Jesus talked a lot about sharing, universality and forgiveness. Why is it that christianity is so heavily associated with right-wing politics? As far as I understand this is a quite recent shift. Any ideas?
Jesus talked a lot about sharing, universality and forgiveness...
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Christianity was hijacked by the ruling elites as early as in the treaty of Nicaea.
It's rather a backlash at the type of "left wing" people you see. If the left wing politics was solely abut sharing and forgiveness, then you would see that Christians in the USA would align themselves with it. However, left wing politics is not concerned with that, but instead a lot of the issues associated with the left these days is LGBT and abortion---the two main issues that made trump president.
If abortion was not a political topic, then I don't think there would be an association of Christianity to the right.
Satan. It's always satan the liar.
Because despite what your professor taught you, forgiveness and "sharing" are not the exclusive province of the followers of Karl Marx.
I would to this the fact that the political left tends to (confusingly) with both political atheism (no prayer in schools, prohibition on "Merry Christmas", etc.) and Islamo-philia.
*tends to align
I thought that Trumps strong points were his takes on economy and foreign policy.
Abortion was made a major political point by Republicans in the 70's to bolster their votes with evangelicals.
That was a strategic moved done independently of liberal politics then and now.
I think it is rather a sound claim to make that most Christians viewed Hilary as a horrible candidate based solely on her views of abortion (she is pro-abortion).
Also on another note: Islam is pretty individualistic and values security, military provess and strict moral laws. Why is it not embraced more by the right?
Do they like Islam as a religion or just Muslims?
Whether it was done independently of liberal politics or not is irrelevant, I think. Jesus would seem to frown upon abortion (interpolating the NT) and the bible belt crowd finds it easier to demonize people who want to kill babies than people who want to kill foreigners.
All authorities reinforce one another.
The dominant ideology becomes the ideology of the dominants.
Religions are especially favourable to that shift as they rely heavily on tradition, obedience and censorship, which render the people vulnerable and accustomed to oppression.
>political atheism (no prayer in school)
That's secularism and its literally the law of the land.
While true if we really want to break down how Trump won, he took the key battleground States with economic promises. Ohio, Pennsylvania, etc. Abortion gave him the traditionally red States, in fewer numbers than most Republicans nominees prior, but it didn't necessarily win him the election as much as, say, coal in the northeast.
Is abortion really such a big issue there? In my country it is completely legal and the people who don't think it is ethical (a big minority) just don't get abortions.
I personally think that a root of this in the United States is the Puritan influence.
Look at Cromwell's England.
>While true [...]
Indeed, that sounds more accurate.
When half the country treats it as a mortal sin, yeah. If you live in Europe, religion isn't even popular.
Because sharing and helping others should be voluntary.
Most modern """"left wing"""" parties are just crooks who want more money and promise things to the poor for votes. There is no altruism in their actions.
Also, Christianity is part of a traditional identity, which is why conservatives like it.
A modern answer would be the Moral Majority... I don't know the background of this group.
> It's rather a backlash
It's not. In modern times, religious people have been tending consistently towards the right.
From Luther cheering for the mass murder of peasants to the christian-democratic parties, they did not wait for sexual liberation to oppose the interests of the workers.
It's differs state by state. Rural conservatives are highly religious and make up a large swath of the country, as well as religious minorities like hispanics.
Neither side is different in that respect.
>That's secularism and its literally the law of the land.
The "law of the land" is whatever 5 members of the Supreme Court think it is.
I agree. But the right doesn't claim to be altruistic to voters.
Uh.. Exactly. The Supreme Court has supported that the United States is a secular nation and prayer in a government institution, such as public schools, is unconstitutional.
This is falSalvationa historical perspective.
Many Christian groups have been pro-government aid for the poor (for instance the Salvation Army).
Pic related takes a very compassionate approach to the poor.
Bearing in mind that the Industrial Revolution created a lot of the poverty in existence today, a certain Luddite tendency among many Christian groups may be related to a compassionate view as well.
Bullshit. That's been the party's mo since Reagan. The latest iteration is MAGA.
A lot of Christians in South America and Middle East and Many Muslims too see Capitalism as anti Christian/Islamic and they are pretty right wing
Protestants just somehow managed to justify going against the Bible when it comes to Usury
Christianity praises material poverty (in theory).
Communism wants everyone to be materially rich (in theory).
MAGA does not sound that altruistic. Neither does "I'm with her".
Are you judging this purely on slogans and catch phrases rather than actual campaign promises?
Slogans. Both campaign promises obviously claimed to be altruistic.
