What is so great about 50s era? or it is just an overhyped meme?
What is so great about 50s era? or it is just an overhyped meme?
Last decade where strong families and community were valued
yes and no
the rest of the world was basically bombed to smithereens and caused an artificial labor shortage, the "I painted garages all summer and paid for college out of pocket" and "I worked in a factory and made enough for a house, a spouse, 2.1 kids and a dog" effect that suckers the right and the left alike in America
crime and "degeneracy" (births out of wedlock, teen pregnancy, STDs, cretinism, lead poisoning, genuine political subversion and racial violence) were unmistakably worse in the 50s, but the economy and Jello industry was booming so hard it's easy to look over in retrospect
Post-war prosperity with booming industrial economy meant even proles could have well-paying jerbs and start families.
Compare the 1950's to the 1940's and it's not hard to figure out why the 50's are remembered so fondly.
>unmistakably worse in the 50s,
Not necessarily so. When you compare murder rates then to murder rates now, realize that we use advancements in trauma care, since the Vietnam War, to reduce murder to a fifth of what it would be without those advancements.
The 4/5ths of "botched murders" is put under assault, for obvious reasons.
>strong families
the nuclear family is capitalist propaganda
extended families are the real human norm, but that wouldn't suit the corporate need for increased consumption
>the nuclear family is capitalist propaganda
Christ this fucking board
>strong families
You mean good, traditional values like beating the shit out of your wife and kids, right?
>fantastic economy
>real feelings of hope for the future
>communist scum hadn't infiltrated university yet (there was a time uni was actually anti-communist)
>even complete dumbasses could support a big family by working in a factory
Same-ish for the 60s.
Show me at least ten 1950's styled glorifications of that practice, that are looked upon fondly, and I'll concede that you aren't talking out of your ass.
Look at your parents wealth than look at yours.
It honest to goodness depends on whether or not you were a white heterosexual male. And even then, it was kind of a meme.
Read the rest of the post, cuck. When you farm off your elders to a cold corporate """care""" facility you shit on them specifically and you shit on your ancestors and culture generally.
I've never seen a communist who denies the holodomor who isn't also viciously anti-semitic.
course your pic is just a butthurt retaliation for pic related
>This is what a counselor at the American Institute of Family Relations told a woman whose husband had an affair after 27 years of marriage:
>We have found in our experience, that when a husband leaves his home, he may be seeking refuge from an unpleasant environment. Could it be that your husband feels that he is not understood or appreciated in his own home? What might there be in your relations to him that could make him feel that way? Could you have stressed your contribution to your marriage in such a manner as to have belittled the part he has played and thus made him uncomfortable in his presence?
>Experts also had ideas on how to deal with physical abuse in a marriage. As Celello writes in Making Marriage Work:
>Clifford Adams thus assured wives whose husbands were prone to violence that following a program of avoiding arguments, indulging their husbands’ whims, helping them relax, and sharing their burdens would “foster harmony” in the home and make them “happy wives.”
1950's family was a meme
>Implying that a better future society than the one we have today wouldn't cynically focus solely on how we pretend it's okay to feed kids hormones to eventually mutilate them into looking like the opposite gender, and that that isn't worse than a screwed up counselor.
Alright back to /leftypol/ with you.
>Implying that has anything to do with my criticism of 1950's family culture.
Not a bad answer, the war certainly coloured their perceptions.
Polio and living under the constant thread of atomic annihilation
>Being anti-capitalism means that you are a communist
Golly gee, thank our corporate overlords for importing cheap third world labour in the 60s and promoting migration nowadays to keep the birthrate up for unsustainable growth and increase of consumers
please see
yes women before the 1960s were beaten daily, they lived to be punching bags, that was their use before the 1960s everywhere on the planet, you would be a social outcast if you didn't have a wife whith a face like sylvester stallone at the end of rocky
>when a nu-right Ameriblob modernist sees an actual right winger and assumes he's a communist for opposing (((capitalism)))
It's utterly comical
You forgot your kids also needed at least a black eye.
Happy Days was not reality
Overhyped meme.
Even if you're into traditionalism, why pick the 50's? Why not pick something earlier, like late 19th century?
1950s America is literally the NatSoc German dream.
no AC, shit medical care, seasonal diet or horrible early canned goods.
the only good thing is that you could move and start over. no one knowing who you really were. no government keeping track of you and taxing you.
Earlier than that, this is the best traditionalism.
>larger families == less consumption
I'm not sure if I can wrap my head around this one. Are you implying that extended families would somehow become self-sufficient and not consume goods and services offered by corporations?
>tfw there was actually a time in history when a man could spank his wife for talking back to him
I don't approve of violence toward women but that's fucking hot.
no one can talk about this decade objectively since all they know about it is memes and "facts" that support their worldview,
as for me
-everyone has money due to social programs and global economic dominance
-homicide rate is down
-still feeling the afterglow of WWII
-political unity
-strong-ass federal government (u mad libertarians?)
