Is Marius the greatest Roman general of all time? Also Sullafags not welcome here.
Is Marius the greatest Roman general of all time? Also Sullafags not welcome here
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Nope. Scipio.
Beating Germanic tribals to the point of genocide > Carthaginians.
>defeating unwashed barbarians because you aren't an inbred incompetent like you predecessors
>everybody worships you for some reason
Shameful, Rome really went to the dogs before and after pic related.
No, it was Germanicus
Sulla pls go and stay with your gay lover.
Defeating Hannibal>>>>defeating subhuman Germanic wildlings
Marius was never man enough to dominate other men, he panicked and killed them instead.
Marius should have died in the 90s, Sulla did nothing wrong except for trusting Cinna.
Also, the greatest Roman general of all time is Caesar*.
*according to himself
Marius should have died during his second stroke, with a brand new vindicating victory, no senility, no civil wars. Meh, Caesar actually didn't do so well in a battle or two, Sulla did nothing but fucking magic his entire career.
Sulla should've died in the Caucasus.
And so Rome would have fallen. Pontus west to Illyria, Quintus Sertorius at least to the Pyrenees. Sulla was the true savior of the Republic.
*adds you to the proscription list*
Isn't it curious how every bust of Sulla has his nose broken off? :^^^^^^^)
>Flavius Aetius
It's either because of wear and tear over the past couple millennia or because Christians mistook his figure for that of a God.
Caesar > Scipio > the rest
Sulla did one thing wrong.
He didn't kill Caesar.
>because Christians mistook his figure for that of a God.
This is retarded. Do people actually think this is what happened?
Noses and dongs fall of statues very easily through natural wear and tear. This is literally one of the first things we learned in art history.
The Marian Reforms were a mistake. Sulla was an ass too.
>likes Cato Uticensis
>calls someone else an ass
I can hear the irony from over here.
Marius > Agrippa = Caesar > Pompey > Sulla
Belisarius, loyal, quick witted, the only reason why he didn't continue to push west was because resources in the east were running out and Sassanids were being annoying.
You mean the kid that could only win when he outnumbered his opponents or had way more experienced legions :D
Honestly now
Sulla>Marius=Caesar>Agrippa>Lucullus>Metellus Pius>Pompey
Unironically kill yourself.
Above statement stands.
get the fuck out you Greek cosplaying fuck
no cincinnatus, Appius, Fabius from the early republic...
AKA history's biggest cuck
Unironically get an argument or get out. If you actually think that Marius was better than Sulla then you should go to /b/ since that's a random and shit falsity.
They were leading Camillan legions mostly in the homeland, the generals of the later Republic had massive supply and transport problems to work around, it was a totally different animal. And while those three are great statesman none of them had any crazy genius as a general. They won some, they lost some, some less and some more spectacularly, but not quite comparable to those I posted.
>thinks greek cosplayers are Roman
>idolizes a cuck
It makes sense honestly.
You should kill yourself still, you emote spouting faggot.
>n-no you go to /b/ because my one-liner is better then yours!
And it's back to 3rd grade with you, learn to spell before you try to discuss military history on the internet.
As to your image,
>faring so badly against unwashed barbarians with no homeland, on your own home turf, your own men having high morale
Oh boy. Here, read about a real battle, populare scum.
>keyboard grammar teacher
Lel. Strong indicator you have nothing to add to the discussion, my increasingly defensive shitposting friend.
>attempts to move the goal posts afterwards
Educate yourself before attempting to dismiss others, loser.
>Roman "home turf"
>2nd century
God damn you are dumb.
There was nothing of substance to even address in your previous post, but here you show even more of your ignorance. Moving goalposts? Where?
Ironic you're calling me dumb, when you don't even know where Vercellae is, let alone other topics for people who finished 3rd grade. Vercellae is in Italy you absolute fucking mong, a part of Italy that had been owned by Rome for over two centuries.
>nonsensical ad naseum bullshit
Nothing to do with what I was talking about from your first response to me. Neck yourself.
>Sulla > Marius
Only a textbook moron would claim this. Without Marius, the Roman society wouldn't have survived the Germanic invasions of the Cimbri, Teutones, and their other Germanic tribal kin invasions of Southern and Western Europe.
>military reformations are the basis and template for the Roman army's continual success for the next 500 years
>expansion of the cohort and manipular systems
>Eagle standards of Roman legions are due to his institution they be used as symbols for each legion
>Marius fame so great he's entered into the Roman cultural hallmark as the "third founder" of Rome
What did Sulla do? Fight Mithridates? That's cute, except for the part where Mithridates never proved himself equal as a threat as the Germanic tribes to the Roman heartland. You are a wanker if you think Sulla's accomplishment come anywhere close to paralleling or shadowing what Marius did.
Where was Aquaue Sexitae? In France. And even interjecting here about Vercallae, how is that against Marius? A sound tactic is to make the enemy COME TO YOU, on YOUR TERMS, to YOUR ADVANTAGE, working via YOUR PLANS.
To dismiss this is utterly stupid.
