Weev says to get out of ETH and into Tezos


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You mother fuckers called eos a scam and now it's up 400% I'm not missing out on the next "scam" so yes I'm buying tezos

do you agree with his thoughts on ethereum?

Listen to the interviews with the Tezos couple. They sound like they have no fucking clue what they're doing.

If Tezos is included in the Bancor Network, then I think Bancor is a better option.

This. I like the bearded Nazi guy but he's simply wrong there.

That was my general impression. I'm usually a fan of Weev but I have to disagree with him here.

you can probably ride a pump from tezos but idk about longterm strategy

just doesn't sound like they've done any of the work yet, and have no incentive to

Different scenario. Tezos tokens won't exist for months. There's no intermediary mETH token like with EOS.

The risk is pretty huge considering that it's getting a lot of money and this whole market could come tumbling down by then.

when does this go on an exchange?

People with good jewdars: are these Tezos people jews?

Arthur Breitman

L. M. Goodman, the name that appears in the whitepaper, is supposedly a pseudonym.


Breitman... Goodman... sounds jewish, but need stronger evidence.

Arthur Breitman's tweets are protected, but he lives in New York City.

look at the logo for this, and google Alchemical symbol for Saturn,

they're all in the same club

1000% jewish.

His face looks jewish, doesn't it.

yeah both jewy as fugg

His wife is Kathleen Breitman, and her twitter is NOT private yet.

She mentioned Israel once in her timeline:

> Said: Wrong on Israel, wrong on opera.

I'm not sure what the context of that is. She tweeted that back in July 20, 2012.

Yeah something is fishy about this endorsement. I'm not putting any money into this shit.

I want to like weev, but something is holding me back.

I want to be on guard against jews trying to get into crypto and subverting it.

@breitwoman retweeted this:


> If she wins, it'll be a night of broken glass!

"She" referes to Marine Le Pen, and "broken glass" is a veiled reference to Kristallnacht.

It's not looking good for her.

Who cares as long as you make money? We don't live in a just world.

Fuck the jews.

Or she's referencing that LePen would break the glass ceiling for female pay?


I agree with you from an ethical perspective, but most of us just want money to get by. The Jews aren't going to be exposed anytime soon, and if they were, then we would have civil war and lots of bloodshed. Sometimes justice can lead to more tensions and issues.

Anon12345423 hours ago
You aren't very well-versed with what's going on in Ethereum's developer ecosystem. Ethereum runs on a virtual machine, which means arbitrary checks (such as formal verification) can be done on the code abstracted above that virtual machine. Ethereum developers have been discussing integrating formal verification for years in mission-critical smart contracts. Go read the work of Drs. Yoichi Hirai and Christian Rietwiessner.
weevlos17 hours ago
LOL @ thinking formal verification can be an afterthought. Dude, the virtual machine is not verifiable in itself. Formal verification has to be something you plan for at the outset. This is not something you hack in later.
Anon1234544 hours ago
Virtual machines are, in fact, verifiable. For one example out of many, NASA uses a formal verifier for JVM code which has fixed numerous bugs in the K-9 Rover: babelfish.arc.nasa.gov/trac/jpf/wiki/WikiStart

That notwithstanding, I can understand the instinct to sell ETH - it's way overvalued at the moment relative to its tech, and the viability of sharding/PoS are still big "ifs". But attacking ETH on the basis of not having formal verification is ignorant. And telling people to buy Tezos is straight trolling. Tezos is riddled with red flags, and they've barely written any code - all they have is a single Github repo with a few hundred commits.

> Saturn

Tell me more about Saturn.


To bring forth, to make a man safe, to make a man powerful, to cause success of petitions with princes and powers. Marsilio Ficino and others also associated Saturn with intellectuals, whose minds are more lofty and divine than those of common folk. This is because Saturn is the highest planet in occult cosmology and therefore closest to God.

>all they have is a single Github repo with a few hundred commits

Compare that to the army of developers around Ethereum. You don't grow a community like that overnight.

Exactly why eth will continue up


Saturn does not bring safety. Saturn brings strife to test the individual and prove one's worth. Saturn is the bringer of Old Age, which is why you see so many """cults""" obsessed with preserving youth.

The Tezos logo isn't even trying to hide the inspiration though, it's blatant. The fact that they're so brazen about it spooks the hell out of me financially. Wouldn't touch this with a gun to my head.

biz.................... when were nazis ever wrong?

Remember when they let the British retreat out of France?

It's funny. For all the shit that Hitler gets, his real fault was being too nice.

The next time we fight these demon jews and their shabbos goyim, NO QUARTER.

They imagine themselves to be the saviours of crypto markets. Such self delusion.

Fuck those (((Goldman Sachs))) chronies.

Free pumps - bittrex only.

i like weev and already sold all my ETH
im done with this shitcoin. it can go to 1000 bucks and I still wouldnt buy back in.

not sure why hes shilling the tezos ICO though. looks like a terrible pick and Im not puting any money in it.

its people like in ops video that convinced not to shove more than 1000$ into ETH when it was 16-18$, when i had 15k ready to invest

i swear i could have been a millioinaire by now if i had done the opposite of what this board told me to half a year ago

Hmm, I wonder if they are jews.

ETH's current price has nothing to do with smart contracts.
BTC has a higher marketcap, and it has no smart contracts, and far less advanced to use as a currency.

ETH's market cap comes from its usage:
the most secure, most convenient to use (for actual purchases) cryptocurrency.

What did you invest in instead?

Tezos is a scheme to make a billionaire even richer.

Prove me wrong.

The fact of the matter is that if Ethereum fails so does Tezos and the crypto bubble will pop. This guy is a retard.

I've been on the sidelines since the last ATH waiting for that juicy dip

>trusting a literal self-proclaimed "troll"
>uncapped ico
no thanks

Also, why the fuck would you trust some half-retarded Goldman Sachs bankers to do anything with a coin built on formal verification?

I work with people at my university who do research in formal verification and you have to be a genius to make it in that field of CS

1. I know where they live 2. They will utilize their jewish shekel network of jewry 3. Veeky Forums is telling me not to buy it 4. Veeky Forums is telling me not to buy it

That faggot went and sat in jail, 3 months before Eth token sale and missed the boat so now he wants to pump Gayzos.

That faggot is so transparent.

>listening to a self-hating jew

Tezos is a scam. can you motherfuckers do an ouch of research? since when do we invest in fucking goldman sachs for cryptocurrency?

do you hate yourself AND money?

these bankers and tezos scams are going to fuck up the whole ecosystem and your only going to be left with BTC as a long hold.

It gets weird when someone like weev starts shilling for it.

dude its one thing for someone on Veeky Forums to FUD a coin, but another to be concerned about the whole market.

I've made 20K partially by listening to Veeky Forums and filtering out what i know is FUD and what is solid advice.