-Jim Crow laws (yes I mad /pol/)
-Constant fear of nuclear extermination
-Korean war kinda dampened the afterglow
-ridiculous levels of censorship that ruined movies, comics, animation, music, and books for years (and other than movies and music the damage was permanent for the other mediums)
It's just a mythical past, the image and associations of that era are better than they actually were.
That being said, the post-war boom caused a lot of prosperity for a lot of people. But people should stop idolizing that period.
90s > 50s
still better than 70s, 80s, 00s, 10s
60s was pretty much the same as the 50s sure there were hippies but they were only in a small area in commiefornia for most of that decade.
If they produce their own stuff yes. Like growing their own food or making their own clothes.
And you even demand?
> strong gender roles
> work for everyone
> great aesthetics
> no feminism
> no SJWs
American comics are still recovering from that. I also blame it as the reason why capeshit is still so dominant, but that is slowly changing thankfully.
The new deal paying off, America's golden age of influence following world war 2, wide spread educated middle class thanks to the GI bill, strong unionized industrial sector.
you forgot meth abuse
50's and 60's was the era of the pill poppers. Prescription drug abuse wouldn't see such a crescendo again until the 2010s.
To be fair most drugs were perfectly legal and socially accepted until the late 60s due to being associated with dirty hippies.
Look at it this way. I'm a mediocre white Christian male with no particular talent, charm, or desire for hard work.
In the 1950s I could still live in comparative affluence for the time and place. I didn't have to compete with women or minorities for well paid jobs. Asia was still and impoverished or radioactive dump and Europe was emerging from WWII, modern globalization was really only starting to be worked out, so there was no real foreign competition for good jobs.
Also, I could brutalize my wife and children (not that I would want to, but still) and the police would consider it a private matter. If my wife dared to leave me she would be forced to live a life of poverty and shame. If a black man dared to cross me I could have him arrested and beaten.
That's what was so great about the 50s.
the difference is LBJ's immigration bill. which banned being able to keep people out based on nationality, ethnicity, religion, etc.
then Reagan and Bush sr both gave amensty to large amounts of mexicans.
>socially accepted
i wouldn't say that
drug prohibition was always tied to racial discrimination.
>don't like the chinese immigrants? ban heroine and other opiods. those chinks love their opium
>mexicans? marijuana
>blacks? cocaine
if the country was over 90% white. no one would care if people were strung out on drugs.
I have to admit
I hate the 50s due to jelly of the fact that if I lived in that time I would be shatted on my jim crow laws in the south and defacto segregation in the north so there's way to experience the ideal 50s lifestyle even if I did work hard to achieve it.
Though to be fair what is described in the idealistic 50s kinda did feel like my childhood all the reports of horrible crime, poverty, and millennial fashions isn't really in my sleepy neighborhood (though I wish my historydegree amounted to shit like it apparently did in the 50s).
>He doesn't have a prescription for laudanum to deal with mental exhaustion after occasionally being required to stay late in the office and supervise the evening shift typing pool girls.
I can dig it.
I come from a very large family with relatives who work in many different fields, and I bet if we pooled our resources together we could probably build a commune and live off the land, though I still don't see how living under a non-capitalist government would make it easier for us to do this.
>(u mad libertarians?)
Not in the slightest, the 50s were free as FUCK.
Economies of scale. One big bag of flour vs 5 smaller ones. More people per house. More ridesharing.
You still consume, just less per person.
Nuclear family is there so that there are people that can take care of the worker so that society doesn't have to.
but people are their own people
even if the wife just stays good and looks pretty the hubby might not want such a wife anyway
economic problems such as the factory being outsourced means that the worker might not even be a worker (so the family starves)
kids (or at least just boys) have to go from "good nice little angels" to "independent well-rounded adults" in about a year
and then there's all the mental problems brought on by events outside the family's control.
if it works it works but if it doesn't it fails badly and all you'll get is a pissed and violent dad, beaten wife, and jaded and mentally unstable kids.
I guess I can see that.
On a related note, the 1950s were definitely the decade when the ultra-consumerist, "everybody needs to own a house and two cars" mentality started to take over in the US. I'm pretty sure this was due to the abundance of wealth during that era, though. As time goes on, we're starting to see more and more people sharing resources and living at home well into their late 20s and even 30s, so it seems like we're slowly returning to a more traditional way of life where large families coexist and provide for one another.
These tbqh famm
It was literally created by the industrial revolution
hey, it's probably a good idea because with the technological advances that we have, we can have the best of both worlds. The help and support of an extended family, and the opportunity to interact with people all over the world.
This pic is so fucking stupid because there's not an ML on the planet who would reject the word "communist"
Most of them identify as communist first, Marxist-Leninist second
Very overhyped. On y a small part of American society lived it and not for long.
All the marxists in the thread ought to check themselves.
hell even if a white guy fucked with you you can just oust him as a commie
>>blacks? cocaine
They can't even afford cocaine that's middle/upper class white drugs.
Crack-Cocaine or just Crack is their drug of choice.
Cocaine and Crck have a sentencing disparity very huge before the Fair Sentencing Act of 2010 .
