Im sitting on 16.500 of these worthless shitcoins and cant even sell them

Im sitting on 16.500 of these worthless shitcoins and cant even sell them

>listed on WAVES clown exchange
>zero volume, theres like a trade every 30 minutes
>price is already tanking

the devs wont tell when/if this will ever get on a legit exchange.

basically we are supposed to just twiddle our thumbs and hope they put something together until the mainnet release in q3

how the fuck could I fall for this bullshit?


Other urls found in this thread:

Have faith pussy

LMAO. Was about to get into this, glad I didn't. As soon as I heard Waves token I knew you guys were fucked.

faith in what you fucking moron?

a dev team that will literally ban you if you ask uncomfortable questions?

that are setup in belize, a lawless tax haven, so we have zero legal repercussions if they just take the money and run?

there is absolutely no reason to trust these scammers and tons of major red flags already.

yet somehow a bunch of (mostly third world) shills go around yelling that "muh mainnet q3" and that somehow manna is gonna fall from the sky


I'm sure there are a lot bigger bagholders than you out there, don't worry.

That's fake, debunked on the slack

too bad they ban people on slack so I cant verify that

if the devs are not complete scammers then they sure are doing a shitjob at PR and communicating with their userbase.

What do you want the devs to do - there are so many ICOs out there with no end product yet. You can sell them on waves, someone will be there to pick up your bags

Just stop the fud you utter homosexual

I want them to fucking do their job!

it would literally take them an afternoon to slap together a FAQ that addresses all these concerns

it would also help if their own team didnt act like dickwads and ban people on slack for asking simple questions like this?

>posts FAQ i already know
>none of my questions I answered in there

no, not like this

>the devs wont tell when/if this will ever get on a legit exchange

Is this your question? Answer is here

>ITT: whiny little bitches hoping to make a quick buck who never read the roadmap

Glad I got out at the price I paid. Red flags out the ass

>ITT: increasingly nervous shills who are scared this will tank to 1 sat

lucky you
Im still sitting on mine. any change I could drop them at my buy-in price Id probably go for it too.

>says absolutely nothing except "were working on it" and "muh NDA"

Check out DICE @ etherrol OP. Their shit works already

you know what the fuck is an NDA right? why would they jeopardise chances of getting into the big exchanges by telling you shit.

oh here we go again
blaming the entire lack of communication and horrible PR on "muh NDA"

theres absolutely nothing stopping the devs from giving vague, general updates without breaking an NDA you fucking idiot. somehow other ICOs get it done too.

I hope all you clueless shills at least get paid for your dickriding

the fact of the matter is the devs screwed up big time with this waves bullshit

and instead of owning up to it they just double down. and all you moronig shills eat it up and keep parroting their bullshit.

they should have not bothered to get it listed on ANY exchanges, that would be better than this shitshow.

now its listed on some shit exchange with zero volume and liquidity. and whenever someone complains about it an army of shills goes apeshit "LOL ITS TEMPORARY BRO. YOU GOT IT ON WAVES BRO. JUST SELL IT IF YOU DONT LIKE IT BRO."

I almost hope this shit tanks. Id lose a bunch of money but Id love to see all you retards suffer from it.

wow, the FUD in here is strong.

I've been on the dev slack for a month, I've never seen anyone get banned, even the faggots who cry daily about nonsense don't get banned.

The thread on Bitcointalk about one of the devs leaving is a hoax.

There are no less than 4 fake Wagerr tokens on the Waves exchange.

We are continually seeing people spread FUD about this team as they are trying to pick up more Wagerr for cheap.

Guess what, the temporary Wagerr token is live and tradeable on an exchange right now. Sorry it didn't pump 10x 24 hours after you bought in. If you don't like it, sell at the bottom and KYS in 3 months when you post another thread to Veeky Forums saying how you wanted to kill yourself back then so you sold and now you want to kill yourself because you didn't hold.

Give them some time, if there's no usable test wallet out in 60-90 days then you can cry scam all you want, but right now they just got funding and they are in the process of hiring more devs and working on the project. anyone who hangs out in the slack for more than 5 minutes will see this.

Don't buy into this FUD nonsense.

