Is Holocaust Denial the "creationism" of history?
>Facts are there and widely studied
>People are ideologically motivated to ignore, lie, or make propaganda about how it's wrong.
pic semi related
Is Holocaust Denial the "creationism" of history?
>Facts are there and widely studied
>People are ideologically motivated to ignore, lie, or make propaganda about how it's wrong.
pic semi related
No, because there isn't any serious evidence for the mainstream Holocaust narrative. There's no analogy to creationism.
Yeah, equivalent to marxism in economics.
All right its time to back to /pol/
You're telling me to go back to /pol/ after posting this idiotic bait thread to begin with?
What issue do you have with Marxian, that is, classical, economics.
Not him but it's worse than Keynesian.
its kind of hard to take the holocaust seriously when there's stories of anorexic people being turned into soap and giant electric chairs executing hundreds of people
This is what fucks me off about Veeky Forums and their superiority complex. I can buy that hundreds of thousands, possibly even millions of Jews died in internment camps. I can even buy that there was a planned extermination campaign, notwithstanding that the evidence (to me) is shaky and circumstantial. I have no doubts whatsoever that the program on the Eastern Front was brutal and gruesome. But nothing is enough, they expect you to swallow all the crap about conveyor belts, gas showers, giant eagles picking out prisoners' eyeballs, lampshades and the like, and when you press them on this they just dodge or blow clouds of ink or throw insults at you. So obnoxious
Not really. Maybe a theory about the history of civilization being much shorter would be a better analogy.
The holocaust was a shocking event and involved a fuck ton of people. it's inevitable you're going to get people exaggerating,distorting the truth and lying about either their involvement or the scope of the operation. it's annoying as fuck, but it happens. It's like that woman who lied about being in the twin towers during September 11 to sell a book.
Don't get hung up on this stuff.
Yes I'm sure those historians who've studied this shit for years are talking out of their ass, you however know the truth thanks to infographs, shitty youtube videos and blog posts :)
this i was at a lecture about WW2 and it was specifically about Battles and out of the 4 lectures 3 of them were on the holocaust. the lecturer started spouting off shit like the amount of jews killed isnt actually true and it was more and more. but its fucking stupid as to how many jews were actually killed, 6 million jews in such a small time span is next to impossible. an estimated 6000 jews a day when there arent even that many carcasses found of these jews.
No, that would be Marxism.
>Marxism gets proven wrong
>tell the critics they're just swallowed capitalist propaganda, that they misinterpreted Marx or that Marxism will be proven right at some point in history while holding onto that blind faith
The Rwanda Genocide never happened, 800,000 people died in the span of 3 months. That's over 8000 people a day. Impossible I tell you!
He learnt it from /pol/. He probably thinks all education is fake and one only needs to browse /pol/ to understand science, maths, history and biology. He probably thinks going to /pol/ is equivalent to all the basic education people are given up to the 12 grade.
>But nothing is enough, they expect you to swallow all the crap about conveyor belts, gas showers, giant eagles picking out prisoners' eyeballs, lampshades and the like, and when you press them on this they just dodge or blow clouds of ink or throw insults at you. So obnoxious
Who are the "they" you talk about? To me it sounds like you made up a strawman.
>there arent even that many carcasses found of these jews
They were reduced to ashes senpai
What if those number are inflated as well?
Their bones too?
Fomenko always baffles me. Creationists try to fit the history of mankind and the universe in a 6000 years frame and it's difficult enough already, but Fomenko basically claims nothing happened until 1000 years ago.
>conparing a kill rate which can be easily done to a complete body incineration rate which is the disputed figures
Ground to dust or just buried.
>Marxian, that is, classical economics
Well I think you'll be interested to know that six million weren't gassed, because gassing wasn't the only way to kill someone.
I don't see how it's impossible for 6 million to die in the span of 12 years.
There's always something else
This. Not to mention all the evidence that shows the 60 million white Christians that the Jewish Bolsheviks killed, (((Historians))) don't admit that
>lampshades and the like
literally find me any thead where anyone promotes the idea of lampshades.
no Holocaust scholar believes that, it was a rumor among Jews. just because your dumbass watched a clip with a holocaust survivor saying some stupid shit doesn't mean it hasn't been refuted by Historians
Giant Birds? Lamp Jews?
I wasn't taut that in school. The only time I've heard any one say that is right now. So I think painting that as the mainstream narrative is disingenuous. I'm sure there is some butt hurt jews claiming that, but come on. There is proven to be death camps anyway, many holocaust deniers don't even deny that. They try and say that they were just internment camps and the Germans weren't trying to kill them.
