How was life for the common peasant ik 16th century ottoman empire?
Did they own land?
What kind of festivals dud they celebrate?
Also was there much difference between christians and muslims in how they lived?
How was life for the common peasant ik 16th century ottoman empire?
It was actually very tolerant and peaceful.
Christians, Jews, and Muslims lived together in harmony. Muslims were arbiters of peace when they ruled their lands.
We could learn a thing of two from them :^)
But in those times giving your newly conquered subjects a different choice than convert or die was pretty tolerant.
Before the chiflik system the Empire used a non-hereditary form of land management called the Timar System. Starting as the Empire began to collapse, powerful military officers started to claim land from the Sultan's holding allowing them to pass the land onto their sons thus creating the Chiflik system. This form of land management lasted from the sixteenth century to the collapse of the Ottoman Empire in 1919.
Previously, peasants under the Timar system enjoyed a relatively liberal system. Under the Chiflik system they were ruled as serfs.
What the wikipedia article fails to mention, is that a Chiflik didn't just replace the Timar system, it came on top of it. So the peasants, not only had increased taxes, and an increased obligation to work on the landlord's personal estate for 3 days/week. But the former obligations remained in place. Which meant they were working for someone else 4 days/week and pay more taxes on what they make for themselves in the two days remaining (because IIRC in Islam, friday is like the Sabbath and people don't work).
Generally it was alright in the early and mid 16th centuries, but the late 16th century had growing socio-economic unrest.
The remnants of the Chiflik system caused great unrest in former Ottoman territories once they were freed (Greece, Serbia, Bulgaria).
Muslims also had to pay less in taxes, because non Muslims had to pay a HaraƧ, and were also subjected to Devsirme.
Religious freedom also deteriorated in the late 16th century. Whereas it flourished in the mid 16th century because of the Serbian grand Vizier, who also reinstated the Serbian church and put his brother in charge.
>convert or die
That's wrong you idiot. Islam doesn't permit that. In the ottoman empire you were allowed to live in harmony as long as you paid the jizya tax.
But user said the Ottomans gave a different choice than that
iirc many Orthodox and Protestant Christian s preferred their rule to catholic rule
u dont know nothing ignorant fuck. read some books.
I read the Qur'an and it says they can live in peace and harmony. The ottomans followed the Qur'an.
You familiar with the term KryptoChristian?
they provided the seed for the turkish royal family :^)
this is a great moment to address this horrendous outlook people take. just because a religious book says something, doesn't mean that people of that religion will always (or ever) follow that part. that goes for all religions. the quran can say all it wants about peace and harmony but its followers aren't famous for it
You talk the talk...
Can you walk the walk?
how the fuck do you go from THIS to THAT
The people who don't do what the book says aren't muslims silly.
The Sultanate of Rum did it, the ottomans demanded it at Vienna, many did it
yeah sure whatever
didn't one sultan die of alcohol poisoning?
>damn those Balkan women are gorgeous, better take one as my concubine
>damn those Balkan women are gorgeous, better take one as my concubine
>damn those Balkan women are gorgeous, better take one as my concubine
The diference between a muslim and a christian paesant is that christians payed one extra taxt the muslims didnt. However, muslim paesant had to serve in the army when he was called upon, the christian paesant, due to the extra tax, didnt
preferable to getting crusaders with a "convert or die" attitude after you
Sounds like exactly what Green would say and get murdered if he was in the balkans while he said it
>iirc many Orthodox and Protestant Christian s preferred their rule to catholic rule
hahaha... no
balkan christians always sought support from the habsburgs and always fled to the habsburg empire after every failed war or rebellion, it was a safe haven for them before the rise of Russia
getting discriminated for your faith and pretending to not be Christian to receive full rights is better than being persecuted and pretending to be Catholic to not get killed on the streets
but the christians also had to give a son to the ottomans to be a slave soldier
>good post on Veeky Forums
>no replies
This board is depressing
That was not common at all. The total amount of janissaries recruited through "blood tax" was ~50000. That for the whole history of the Ottoman empire. And these 50000 were recruited from Albania, Bulgaria, Serbia, Bosna etc. So yeah not common at all.
common enough to remembered by every generation in the balkans
Many Greek orthodox and Alabaniam Christians fled to Italy for a reason. You're a fool or a liar.
read songs about prince marko
The thread asked for comparison of average paesants. The vast majority of christian paesants were not affected by blood tax
aww yeah krali marko
Nope. Just Mudslimes enslaving their daughters for sex trade.
Very relevant
Kotzampasis is still a swearword in rural Greece.
Adding a dark note, a lot of people in Greece sometimes will let slip a "fuck your cross" or "fuck your Christ"while swearing, something that fortunatelly dissapears. It was the remnants of the blood tax. Kidnapping your children, brainwashing then and then setting them off against their kinsmen.
It's genuenly not debatable, as user previously said, 50 000 su h soldiers was raised during the entire ottoman existance. Now think how many christian homes was in all the areas occupied by ottomans. It's far more than 50 000
Very nice, thanks.
This. The "tolerant moderate peaceful Muslims" kidnapped Christian firstborn sons as slave-soldiers.
Considering there were nearly 51,000 janissaries in 1654 alone, you're either stupid or lying.
If you already have an opinion than why do you even fuckig ask. On a side note, not all janissaries were taken christian children, especially in the late ottoman rule. My city produced a load of them and non were christian
Dude, reading comprehension is not you strong point. Only minority was kidnapped. Turks were assholes but no need to fabricate shit you dumb burger.
Was there an Armenian genocide, or like with the jews, "it never happened"?
Turks are the biggest didnuffinwrong amagudbwoy ever.
Some parts of the empire were more tolerant than others. There was a hierarchy with christians at the bottom most of the time. Every time they felt like it the beys would massacre christian populations, as the Kurd beys in Mosul and Syria did so often to the Assyrians and Druze. I recall some atrocities commited against christians in the 1700s and 1800s after some of the Balkan uprisings too, but they were mostly commited by the Army and not the governors
Like we said, most janissaries were not kidnapped boys. And the custom died in 300 years.
I am done talking to you.
You are a liar and a deceiver.
The Serbian uprising began as a revolt against the rogue janissaries who overthrew the local governor and ruled brutally, increasing taxes, increasing the workload and murdering people that resisted. Eventually they plotted to kill every upstanding Serb (quasi aristocracy).
So to cut to the chase, they killed the rogue janissaries, and were unwilling to return to Ottoman rule again. After 9 years of fighting the Ottomans won, and began a campaign of brutal repression. And the Serbs rose up again, brutal repression again, revolt again, but the last time it was settled diplomatically without the brutal repression part in a quasi independent status (kid of like Kosovo today).
The ominous example of this repression is the Skull tower
>balkan christians always sought support from the habsburgs and always fled to the habsburg empire after every failed war or rebellion, it was a safe haven for them before the rise of Russia
Please give instance by instance examples before 1700. They were unhappy is a pretty vague example.
Not exactly, they were definitely mostly slave soldiers but they were paid well and all (not most) the positions in the government were filled with them. this is just the modern interpretation of it, nationalism requires stories like this.
In a way the Serbs traded Kosovo for Vojvodina.
That occurred during the war and the second one is after the war. Who wouldn't run away from the war?
If you're referring to my trade comment, sorry, i'm just lamenting.
Great post.