>muh FUD
>everythings gonna be fine

yeah you shills keep repeating that but ive yet to see ONE of you back up this blind faith with some actual arguments

Already dumped all of mine. Shit project start to finish. Designed like a ponzi, promises the moon, fucking uses waves tokens. CEO is incompetent and the senior devs are random sjws with 2/10 linkedins

I guess you could say that your investment was quite a .. wager


you did the right thing user
I just cant get myself to eat a huge loss so Ill torture myself over this shitcoin until the inevitable collapse

well you only have yourself to blame

You guys sound like such faggots. Honestly, it's pathetic. Anyone that invests in any ICOs right now, with the market in its current state, and then pisses, moans, and posts non-stop about scam this and FUD that when the investment doesn't 10x the moment the ICO closes sucks so much shit that I kinda want the whole market to fail just so you'll kys.

Anyone that's so emotionally invested in this shit that they cannot make a decision to invest for some reason or another and then have the balls to wait patiently for, i don't know, a fucking fortnight at least before screeching endlessly like some schoolgirl deserves to stay broke and virginal eternally.

None of you deserve to make money and you clearly don't have enough to invest safely, likely you have no other options due to social retardation, and more importantly; even if you did have the proper capital to invest you're too fucking stupid and gay to do it right.

the whale FUD team is out in full effect on this one.

don't blame you, I am trying to buy more on the cheap myself.

but seriously all of your arguments are ridiculous.

>muh FUD
>clearly you are poor because you hate seeing some gook CEO burn your money
>youre just pissed because it didnt 10x over night

LMAO straight out of the shill playbook
all you faggots literally parrot the same tired shit and you got ZERO arguments

I cant wait till all you shills are on suicide watch

how much did you give this shitcoin?

I did some research into their team. The CMO is a failed actor from LA who was in one tv commercial. Then, he made shitty youtube videos where he trolled people on chat roulette. After that, he started making glass pieces (bowls etc.) and selling them online. Somehow went from that to being a lead member of this "not scam".

Lmao. What have you gotten yourself into Veeky Forums?




Better get the kneepads out boys, hope you didn't put too much into this

I could buy a fat bag of cocaine and some top notch hookers for the money I put into this

which is probably exactly what Dr. Gook is enjoying right now, since hes rolling in scam money

Shhh, no tears. Only dreams now.

they want investors, not street shitters who dump all their coins the first day they debut on an exchange. stop phone posting from the gutter, pajeet, and die. die.

>WAVES token

Don't worry about it, they'll just delete the tokens so you won't have to think about them anymore.

which exchange is it on? And what do you mean "temporary"?

I'm only calling you a retard. Not shilling anything. Except what a retard faggot you personally are.

this is what happens when you get suckered into fringe tokens on a completely unused fringe "exchange" cryptocurrency.

waves will never take off because people have no reason to move from much larger currencies like ethereum. ride the pump and dumps but dont fall for any of their marketing shit. exchange currencies are only good when theres volume, and none of them have ever succeeded.

Bitch I put in like $500 and then was active on the slack for months from round 1 of the ICO until now, the devs continually disappoint and the waves token is a total meme. Stop being a faggot shill, even if the project turns a profit on ICO prices it will be outpaced massively by the blue chip cryptos

this shitcoin is never gonna go anywhere. who in their right mind believes these gooks will create an industry disrupting software...

did you take a look at the fucking demo wallet? its a joke with zero functions. a five year old could slap this shit together in an afternoon.

im dumping this shit first chance I get.. hopefully at ICO price once it hits a real exchange

the only silver lining is that all the braindead shills will lose their shirt too

>who in their right mind believes these gooks will create an industry disrupting software...

>Believes in ANS but not WGR

Seriously just kill yourself

are you retarded?
i dont believe in ANS and dont hold any of these chinkcoins

matter of fact wagerr is the first time I broke my "no subhuman devs" rule... and Im paying for it

When the ICO started multiple people complained about receiving significantly less wagerr than they should have and had to contact support to get it fixed. What everyone failed to notice is that this went both ways, I received more wagerr than I should have. I bought hardly any so it doesn't really matter, but I would guess this also happened to others. I wouldn't trust a team that is this incompetent.

This is total FUD. I'm on slack constantly and this has never been brought up.

Keep trying tho guys, I think you've almost convinced yourself of something.

What, is anybody's guess.

haha that's great. Sold my 12k as fast as I could though. What a flaming heap of a project

wow you bought in at 480 and sold for 520, what a savvy crypto whale you are