game was to mend the wounds inflicted by the war and make re-admittance to the Union as easy as possible. His plan for Reconstruction was built around mitigating the possibility of rebellion and garner national unity to prevent the whole "muh south will rise again" mentality we see today.
The only reason Johnson didn't hang the bastards was because they were his countrymen.
>American south
Tractor music doesn't count, user.
Would take months desu
>losing Southern culture
Reconstruction lasted until 1877. That's plenty of time.
Because Andrew Johnson was a southerner
>southern "kultur"
Name one thing the Northeast or Pacific states have culturally that isn't some shitty Hollywood garbage or pop culture gunk.
>american culture
Clam chowder
Widespread literacy
>clam chowder
>widespread literacy
Oh wow, you got me, gimme that stereotypes oh yes baby god i'm so horny fuck me with those stereotypes
Protestant work ethic and the roots of modern American capitalism, cosmopolitan intelligentsia via universities, Puritan morality and Reagan's much vaunted "City Upon a Hill" ideology, Thanksgiving holiday
>European culture
because you lost. The Northern Aggressors and their nigger-loving ways deserve to go extinct
you gweilos are sure funny
Why exactly did they think sending all the white males to war, leaving the black majority males at home, was a good idea?
Because you have to put them on trial in order to hang them. The north didn't want to put the top Confederates on trial because they didn't want to give them a chance to defend the legality of secession. Jeff Davis was a pretty good lawyer and orator and the war was already won so there was no point in beating a dead horse.
It wasn't treachery, and it wasn't a Civil War
The South was fighting for independence; control of their OWN government, not control of the US government. Hence it was NOT a Civil War
Hell, they didn't even want a fight. They were looking to peacefully secede. It was Lincoln who was fixing to fight, and he got his war in the end.
The South saw the Federal government for what it was: overtly sectional, dominated by northerners, and directly hostile to Southern interests. What the South did was no less noble than the American Revolution before them.
Self-government and secession are basic natural rights and Lincoln was a TRAITOR and a TYRANT for violently subjugating folks who wished to be free.
>work ethic
Texas is the 14th largest economy in the world.
>roots of modern American capitalism
>Americans thinking capitalism is cultural
>the north has colleges
>puritan morality (so literally Amish??)
>city on a hill
You got one
I'm blown away by your unique lack of culture.
Also I believe the commander of Andersonville was the only Confederate official to be hanged. Unfairly imho
The first American Thanksgiving was celebrated in the south. It's an old Anglo holiday and has nothing to do with pilgrims. Do Yankees actually learn this in school haha
they were actually the lecucks
nice lawns, a wife and two kids a brick house and a white picket fence.
I live in Britain, my dream of the good life is a nice cottage in a quaint small village where i know practically everyone.
Individualism, Liberalism (Not that kind) Meritocratic ideas.
To say America doesn't have a culture is silly.
If Lincoln had no qualms with suspending the habeas corpus to hang northern democrats , what makes you think he pulled any punches on the south?
Gota read more than that public school shit user
Texas GDP, $1.6 trillion
New York City alone, $1.4 trillion
Really though, they should have been allowed to live...
After watching their wives and children BLACKED to death.
Dumb question, OP. George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Ben Franklin, and so on were also traitors. There are some good pro-Union arguments, but the idea that the southerners were traitors is not one of them.
This. If they went around hanging leaders of the south you can kiss cooperation good bye. The goal was to reincorporate the south as quickly as possible and get back to business not make them pissed of more than they are and have smaller revolts and contempt.
You pussied out
>Protestant work ethic
This is the part where I turn and laugh at you Seamus
Didn't the mayor of NYC try want to join the CSA?
Are you an American? All of these have distinctly Yankee connotations in American culture, the nuances of which would probably be lost on an outsider.
The United States was overwhelmingly Protestant before the Irish and Italian mass immigrations.
I also forgot to include the Evangelical revivals which were inspired by the Great Awakenings of the early 19th century.
Most Americans are protestant
So do you think the south is Catholic or what?
>Texas is the 14th largest economy in the world.
California is 5'th.
Eat shit redneck.
Thanksgiving in America is widely regarded as a holiday of New England origins. Can't have Thanksgiving without pilgrims, injuns, and Squanto.
Baptists are basically retarded protestants so they don't count
Doesn't matter when your sales tax is 7.5% and the state can take up to 13% in state income taxes alone, before federal taxation kicks in. Enjoy your socialist 'wonderland.'
This asshat barely established residency.
The foundations of Southern high culture is based on aristocratic and chivalric ideals of honor, hospitality, and courtesy, and its economy was built on the cultivation of cash crops using mass slave labor. They didn't really espouse the Protestant work ethic. But also, the great Evangelical revivals were hosted in upstate New York at first and spread across the rest of America.
No it's not... To read Washington's or Jefferson's thanksgivings addresses. They didn't mention shit about pilgrims or Indians. Just because your lefty grade school teachers fed you some Indian/colonist bff origin story doesn't make it real.
He didn't do anything wrong
>(Protestants I don't like) are basically retarded Protestants so they don't count
That is literally not an argument and you're wrong.
