why the fuck does he speak like that? Is he retarded? I want to smash his face
Because he's a homosexual.
Isn't that how all murrifats speak? Loud, annoying, melodramatic and retarded
>I want to speak to the manager
He is speaking to the lowest common denominator like all successful youtubers
Nah, that's yuros
fuck off with your shit channel, retard
>normie sees those "share found" message on the image
>they think that means they can mine 1 BTC every 8 seconds
NCIX also posted a guide. I fucking hate this. Not because I'm a miner, because I really believe in this, and this mofos are trying to make it mainstream by saying "mine and sell, don't look at anything else". They don't even explain what you're doing, what the fuck ethereum is, nothing. These goddamn normies are what's wrong with crypto.
this dude is almost exactly as swole as me and he looks pathetic
i am pathetic
The correct reaction is not to REEE, but buying AMD and a little Nvidia stock.
you mean sell your GPUs that you previously bought in anticipation of this
Holy shit, ameritards.
i couldn't get past few seconds, the nu-male look and talking just made me cringe tbqh desu
i hope he doesn't recommend mining bitcoin with a gpu tho
desu if you bought bitcoin anytime after 2012 it's probably you who is also a normie
just saying
desu if you didn't buy apple stocks back in the 70's, you are no better than the guy in op's pic
pretty much yes.
most people in the US are either overly enthusiastic and behave like a cartoon character trying explain over-simplified concepts to children like this youtube guy. Or they're in a state of mild-depression and respond to everything with snarky retorts (like 99% of posts on /biz) because they believe having a negative opinion on something makes them appear more intelligent.
He doesnt even do reviews. He just does previews. He is basically the TotalBiscuit of tech youtube.
I got into crypto in 2012. GTFO retard.
those camera movements
must look and feel fucking ridiculous to record these videos for everyone involved