>real Latin sounds autistic
>dinosaurs had feathers
>Greeks and Romans painted their statues
>you will never live in your favorite time period
Anyone else regret getting into history?
Real Latin sounds autistic
>you will never live in your favorite time period
>Greeks and Romans painted their statues
Wasn't that debunked?
>real latin sounds autistic
Neck yourself.
it's so nu male to not want to die from leper or infections
I actually kind of like old Latin...
was it?
when you think about it it's pretty weird that they'd live in a city where everything is white and made of marble
makes sense that it'd be colorful like their clothing and armor, or like modern cities for that matter
t. John 'please fuck my wife' Green
EXACTLY like ugh, everyone was stupid and died of headaches because they didn't have real medicine like aspirin and drank piss and slept on the floor
>painted their statues
We only like bare statues because we can't see their eye pupils and it makes them look inhumanly and mysterious. Look at this shit, it looks like the Engineers from Prometheus.
>be walking around town
>there's shit every where
>get boolet in the leg
>fall in the shit wound gets infected
>it's literally before 1920 so there's no penicillin
>doctor cuts leg in a vain attempt to stop the infection
>just makes it worse, rapidly witness all my organs fail
>haha at least i am not a special snowflake
Are you describing 2017 Paris?
yeah, it is kind of less impressive when it's painted to look like an actual human, it's kind of like a wax statue
maybe because we're used to being awed by white marble statues
interestingly all those buddhist statues in east asia are all painted to look like wax statues, kind of like the greco- roman ones would probably look like
>in pre 1990s Europe
ok you are right, i'll correct myself
>wild dog attacks me get bit in the leg
sadly we didn't invent a cure for autism yet
Stuff in the past was generally prettier and more colorful than we think it was. Gothic cathedrals were originally pearly white, we only know them as black because the structure got polluted with filth over the years. Or bronze age warriors who were decorated like peacocks but modern media portrays them as pic related. I'm not even mentioning the general attire of the middle ages where noblemen looked like someone vomited the rainbow on them. I don't know where our modern obsession with grimdark shit began, I guess sometime around the Victorian age.
>Gothic cathedrals were originally pearly white
Thats pretty cool actually, do you know where can i read more about the subject?
I could literally not live in a better time period. If anything I would have to go to the future. That I can even function regularly in society due to anti-psychotic drugs is a blessing. Can't stand people who think everything about the past was awful though.
RIP my sides.
Yeah the "everything was grimdark" is a crappy myth, but you should remember not to view history from an "equality" perspective. There were dirt farmers, and there were kings in fabulous dresses, both living in the same nations.
>I don't know where our modern obsession with grimdark shit began,
god i hate it
in the 50s they made pretty good and realistic depictions at least of the middle ages
the turly grimdark garbage is a more recent trend
like that movie robin hood with russel crowe, it's everything wrong with the grimdark meme, like buzzcuts and brown/black leather outfits and everyone is unshaven, god it's terrible
>black leather
Kill it with fire. People in Hollywood literally think the past looked one gigantic BDSM party.
>decorated like peacocks
>not decorating yourself with potted plant headwear
do you even sea peoples
Sea Peoples were some straight up Mad Max shit.
We literally do live in the best time period. The fact that some people spout bullshit hyperbole about it doesn't change that.
>obesity, diabetes, single motherhood, GMO food, AIDS, millions of ways to get cancer, global mental health crisis, chronic depression, transgenderism, heart diseases that didn't exist 150 years ago, Alzheimer's, asthma, debilitating allergies, birth defects from various chemical, radiation and drug exposure, threat of a nuclear war and full antibiotic resistance, etc
We just substituted the negatives of the past with negatives of today which are often even worse.
it's a matter of perspective
if you were born in the 1850s you would prefer that time to now or any time before it
all of those were present but less likely because of lifestyle
we werent designed to sit on our asses 14hours a day
If you told some 1700s housewife than in the future parents will chop off the cocks of their sons and pretend they're girls, where adultery is not only normalized but expected and celebrated and where shall go to prison for refusing to honor a marriage of two sodomites she would probably think you crawled straight out of hell.
>inb4 values are a spook people only care about iphones and cars lmao
200 years ago you had a higher chance of seeing a fucking UFO than a tranny
and some more
>the ottoman empire was relatively benevolent towards its conquered subjects and all those national literary works that colored the popular perception of turks being literal demonspawn are mostly a load of butthurt drivel with no grounding in history
Transsexuals have been a thing in Islamic societies for quite some time and I'm pretty sure prostitution was far more normalized in the past, I mean, fathers taking their sons to brothels was a relatively common occurrence mere decades ago, not to mention earlier periods.
>adultery is not only normalized but expected and celebrated
Are you retarded?
>GMO food
Nice spook.
Stopped reading there.
t. Monsanto
Do you have any facts to back your claims up kiddo?
Always get a kick when 20 somethings call me a kiddo.
>he will never conquer carthage
end urself fag
He's right, you've fallen for the "farmers own their seeds" meme
>they never did
The word is not "heli - copter"
It's "helico - pter" (pter = wing, like in pterodactyl = wing-finger).
Even poor people in the past would've worn bright colours. Dyes like greens and reds are less expensive than blacks and browns.