Because that would've made the tension post-Reconstruction even worse, Andrew Johnson.
>when you try to peacefully secede by attacking a federal fort
? The Puritans landing at Plymouth and being bffs with injuns outdate Washington and Jefferson by about a hundred years.
>The event that Americans commonly call the "First Thanksgiving" was celebrated by thePilgrimsafter their first harvest in theNew Worldin October 1621.[5]This feast lasted three days, and—as accounted by attendeeEdward Winslow[6]—it was attended by 90Native Americansand 53 Pilgrims.[7]TheNew Englandcolonists were accustomed to regularly celebrating "thanksgivings"—days of prayerthanking God for blessings such as military victory or the end of a drought.
And? It's not the origin of the holiday in America. It's been celebrated annually throughout the USA way before the Indian/pilgrim story became popular.
>Thanksgiving services were routine in what became the Commonwealth of Virginia as early as 1607,[12] with the first permanent settlement of Jamestown, Virginia holding a thanksgiving in 1610.[9] In 1619, 38 English settlers arrived at Berkeley Hundred in Charles City County, Virginia. The group's London Company charter specifically required "that the day of our ships arrival at the place assigned... in the land of Virginia shall be yearly and perpetually kept holy as a day of thanksgiving to Almighty God."
>puritan morality (so literally Amish??)
He's a retard that doesn't know what an Amish or a Purtian is outside of memes
Days of thanksgiving have always been common holidays but the Pilgrims and Indians Thanksgiving is the one that forms the cultural context for American celebration. I don't know why you're trying to argue that the Virginian holiday is the one we celebrate. Ask any kid and he'll tell you about the Pilgrim one. A bunch of religious, hardworking settlers surviving due to the grace of God and hard work makes for a better story than a bunch of Virginian tobacco planters and sons of minor gentry. Which one do you think America embraced?
Thats the story they came up with in the 50s. Muy grandfather didn't learn that story in the 20s/30s when he went to school
At least we aren't Australians. They celebrate Christmas during the summer and still decorate with snow flakes and snowmen.
Commies destroyed Chinese culture
>Legally seceded from the United States
>Only fired on Fort Sumter after repeated warnings to the Federal garrison to leave CSA territory
>I don't know why you're trying to argue that the Virginian holiday is the one we celebrate.
It's the same fucking holiday you idiot. We aren't celebrating the one time the pilgrims celebrated Thanksgivings, we're celebrating a common Anglo holiday to thank God. Even Canada celebrates it.
>Federal fort not being US territory.
>Legally secede
Woah dude, why the drive by?
I think that I, being from a border state have a unique and unbiased perspective on this. Hell the president of the beligerants were both born in my state. The term brother vs. brother applied to Kentucky like no other state. I can see both sides of the argument. I've studied the Civil War and it was a terrible thing for this country but was necessary Not only to free the slaves and reunite the nation, but also to solve the question of secession once and for all. Was the death and destruction worth it? Did the Confederacy have a legal right to secede under the constitution? Were the "rebels" traitors or was Lincoln a tyrant? I wrestled with these questions for many years yet still cannot answer them. I believe the fact that after the war the winning side didn't go and execute the Confederate politicians and officers is what seperates America from much of the rest of the world. We can look at history and see what the leaders of France, England, Spain, Russia, et.al. have done to their conquered enemies. However the radical republicans were vengeful on the southern states during reconstruction and that should not be ignored.
The ideology of John C Calhoun was the basis of the confederate theory that a state had the right to secede if the state's sovereignty was threatened by the federal government. He was the intellectual leader of the Confederacy, and was convinced by his professors during his college days at YALE of the legality of secession. Back in those days secession was all the rage of the academics and merchants in New England whom were angered over tariffs. So basically a northern theory was put into practice by the southern states who's leaders wholeheartedly believed in the legality under the constitution of their decision to leave the U.S.
It took a brutal war to prove that secession is illegal. The modern rebels in California and Texas need to think long and hard (like my dick) before they threaten secession.
*blocks your path*
>The modern rebels in California and Texas need to think long and hard (like my dick) before they threaten secession.
California would never secede because they don't want to lose the influence they have in the federal government. Cali secedes and the Democrat party is finished forever. They'll never control Congress or the White House again.
Texas on the other hand could literally give a fuck what happens to the rest of the US. They have a national history all their own. They have enough variety of industry and agriculture to survive and the rebellious frontier spirit to actually go through with it.
Most of the presidential elections democrats have won recently have been won by more than california's electoral votes
>Texas on the other hand could literally give a fuck what happens to the rest of the US. They have a national history all their own. They have enough variety of industry and agriculture to survive and the rebellious frontier spirit to actually go through with it.
And they would get completely destroyed
>Because you lost
Don't give me that "cultural victory" shit, you lost and you know it.
And Trump broke that cycle by breaking the Blue Wall in 2016. Cali and New York remain the DNC's only dependable power bases.
No they wouldn't. Especially if a Texit were the result of a popular referendum. Americans in 2016 would not want other Americans dead over a silly secession issue.
>puritan morality (so literally Amish??)
