Harry Truman was going to spend 100 million dollars for this. What the FUCK was he thinking?
Harry Truman was going to spend 100 million dollars for this. What the FUCK was he thinking?
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He was going to annex Greenland and turn it into a nature preserve?
It would make us the second largest country in the world by landmass instead of those smug Canadians and their stupid fucking empty tundra country with a population smaller than California. Should've done it deus.
Worth every penny, had such a transaction come to pass.
Maybe we can get a discount now, since it's splitting apart. :D
pretty good plan B for after shitty policy raises the global temperature further tbqh
What a bargain. New Worlders don't know how difficult is to add new territories into your country.
We already had Alaska and Hawaii.
>disco island
fuck yeah
>not wanting to buy all the land around Canada, thus hugging our friends to the north eternally
Wow user, you must be a real asshole.
This desu.
But if we took Greenland then where would Santa Claus go???
He could stay, but he'd have to learn fucking english
No where, he'd file for a social security number and pay taxes like every good citizen
>Why would someone want to buy the largest island in the world for less than half the price of Cézanne's The Card Players?
It's 10 times the size of the Great Britain and remember this is during the cold war, that bit of the world was more relevant geopolitical back then.
+ Seward and Jefferson have made buying enormous tracts of land something profoundly American.
+ It would be funny to near completely cuck canada, might be some subconscious anaconda strategy.
It's just a million pictures of Benjamin Franklin lad.
>disko bay
Great meme lo-fi house label name tbqh
>greenland becomes the most innovative music hub in america
Don't forget the potential for remote and awful missile bases.
By all rights Canada, Greenland, and Iceland should be part of a grand North American nation in union with the United States.
t. certainly not a reincarnated fellow with a curious mustache
Why? That's in Europe.
dumb burger
I want the bork.
No it's in the Atlantic Ocean. Europe as you may have noticed is a continent, not an Ocean.
Because Project ICEWORM.
Imagine a nuclear base so damn huge that it covers a third of the Greenland ice sheet.
>What is the British isles
Greenland's probably going to get a lot of settlement and economic exploitation after a few more decades of global warming.
Some random Paki shithole where even the locals deny being European.
Even more so with Siberia.
That's an extremely low price
Greenland is rich in minerals, it's a very good piece of land to have.
Actually you're only entitled half of Iceland
Read up on Project Iceworm, the US military wanted to place rockets in Greenland.
>Buy Greenland
>Melt ice with muh global warming
>Vast pastures. Huge mineral deposits. Rich in oil and gas
Yeah, why even bother
Denmark had already sold their carribean islands to the US. Selling Greenland aswel wouldnve mattered desu