>The only time I've heard any one say that is right now
shut up. all they do is cry about MUHH SHOAH and how their grandmother was turned into soap.
there is no way 6 million or even a couple million could have died. how did the Jewish population rise?
there were more after WW2 then before, how is this explained? the kikes blew it by expecting us to believe anything they say while they lie so much and have no physical evidence to back up any of their claims
People meme about & Humanities but let me remind you this is the History part
No, they are "flat earth society" of history
What evidence? I mean, if the evidence for the Holocaust can't be considered as reliable, the evidence for the figure of 60 million people killed by Bolsheviks must be more solid than that of the Holocaust, right? If that's the case, what type of solid evidence for that death toll attributed to Bolsheviks is there that the Holocaust lacks?
>have no physical evidence to back up any of their claims
What would constitute that physical evidence?
>there were more after WW2 then before, how is this explained?
Its simply factually incorrect. Just because you read it in a picture on the internet, doesn't mean its true.
I'm pretty /pol/ myself but holocaust denial is just so fucking stupid.
Creationism is teh creationism of history.
Youre denying shitloads of facts such as the first societies being older than the timeframe of the creation narrative.
Do not try to treat this board as /pol/ with dates. Blatant racism and trolling will not be tolerated, and a high level of discourse is expected. History can be examined from many different conflicting viewpoints; please treat other posters with respect and address the content of their post instead of attacking their character.
> a high level of discourse is expected
If the want to make a holocaust thread talking about lack of evidence and facts, start the thread with some citations and facts. The same goes for the retards who argue the opposite point. Stop making threads to bait /pol/ it's killing the board
Mr Sarfati, please stop shilling your terrible books.
Everyone knows the citations though. Links like these
Get spammed on every holocaust denial thread here, they're practically part of the common knowledge/culture of the board.
what marx studied is really sociology/political economics and has little to do with modern economics (the study of scarcity, or, who gets what and why)
Plus his basic assumptions were flat wrong, like labor theory of value and falling rate of profit
They want literally to see 6 million dead Jews. it's the only way to convince them
You do know that not all of them were gassed right? Some were shot, worked to death, and so on.
if they are jewish why wouldnt they?
>Do not try to treat this board as /pol/ with dates. Blatant racism and trolling will not be tolerated, and a high level of discourse is expected.
>he really thinks that
>Jews are some collective bee like hive mind
>I ignore the innate collectivism and tribalism in every human being
>Everyone who studies the holocaust is Jewish
>Dismissing people's arguments because they once knew a guy who had a dog that lived at a pound that was owned by a guy who lived down the road to someone who once had contact with a Jew.
>they cannot possible lie when they only have advantages and no one ever will dare to doubt them
>Collectivism and tribalism=All Jews do things for the benefit of each other like insects
>they cannot possible lie when they only have advantages and no one ever will dare to doubt them
Except the Holocaust is literally one of the most studied events on the planer by both Jews and non Jews alike. If there was a mass lie about it, we would know, the facts would be there.
Yeah dude, every single on of them is a liar. All of them without exception, everyone who has studied their fucking life research everything into this. But they are liars because they are Jews.
And if Jews have something to gain from this, therefore they are lying, does that mean all those neo-nazis who are trying to prove the holocaust didn't happen are lying too because they have something to gain? Who do I believe then?
Holy fuck I thought the holocaust denial on Veeky Forums was just a meme. People actually believe it didn't happen.
What the fuck.
>Is Holocaust Denial the "creationism" of history?
Exactly the opposite.
Creationism is the Holocaust Denial of history?
hello new friend. You must of not been here that long
>Who do I believe then?
Anyone not tainted by the Abrahamic death cults. It's just a huge circle jerk in a giant sandbox.
Obviously some huge mass human sacrifices went on in both world wars and the they revolved around the Abrahamic cultists, territory and resources. The end result was a Masonic Israel right there in the holy lands so just ask yourself cui Bono?
>No Bias here
also checked
This is Veeky Forums not /x/.
I thought that was the "pyramids were tombs" deal. Isn't it true that there are no hieroglyphics about the pharaohs who were supposedly buried in and then stolen from them? I'm seriously asking.
What are you on about?
With how retarded Veeky Forums actually is, I wouldn't be surprised if this board becomes /x/ level of stupidity.
Ruh Roh
It doesn't belong here, neither does your bait of a thread.
Pyramids were grain silos invented by Joseph when he was kidnapped and taken to Egypt.
No one belives that besides Ben Carson and crazy evangelicals. Holocaust denial is aruably much more widespread then that bullshit
they constantly lied about the number of (((victims))), constantly forced to lower it, lying about soap and lamps.
Around (((them))), take no solemm
what did he mean by this?
im afraid he is lost, his main board is
good goy
>he fell for the anti-semitic jew
Denial is the holocaust of creational historicism
Holocaust Denial is akin to Creation Denial.
>he fell for the semitic jew
Shit like that, and the flat earth theory, are godless attempts to paint Christians as buffoons. That's all they are.
The have actually excavated cities that have massive grain storage capabilities, and no, not in pyramids.
Good goy
Except no actual Historian beleives this ot thinks this shit about "Giant eagles and lampshades" you mentioned is true. Those are old wives tales meant that Jews tell kids to scare them before bed.
But the extermination still happened, and gas chambers were still real.