ITT: Nations that were good bois that literally have done no wrong.
ITT: Nations that were good bois that literally have done no wrong
They invited the Saxons in the first place, the cunts
>but but user what about the "refugees" they created by kicking the Lhotshampa out
>literally kicked out all illegal immigrants who made no effort to assimilate into the society they were squatting in
>demonized by the international community at the behest of sjw-types
>king dgaf, people still love him for it
>you will never be as based
t. Celtic slave
Vortigen wasn't Welsh, he just hid in Wales after he realised he fwcked up.
Christened the pagan Balts, showing their good morals
Basically teached the Eternal English a lesson so that they always had to focus on a grand navy, showing their altruism
started the cross flag trend and still keeps with it 800 years later, showing their loyality and respect for traditions
Brought civilazation to the fridge indians in Greenland, showing their compassion for lesser folks
Truly the best nation
>Vortigen wasn't Welsh
Alright ignoring the fact that "Welsh" didn't exist at that point, since all of Britannia at that time spoke the old Briton/Welsh language, Vortigern is widely and fairly reasonably believed to have actually been from what is now Wales. He was certainly not from the more Christianised, urbanised and Romanised lowland zone, and is often said to have represented the highland zone, possibly around what is now Wroxeter. He is said to become a sort of supreme commander, but when he fucked up he retreated back to Wales. It isn't too much of a stretch to presume, logically, that he would return back to his power base. Some scholars believe he was a man of Powys (which then was called Pagensia/Pagenses meaning "land of the countrymen" or something like that) as opposed to his supposed rival Ambrosius who was likely from what is now Gloucestershire or Avon.
>when you dot even know the origin or even the concept of the word you criticize
Southern Italy.
Kek, this.
West England never shuts up
Vortigern was Kentish, lad.
>probobly the most innocent C̶o̶l̶o̶n̶y̶ country
Basically went about their own business until they started being eternally bullied by Britain.
>have done no wrong
>voted to leave the EU
I'm afraid not.
Germany dindu nuffin rong!!!!
I love you.
>Bully the welsh so hard that they invite the anglo-saxons to protect them
>Cry forever about getting bullied by anglo-saxons
Norway too. They need to blanda upp back into the Kalmar Union but leave Sweden out to die like they deserve
modern society needs some teaching
D-do you have video evidence of t-that?
Can I borrow this meme?
Bhutan is based.
>never colonized
>based eternal bhuddists, no christ or allah fags allowed
>carbon negative/neutral
>Finally legalize t.v/interwebs in late 90s, majority of the country refuses to use it because they recognize it as degenerate influence
>National sport is archery, because fuck football