The Irish were probably the poorest poorfags in all of Christendom but they still found the time to look fabulous
You had to remind me of that film.
>Alright guys, let's make armor for the Mycenaeans!
>What does bronze age Mycenaean armour look like?
>Shit, I dunno, weren't they Greek?
>YEEEEAH, give them some hoplite shit, plumes on the helmet, a thorax and greaves, ya know, but don't forget the 8 shaped shields!
Meanwhile Mycenaean warriors looked like Daleks.
Not that guy but today I saw a commercial for Magnum ice cream that said "promises are made to be broken". Then later I saw an ad for Second Love, a dating website specifically made for cheating.
absolute madness
>pothead the barbarian
>"promises are made to be broken".
that can mean anything, retard. any kind of temptation can be referred to with that phrase
hahaha are you kidding me?
stop posting
>reddit spacing
>no arguments
You know where to go lad
>real Latin sounds autistic
>the best time period
massively subjective
if you value being technologically advanced over all else, then yes it certainly is.
Stealth increased to 25
That's just popular history.
However OE was incredible shit, mostly because it descended into anarchy as time went on. Ottomans as Ottomans weren't that bad, but regional rulers often were, for all their subjects.
>Greeks and Romans painted their statues
Don't remind me
>real Latin sounds autistic
The word you're looking for is fantastic
Apparently Ridley scott based them off greek statues because of their inhuman uncanny valley appearance.
the next movie makes them look like a colony of lepers.
>Gothic cathedrals were originally pearly white
They have restored the cathedral of my town, and it as indeed been white ever since (though I'd say it is more ivory white than pearly white). But this is not quite the original look of it.
Originally, the cathedrals were painted too. Here is a reconstruction of what the cathedral of Amiens looked like. Likely, ancient monuments were painted too. People of ancient times were much fonder of colors than what we presumed.
>That I can even function regularly in society due to anti-psychotic
What are you, schizo or autismo?
oh fug, that's how they dressed?
a choice
yeah, type 2 diabetes is usually for fatties
>single motherhood
nothing new
>GMO food
this is a good thing
aids is a miniscule problem in comparison to the thousands of diseases we can now cure
>millions of ways to get cancer
and now you can get treated for them
>global mental health crisis/chronic depression
ok, it could be worse but you're right
nothing inherently debilitating about that
>heart diseases that didn't exist 150 years ago
you mean that we didnt know about? is this about fatties again?
>Alzheimer's, asthma, debilitating allergies
all of these have existed forever
>birth defects from blah blah blah
infant mortality continues to decline globablly, not a good look for your argument if you want to compare
Oh shit
>B-But people in the past were dumb as fuck, they could barely shit without dying, they couldn't possibly have time to brighten their world with color and artistry!!
>It's real
Fuck off mouth-breathing /pol/tard.
Values are spooks. Consumerism is just as much as a spook. There is no universal spook except family and fuck them too.
These aren't even that bad. Half these diseases we get because we live long enough for small probabilities to become a reality.
i already knew that... i thought i was common knowledge
No, it was never even questioned.
Yeah it turns out people like gaudy flashy colors and shiny things, and modern attraction to neutral colors is just an artistic reaction to the period before it.
I question it.
Some marble was marble, other was painted
Just accept that tastes are different in the same time period
naked bird actually looks like dinosaur in jurassic park
>medieval battles were just two rows of spearmen poking each other until one of them routed
>pirates didn't talk like pirates
>ninjas didn't really exists, not in the way we imagine them at least
Oh good. I was worried about all the chemical poisons of the modern world gives us cancer but at least I can go bankrupt getting treatment. I just hope I don't miss my hair too much.
You know we can tell what the colors of the statues were right? We can detect what the base coats were.
>tfw you will never get to tell nixon that history did absolve him
why even live?
The unpainted statues are at least 10x more aesthetically pleasing than they are when painted. I don't know why the Greeks and Romans didn't see that before they started painting. It's gotten to the point that I suspect "Greeks and Romans painted their statues" is just an overblown meme and maybe they did leave their statues unpainted.
I disagree.
pter is also cognate with feather
What is considered "aesthetically pleasing" is subjective and changes over time. High quality paint was expensive so painted statues would be a massive show of wealth and oppulence. And it really shouldn't come as a surprise considering the Romans liked realism.
The base coat, sure. But we don't know how it really looked in the end. We don't know the nuances in colors or other layers of paint so the few attempts at restored painted statues look like shit, because historians refuse to take a bit of artistic liberty. I think this might be a good idea of what they looked like , but pic related is just a botched job.
>>dinosaurs had feathers
>he isn't enamored by the possibility of reverse engineering dinosaurs from chickens.
top pleb.
academics make shitty artists and artists make shitty academics
Yes? That doesn't change that we know for a fact that roman statues were painted.
we don't know shit for a fact, we didn't see them
>GMOs r bad bcuz Monsanto is bad wheee
I know for a fact that you're a fuckin idiot.
That's not a fact.
>If we didn't see it, it didn't happen
Better tell the police to go home, no witnesses no crime.
Is it me or is the Latin 'insult' on the top-right completely fucking nonsensical.
And it's missing a comma in the title. Trash.
> *some* statues had *some* paint on them
> therefore *all* statues were painted
Top-tier sleuthing in this thread.