ITT: Times you have been scammed or fucked over by Veeky Forums

ITT: Times you have been scammed or fucked over by Veeky Forums

>that Agoras bullshitcoin

Fuck you Pajeet

Oh and

>Inb4 Bancortards

Veeky Forums pumps aren't what they used to be, a few months back they were shilled pre pump. now they are shilled post pump and i don't bother with them anymore

bancor and ark. Those bags are heavy senpai.

Meh, ive made money with upcoming pumps group only, just gotta know where to look.

Post some is the only one i know that works, others are pajeet scams pumping soon to be delisted coins and shit

it wasnt a classic pump for pumps sake though, there were some developments and price hikes going on by the developers.

That being said the price rose far beyond average once the bagholder wannabes jumped on it


I'll give it a shot, thanks user

If you ignore all the shilling bullshit here and use common sense in deciding if a coin will moon or not, then you'll find some real hidden gems here.

the reason you get scammed is because you're greedy and want to "get rich quick" overnight

if you do research and invest in legit coins (Bitcoin, Litecoin, Monero, Decred, to name 4 of the most serious projects... also Siacoin perhaps) --- and hold, invest, mine (PoS if you don't want to buy GPUs) --- you will do great...

I don't want to offend you but you really have to be dumb to lose money in this growing market right now

Just don't do anything stupid and you'll get rich in a few years of holding

Don't buy in crap like Tezos, EOS, AntShares and similar crap... also sell Ethereum if you have it, that shit is going to crash hard.

NMR at $165

Lul. Im still holding NMR at 100$. Going to be holding a few more weeks before doing anything rash.

biz advice is basically to steer clear of the only two decentralized legitimate currencies: btc and ltc. its always been a scam shill board

0, because i am the scammer.

Enjoy my


Bags, user.

Never. I don't buy based only on posts here and I don't buy if it's obviously too late.

Zencash, I'll never forget that month where every shilled coin was mooning and when you finally get your good goy check with disposable income you could afford to lose you manage to pick the only one that crashed out of all the others.

I was told that chinks would go crazy for it but little did we know one of the lead developers gave the middlefinger to everyone and decided to bail out. It was also a fork of Zcash and was just listed on Buttrex that's what you get for putting blind faith on Veeky Forums

True dat

literally the most shilled coins here

Good for you, im still a noob, 2 weeks in crypto, i thinks almost every single ico is a moon ticket in a year tops, except bancor of course

>except bancor of course
>im still a noob
Yes. You are. You need to research changers and normie shitcoins a bit more noob.

Bancor bagholder detected, enjoy baholding literally the only ico this year cheaper than ico price, those jews really liked your shekels lol

>2 weeks in crypto
You'll remember these posts :)

Hope bancor turns into something and you all make it, im not invested in that bs so i dont care what happens, but seeing how it was 40 lines of code then all i can say is lol

>but seeing how it was 40 lines of code then all i can say is lol
Yes, that is all it is :) Trust what's posted here and do not research deeper. Good luck m8.

Bancor Jews are richer now.

whatever it is, its a middleman contract that will eventually get replaced with something more economic if it has any use whatsoever, which looking into it shows it doesnt anyway.

Jews sure love playing middleman.

Fucking telegram, why do niggers use this shit? It wants you to get a smartphone and phone numbers involved, why not something simpler?

holy feck this is one of those rare times a pnd group looks to be legit