Here comes Reddit!
It was Aetious
>can't even spell Vercellae
Why did you make two posts when you're obviously the same guy who can't spell Vercellae?
Reforms and organization do not equal generalship, and while Marius thankfully had the force of personality and wealth to finish it all at once, the moves toward a professional volunteer army had been inevitable for some time.
How about Sulla fighting and defeating Roman and Italian legions? Defeating twice his number in Samnites, Lucanians, traitor Romans, etc. at the Colline Gate? Outnumbered, after a forced march of a few hours, battle going on into the night, and Sulla won. Defeating Roman legions instead of losing an running away to Africa like Marius did sure sounds like better generalship to me. As for Mithridates, you're a wanker if you don't understand what a disaster permanently losing the East would have been to the Republic.
Why didn't you mention Aquae Sextiae (another couple of big boy words that you can't spell) then? Though you're forgetting that that WAS home turf of the Republic, though seeing as how ignorant you are you might have never known, that Aquae Sextiae was in a province of the Republic, you dingus.
As to making the enemy come to you and all that bullshit, sometimes that just isn't possible, and it's just more telling when a general wins a battle where he is at a disadvantage in almost every way, when he wins astoundingly.
I wish people would stop saying >>>reddit
even when it is against people like that. Better to tell them to go back to Total War and youtube history videos.
Also nice autism but multiple posters disagreeing with you ! = samefagging. Have a nice day, freak.
Thst is because he was a proud blsck man
>comparable to the Germanic invasion
Gaius Marius was well known for his Marian Reform. Basically he reformed the Roman Army into the first known Professional Army, made the Soldier as a Job, no more as a Obligation or Mandatory
>"two different people" manage to misspell Vercellae in exactly the same way
Beautiful rebuttal, samefag. Don't cry yourself to sleep.
Your samefag rebuttal sucks as much as you do daily with cocks, user.
How can I rebut literally nothing? Relax user, you think about cocks and faggots too much, it's not healthy.
Keep telling yourself whatever delusions you want to believe, faggot kun. Its not transparent or anything why everyone is basically shitting on you and your inability to even counter-flame back besides going "no u".
Kill yourself.
Thanks for proving my point.
What point is that? >:^)
That you are a shitposter.
Clearly anyone who has intellectually beaten me is a shitposter!
I think anyone whose seen your temper tantrums and autism can verify you are a shitposter. At least put on a tripcode so I can filter you.
Your resort to ad hominem from your very first reply, and I'm the shitposter?
That wasn't even me XD
>to ad hominems
Which you started first as well in an attempt to poison the well. Like I said, kill yourself.
I think that you're seeing things, please see a doctor.
I think you need to stop projecting your problems onto others.
My only problem is that I didn't wear a condom 9 months before you were born.
>not Aurelian
Pleb tier choices
It's all about Elagabalus
>Elagabalus was supposedly "married" as many as five times, lavishing favours on male courtiers popularly thought to have been his lovers,[3][4] and was reported to have prostituted himself in the imperial palace.
>In order to become the high priest of his new religion, Elagabalus had himself circumcised.[44] He forced senators to watch while he danced around the altar of Deus Sol Invictus to the accompaniment of drums and cymbals.[27]
>Elagabalus married and divorced five women,[47] three of whom are known. Within a year, he abandoned her and married Annia Aurelia Faustina,[45] a descendant of Marcus Aurelius and the widow of a man he had recently had executed. He had returned to his second wife Severa by the end of the year.[47] According to Cassius Dio, his most stable relationship seems to have been with his chariot driver, a blond slave from Caria named Hierocles, whom he referred to as his husband.[38]
You aren't even good at this, user. Just bite the bullet already.
Wow, for once you're not telling me to kill myself, I'm proud of you.
He is telling you to kill yourself, moron.
Marius was a tyrant late in his life. READ PLUTARCH
You missed his spots and shitty skin condition.
In what capacity was Elagabalus a general
Marius should have died before fifth consulship
He became a horrible tyrant near the end of his life.
his body-guard a picked band of the slaves who had flocked to his standard, to whom he had given the name of Bardyaei. These fellows killed many of the citizens at a word of command from him, many, too, at a mere nod; and at last, when Ancharius, a man of senatorial and praetorial dignity, met Marius and got no salutation from him, they struck him down with their swords before the face of their master. 4 After this, whenever anybody else greeted Marius and got no salutation or greeting in return, this of itself was a signal for the man's p587slaughter in the very street, so that even the friends of Marius, to a man, were full of anguish and horror whenever they drew near to greet him. So many were slain that at last Cinna's appetite for murder was dulled and sated; but Marius, whose anger increased day by day and thirsted for blood, kept on killing all whom he held in any suspicion whatsoever.
digits confirm Cicero was the noblest Roman
Most people get fat when they get older, user.
cleansing the earth of a child-sacrificing crypto-jew city >>>>>>>> genociding germanic qts living in a state of nature
>living in a state of nature
>go around murdering others
Sure thing, Rolph.