Around which years would you say each decade had firmly established its own identity?
Around which years would you say each decade had firmly established its own identity?
It depends on the decade, but it always seems to be somewhere within the last four years. As far as America goes in terms of "years that were the most representative of their respective decade", this is what I would personally say, starting from the 1920s:
>'20s = 1929
>'30s = 1936
>'40s = 1946
>'50s = 1959
>'60s = 1967
>'70s = 1976
>'80s = 1987
>'90s = 1999
>'00s = 2007
>'10s = 2016 (presumably)
Starting at 1800
>tfw outside of certain minor fashion trends the year 2000 is basically indistinguishable from present day
For serious man the only change I've noticed is that black people started wearing clothes that fit.
you only think that because you've been conscious since then, and your idea of anything before that is essentially a fantasy constructed from what you've read about these times.
If anything culture is progressing faster than before what with all that technology and such
I was 15 in 2000.
1750s = 1752, Qing initiates conqust of the Dzungarian Khanate
1760s = 1763, Seven Years' War ends
1770s = ?
1780s,= American Independence,
1790s = 1789, French Revolution
1800s = 1801, Napoleon wrecks Mamelukes
1810s = Napoleon defeated
1820s = 1826-7, Britain defeats Kongaung dynasty, SIam expands
1830s = English Education Act
1840s = 1842, Britian wins the First Opium War
1850s = 1857, Aftermath of Crimean War and Indian Rebellion
1860s = 1868, Qing dynasty survives multiple uprisings; Meiji Restoration
1870s = German Unification
1880s = 1885, Berlin Conference
1890s = 1893, Panic of
1900s = 1905, Japan defeats Russia in War
1910s = 1915
>'00s = 2007
really, not 2001?
The second year of a decade is barely representative of what that decade "truly is" in terms of things like technology, music, trends in popular media, and fashion.
i remember 2001 as the peak of early internet and things like uk garage, and 2007 as the peak of twee ukelele shit
There are definitely some major differences between 2000 and now.
I distinctly remember a world before smartphones were a thing.
>the crash is what defined the '20s
Actually retarded. Get off my board.
The average normie have Internet, everybody is walking around with a powerful miniaturized computer in their pockets, early-900s themes such as nationalism, racism and feminism are back, governments all over the world can now track your position, movements and activities if they really want to, blockbuster isn't a thing anymore, Social Networks exploded and are now an important factor in society (your future boss is likely to hire you after checking your online profiles), and so on
Seems pretty different than 15 years ago.
Hell, I'm posting from my shower, discussing with someone I'll never meet on the other side of the world.
Wouldn't have been possible in 2002 you know
Yea i think Jeans + T shirt will be the casual norm for the next century, and it started in the 90s really.
Advances in tech don't really matter much when it comes to actual aesthetic differences between the decade. Cell phones were pretty common circa 2000 and tech has been progressing but the overall aesthetic of the post 9/11 era just kind of melds together indistinguishably. People make too much of smart phones desu
Inb4 that autistic guy who ruins an entire thread because he thinks there was more change in the world from 1800-1900 than 1900-2000
9/11 completely changed american culture
>People make too much of smart phones desu
This. Most people above the age of 25 don't even know how to make use of Google maps. I'm surprised and completely taken aback every time some clean cut looking businessman with ostensibly a job that requires half a brain asks me for directions for something that can be easily found on Google maps. Most popular smartphone aps are WhatsApp and Snapchat which are total fucking memes.
who even uses whatsapp? i dont think i know a single person that actually uses it.
>Hell, I'm posting from my shower, discussing with someone I'll never meet on the other side of the world.
>Wouldn't have been possible in 2002 you know
You wot m8
Internet was totally common in 2002, having a conversation with somebody on the other side of the world with a computer on a desk hooked into a router with an Ethernet cable and doing the same with a wireless smart phone in your bathroom 15 years later isn't exactly paradigm shifting or world changing.
Because you have no life, everyone uses it, no one pays for texts anymore
Neat. I was 20.
Are you a third worlder? Most us carriers have been offering unlimited texting for free around the time smartphones hit critical mass, sometime in 2011.
The 50s, 60s, and 80s are the only decades with a truly distinguishable identity desu.
2001 was the end of 90s culture
I still feel like it was a little earlier though, maybe 2004
I'd say hipsterism is one of the noticeable cultural differences of now.
Why don't you try walking around in boot cut jeans and frosted tips then.
1770's = 1776
No, I'd say the 90s definitely had its own thing. I couldn't see it when I lived through it but it's definitely there.
The strange thing about the 90s though is I feel there were almost 2 mini decades within it. Early 90s is advanced 80s, where the extreme elements of the 80s has calmed down but the general sentiment is there. Later 90s is very generation X, peak of post-modernism, irony and cynicism but well meaning. 90s is also the end of a de-racialized worldview.
Pic related, very 90s (via Sweden)
"1929" in my post refers to right before the crash.
Then YOU are a third worlder
For the 90s, it was unironically during the run of Miami Vice. Everything modernity percieves to be '90s' stemmed from that show.
I think the 90's is an exception, it kicked off early, especially in regards to music
>'00s = 2007
I'd say 2001 or 2003.