The puritans didn't speak Pennsylvania Dutch and abhor technology you retard. Those are two different religious groups, from different parts of Europe, no less.
Southern culture is basically nigger culture, everything from their music through food and speech patterns is related to nogs somehow. Also your pepe looks like a midwestern farmer.
>silly secession issue
There's no helping you
The Civil War ended the issue once and for all. Secession is illegal. If you think for a minute there wouldnt be federal troops in Texas if she left claimed independence you are naive. No way the US would allow that in a million years.
>Cali secedes and the Democrat party is finished forever.
Implying that Republicans wouldn't be totally fucked without Texas
Which is what's going to happen in about 15 to 30 years when the number of Hispanic children reaching voting age flips Texas into a blue state. All of its major metropolitan areas are already turning into Democrat strongholds.
The individual districts are far too heavily gerrymandered to reflect these changing population trends, but that's going to change in 2020, the year that the census is taken and Democrats sweep the white house and both chambers of congress because Trump turned out to be such a colossal disappointment.
Texas is the GOP's Gibraltar: on the surface it looks like there's a lot of them, but that's where they're congregating to make their last stand, and time is not on their side.
>Implying that Republicans wouldn't be totally fucked without Texas
The issue isn't that the GOP needs Texas, it's that Texas doesn't care. California relishes in the fact that they can control the federal government from their perch at the edge of the world. They would never secede. Texas would rather be left alone to raise cattle and play football. Texas would in a heartbeat if they knew it would be relatively light cost-wise.
Not really a WE moment, I'm not claiming Southern culture to be great, in fact it's absolute shit and comparable to Brazil or Haiti precisely because it's so niggery.
>implying all protestants aren't retarded
>*blocks your path*
>le permanent democrat majority meme
People have been saying (deluding themselves into believing) this since Reagan, and since minorites are becoming more conservative, despite the desperate dying idpol if the DNC, your point is stupid anyway.
Minorities are becoming more conservative because they're becoming richer. Hispanics, Asians and blacks are waaay more conservative than the average white American (even GOP voters) but vote Democrat for gibs.
When they no longer need gibs, why would they vote for the party they fundamentally disagree with? Dems like to think they're the party of minorities, but in reality minorities only hang around for as long as they get on their feet, hence why a record breaking 30% of Hispanics and Asians voted GOP this year, despite the fact Trump is a """racist"""
The fight was over who was to be master, nothing else.
>implying it was the northerners that loved niggers
Only the Abolitionist "loved" them, and even then they didn't quite want them near them. Most "Antislavery" men in the North wanted to free them so they could be sent out of the country. If you actually read what a lot of the confederates wrote, you would find that they did have a weird paternalistic familial love relationship with their slaves. It's something that none of us can hope to understand today, and you can read many accounts of abolitionists actually going south before the war to do things other than terror attacks and coming back with a changed mind on slavery.
What's your point?
I was agreeing
The culture of the united states has been largely based on youth culture of the west coast, being driven by music until tech came along(in SF no less)
The 50s and 60s US culture was largely informed by california beach culture
The 80s were by the LA rock scene
the 90s were OWNED by seattle
California has film industry(even besides hollywood), the nations biggest crop of wine(arizona also) and the art scene is split between LA and NY.
Culture =/= pop culture
>nice lawns, a wife and two kids a brick house and a white picket fence.
You're thinking of the midwest. West coast is more like blue haired single tranny drug addicts paying tgeir Jewish landlords 5000 dollarydoos a month to live in a studio in some spic ghet- sorry, I mean "up and coming neighborhood" somewhere in the bay area. Also good luck finding a brick house on the west coast.
No, nigger culture is basically Southern culture. Nigger lover
Where did you get the idea that I love niggers, you faggot?
>In command of what was essentially a concentration camp for union POWs
I fail to see how he didn't deserve the rope
Enjoying getting cucked with Californiacation in Austin
>slave owners are violently subjugated and just wish to be free and have basic natural rights
This is top quality bait. I'm actually impressed.
>country was founded on revolution and secession
>calls revolutionists and people who wanted to secede traitors
Not a confederatecuck but don't be a hypocrite.
Why would you want a brick house when there's frequent earthquakes?
>south had taxation with representation
>secede because they don't like the results of said representation
user sees southern culture as "superior" and sees your post as appropriating that superior culture, therefore >leniggerlover
non-meme answer: it would've been a herculean task to hunt down all of the ~600,000 confederate veterans still alive and hang all of them. and by that point the terms of surrender were signed, that the confederacy would lay down its arms and dissolve in exchange for its soldiers and citizens to go back home in peace.
the war was seen as enough in terms of a punitive action against the South, there really was no need to go further with a mass extermination.
California is a special case, a state dominated by landlords, cash crops and robber barons.
because northern POW camps weren't that much better. Andersonville set up right before the Atlanta Campaign which led to massive food shortages due to Sherman's march to the sea. This compounded with the usual disease epidemics in the south and overcrowding due to the union shuting off all prisoner exchanges.
Henry Wirz was also falsely accused of personally killing union soldiers by a witness that was later proved to be a fraud who never even fought in the war. The northern public wanted blood and Wirz was a scapegoat.