I see. In that case I wouldn't say "Yes We Can" or "Forward" were exactly altruistic.
Don't even remember wtf Hillary ended up going with so you got me there. That campaign was just a shit show.
No thats just what social democrats tell themselves so they can lose the election and still be right. Trumps victory is purely cultural
Some say Jesus was the first communist ever.
And I can't really disagree.
>controls the means of salvation
Thus it can be changed by changing the composition of the Supreme Court.
I'm surprised so many people on the far right love Christianity when it's incompatible with their hatred of "shitskins", views of racial superiority, and their obsessive hatred of race mixing.
So the thing about Christianity is it's got some good shit (really bizarre and interesting cosmology, mostly good morals) but also unfortunately a bunch of globalist cancer (Christ is the only way to get to heaven and anyone who doesn't have him is evil). that last part undermines the fuck out of it, and it's gradually morphed over the ages into proto-liberalism. people on the right take its mythos seriously (to a point) but don't care about its morals, and people on the left take its morals (to a point) seriously but don't care about its mythos. either way, both agree that anyone who doesn't agree with them is evil and should be forced to change their minds, which is the worst part of the religion.
monotheism was a gigantic mistake.
That doesn't change that what was described was secularism and that as it stands it's the law of the land, as it has been for over half a century.
When that changes, start that argument again.
Not to mention that Hitler literally wanted to abolish Christianity.
"Many historians maintain that Hitler's goal in the Kirchenkampf entailed not only ideological struggle, but ultimately the eradication of the churches.[1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10]"
Not enough Muslim voters to pander to
The first document in history explicitly prohibiting race-mixing was the Torah.
It's really just being contrarian to right-wing Christianity.
Go on, look at the reviews for The Bible, it's all fedora-tier atheists making snarky comments and calling it a horrible book, then look at the reviews for The Qu'ran, it's all highly rated praising reviews, calling the book beautiful and saying everyone should read it at least once and that it gave them a new respect for Muslims and yadda yadda.
the majority of liberals that I know don't like religion at all, but tolerate it because of some adherence to freedom of religion here.
she is pro-abortion and friends with a demon worshiper.
Looks like the law and constitution need to burn. Along with the state, ideally.
Because all of Jesus and the Jewish prophets' fiery denunciation of the rich and repeated commands to keep the poor hungry and warm, the early church explicitly holding all things in common, the Epistle of JAMES and the constant references to doing good works AND being faithful, American rightists have successfully continued the tradition since Constantine of harnessing it as an enabler of decadence, corruption and tyranny. The abandonment of Christian socialism by Western intellectuals and in general (aside from Liberation theology) has left a void that non-left wing Christians are uncomfortable to fill due to liberal complacency and fear of conflict being incompatible withJesus and the prophets' fundamentally agitating and radical firebreathing
Shut the fuck up you dumb bastard
Trump was generally pro-abortion too (ie. numerous videos of him saying it's a woman's right to choose).
He's a yes-man though so what he plans on doing to planned parenthood isn't him as much as it is Bannon and Pence
And the American forefathers? All of them were deists who thought the Church had no business in politics or government.
Most jewish families that actively follow the religion (basically anything that isn't a Larry David style jew) encourages you to marry in the faith too. It's extremely controversial to marry outside of the faith if they're not willing to convert
The rich have always used tradition as an excuse to maintain the status quo, else how else would they convince the poor masses they should stay poor?
Them too.
> LGBT and abortion two biggest factors in Trump presidency
That's a load of shit if I've ever heard one. Immigration concerns, economic promises, and the image of a tense national stage are what sold the ticket.
also the failure of neoliberalism is a big one too.
Most of America doesn't give two shits about gays or abortion anymore.
Hillary promised more of the same which was already frustrating Americans. Bernie and Trump were the only two candidates that were going to be any different from the status quo.
Nice meme, but the Kingdom of Heaven takes a back seat to the Stars and Stripes.
>As far as I understand this is a quite recent shift
It's not, Orthodox and Catholicism may be universal but they have both heavy cultural ties to their respective cultures.
>Why is it that christianity is so heavily associated with right-wing politics?
Europe probably changed it into that what with how many cultures that dislike each other there.
Because it's part of western culture, it has nothing to do with the actual religion.
Wow. A good post on Veeky Forums? I'm impressed.
>Trump string points
>implying that both Clinton and Trump had any sort of "actual point"
Everything in them was manifactured, everything they said was a vague political slogan: there was no strong point in that mess, not even basic clarity has been achieved.