ETH longhodlers

fellow longhodlers, how do you respond to the fud?

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Dude, that fucking pic.

I'm selling all my ETH right now.

I just think about Vitalik traveling the world with the money I could have spent on a vacation and then think about killing myself.


Long holding is risky I feel for ETH. The more time that goes on the farther developed the ETH competitors are going to get. Right now ETH is the only big player on the smart contracts scene but that could changein a year

Also ETH was way overvalued at $400


Selling all my eth atm good night cucks

Holding since $20 here.

There was always FUD, the latest pajeets and /pol/ immigrants have really ramped up though I must admit.

I'm just in ZEN mode just like every other dip. I don't envy the angry FUD'ers having to resort to negativity to try and influence their shorts. Just doesn't seem healthy to me.

Is he in the Middle East?

I'll sell the next time it goes to 400

I'll just buy the inevitable dip

Same here



i turn my pc off and ignore it

it's inflationary, it's deemed to fail

How's that different than saying you'll sell next time Btc goes to 1k and buy the inevitable dip, back in 2013

It never went back to 1k

>how do you respond to the fud?
their words mean literally nothing
i gain nothing by replying
so, i don't

Stay up to date - here's Vitalik giving a talk 7/3

Ah, vitalik in good ol Romania

we don't, FUDders are right

Yeah but with ethereum you can get back in at 0.1 so it's fine

my hodlings are long-term, fud is short-term
i feel nothing

shorting it pretty determinedly

haha same just sold my 2bil worth of eth, was a shitcoin anyway. you guys better sell too, ok? i dont want you to lose money. please just sell it

ETH is a fiat currency now.

took far too many replies before getting to this only correct answer