Also note that
>While a person found with five grams of crack cocaine faced a five-year mandatory minimum prison sentence, a person holding powder cocaine could receive the same sentence only if he or she held five hundred grams.
They reduced it to 18:1 but that still is shit because crack and cocaine are no different really in their addictions
Russia's Perstroika was as bad as the early USSR
I mean if you think veterans of the Vietnam war was sad Korean war veterans has to live with their war being called "the forgotten war"
not to mention quite a few of them were also vets from WWII
That depends but you can geta right wing guy outed as a "commie" if you are a wordsmith of great repute.
If he went to Angola
Low murder rates don't contradict anything he said. Even then it seems like we're at 1950's level nowadays.
You and so many people have that enraging costume of seeing someone make a point, overblowing what they said by 100 and then pointing out how your stupid exaggeration somehow proves you're right.
Domestic violence definitely was seen diferently in the 1950s
>being fascinated by times of stagnation and normalcy
Interesting times are where it's at.
what does this even mean?
funny enough it seems that the best time of Russia in the 20th century was also the 50s (though after Stalin of course)
Someone with an average job that has 5 children or so will spend money on basic goods and not much else. Those people are ntog onna be buying a new fancy dishwasher or fancy clothes from this season.
no feminism, no shit teenagers who gimme gimme gimme and give nothing in return, no BET,MTV and college was worth going to but now its shit.
>no shit teenagers who gimme gimme gimme and give nothing in return
That's a pretty fucking bold statement when the largest recession in US history happened when these teenagers were 10, and the massive chunks of american manufacturing shipped abroad with neoliberalism under reagan approved by their parents.
yeah hedonists still have faith in technology to stop their unhappiness
After the brutality of Stalin and the NKVD, but before the stagnation and mass corruption of Brezhnev, yes.
technology is the only thing that's really ever progressing
even if you go back then you'll have people yelling about "muh collapsing values" but you can't say that with tech
>tfw 00s reached 50s levels
are we living in the 50s now?
>extended families are the real human norm
This is true.
>b-b-but muh better education
Well, greatest war in history just ended and USA was left unscathed.
Why are you triggered mr. Freedom Hater?
nah it's you that needs to
>Veeky Forums is not /pol/, and Global Rule #3 is in effect. Do not try to treat this board as /pol/ with dates.
see even the mods don't want you here
>shilling for freedumbs
Lie of the century
>b-b-but you dont even know what breedoms means
Ya it was the middle class was the strongest it has ever been in amea Ivan history during that time period
Honestly, I just think things are happier when women at least try to be subservient to men in committed family relationships. When they are single they should have all the rights possible don't get me wrong.
Yes, there are always the extreme cases of women in dark marriages with abusive husbands and probably helped start the 1960s but I'd say a serious majority of these families were very happy. I am 38 so old enough to have known some 1950's families and they always seemed pretty happy.
My two grandma/grandpa sides had epic love affairs and many kids and lots of love so I am biased. Anecdotal as fuck but oh well. I am not trying to win an argument just adding my 2 cents.
I just feel like the 1880-1960 was a time when America tried to live super Biblical at least out in the open and we tried to be peacemakers and so didn't go headlong into wars and tried to live by the book. Maybe I am wrong and stupid but it seemed like it.
Now we are maybe 30% Atheist in the US and lots of degenerate Boomers and kids of the Boomers have done insane damage and things are now almost at the end and we have a President Trump and China is about to eat our lunch. It seems like we really lost our soul and 1950's Christians were right all along.
50s was a time when men were happier, not women.
If women were as happy as you say there wouldn't even be feminism.
Having a loved one who cares for you is pretty attractive and all for the female that gets it, but all the rhetoric of "muh freedoms" and American dreams pretty much drives all Americans male and female.
Way I see it good subservient marriage is like a good monarchy, a good husband/king is better than having liberties (hell one can argue even an ok one that just gets shit done is better), but what are the odds of getting one and you're fucked if you don't.
Feminism was a meme brought about by a small but devoted group of people, just like the alt-right or antifa. Your average normiegirl wasn't a fermenist.
>If women were as happy as you say there wouldn't even be feminism.
50s was a time when the mass adoption of TV really took off.
Seeing an exceptionally handsome man and seeing exceptional displays of wealth and "mastery" was a treat that took time to plan (to go to a cinema).
Now they can see all the "exceptional" men and women all day everyday.
TV made the lives of women seem pathetically boring. Even domestic life wasn't as funny or problem free as domestic life on television.
TV created feminism by displaying images of a fantastic life that seemed impossible without getting a TV man. No other culture had dealt with the daily occurrence of contradictory images of "life" being displayed in the same pattern and duration over and over ago.
over and over again*
Not to mention that the mass prescription of stimulants gave women a lot of time to think fast and loose in the confines of their housing.
Developmental delay from iodine deficiency.
Both men and women have been becoming more unhappy for the past few decades
>End of WWII
>Economic Boom
>Fear of nuclear war wasn't big yet
Acting like a hooligan because you didn't have the internet, TV, or late night radio to entertain you
>moving the goalpost because you won't concede he wasn't talking out of his ass.