Frenchfag here. One of my coworkers just told the whole office she believes the Right wing political parties are organising terror (like the one from last night) attacks to manipulate the public. She pretends there is proof. I didn't got into an argument because I was very disappointed to hear her say that, and also because, to be honest, I don't know. Do you have any exemple of this kind of "false flag" terror attack in recent European history ?
Frenchfag here...
Other urls found in this thread:
not european, relevant nonetheless
There may be some conspiracy behind it, but to say that there is proof is laughable.
At best one could say that these attacks are a bit too suspicious (they're always borderline-suicidal, yet these terrorists never go for a high count target), and the only candidate that cam gain votes from this is Le Pen and the FN at large, which, as we already know, is in cahoots with Putin, who, as we already know, has a real interest in propoing populist right wing parties in the West.
A certain suspiciousness is healthy, I think, but by saying that you can prove it you're only discrediting your critical skills to anyone who knows better.
Le Pen has met Putin once. You're stretching it a bit.
Reichstag fire. It probably wasn't a false flag operation but the Nazis used it to destroy the republic.
>On 19 September 2005, two undercover British Special Air Service (SAS) soldiers disguised in Arab civilian garments and headdresses opened fire on Iraqi Police officers after having been stopped at a roadblock. Two Iraqi officers were shot, at least one of whom died.[1] The two British men were arrested and taken to the Al Jameat police station.
>British tanks and infantry encircled the jail where the men (whose photographs have been widely circulated but whose names have not been made public) were being held. A crowd gathered and began throwing stones and petrol bombs at the tanks, setting at least one ablaze. Three British soldiers were injured and, according to some reports, two demonstrators were killed.[1][4]
>On 25 December 2006, British troops again raided the Al Jameat station, killing seven gunmen and freeing 127 prisoners being held by Shia militias there. They then blew up the building.[9]
Funny how if you're an Arab prison guard you're a gunman. Also, ofc the western media now explains that the prison was ebil dictator torture and chemical WMD
Steel beams and the melting thereof.
On a serious note, not really no, or at least not in the west or recent history. If a terrorist attack was engineered by a government, and this was ever proven, then it would make headlines around the world and almost certainly lead to the perpetrator being executed.
Unless the burning of the Reichstag counts, which I suppose it sort of does.
Le Pen campaign has been financed mostly by Russian banks. Should I ignore this fact only because we've got no pictures of Le Pen signing fucked up contracts made by Putin? Should I also ignore the fact that their political agenda is perfectly compatible?
I'll give you that it's all speculation, but it's not an unreasonable one.
This, plus this being a incredibly tight 4-way race with an expected low voter turnout or at least high voter indecision, who else can gain from this attack other than Le Pen?
Occam's razor. What's more likely, a massive Russian conspiracy to execute traceless terrorist attacks with the aim of slightly nudging the narrative towards nationalist center-right parties, or the ten to twenty percent of France's Muslims are acting as violent as they usually are?
>or the ten to twenty percent of France's Muslims are acting as violent as they usually are?
>ten to twenty percent
This is actually more unlikely.
Well, we know Islam is a religion of peace so it can't be the Muslims.
>ten to twenty percent
Dude that's 600k to 1.2m people, that's enough to call for a civil war.
I'm just going off market research numbers, no one really knows how many Muslims live in France because of their strict census laws
Not that guy.
Wikipedia says that 5 to 7 percent of the population is muslim, and that there are 66 000 000 french citizens.
He was a bit off, but we're still in the hundreds of thousands range, given your estimates.
Italy had a bunch of fascist terror attacks that were made with the complicity of the Italian secret services and then pinned on left-wingers (which was a bit pointless since the were communist terror attacks happening at the same time)
The most famous one:
Well the Borussia bombing is still under investigation, but the police currently suspect it may be a far-right false flag attack.
pic related
The right wing are not the ones in control of the intelligence agencies which could cover-up such an operation.
In fact those agencies are controlled by their political enemies and would be happy to find any evidence of false-flagging.
Money and power uses right and left wing as a trick to confuse you.
False flags are real.
Right and left wings are not.
Money and power is the only ruling class. It has no political party. That's a fucking spook.
>Le Pen campaign has been financed mostly by Russian banks
Yeah, and practically every globalist/internationalist/multiculturalist venture in Europe is funded by the billionaire Jew George Soros, but I'm sure that's completely meaningless.
Fuck off marxist. You don't understand the difference between explaining things and explaining away things.
>Yeah, and practically every globalist/internationalist/multiculturalist venture in Europe is funded by the billionaire Jew George Soros, but I'm sure that's completely meaningless.
I was not taking parts in this election, I was just stating actual facts. Unless you're French it's not a context: just detatch yourself from these tribal narratives and look at these events for what they really are. One can be critical of both sides without being a spineless centrist: since this is not a political platform but rather a debate one, thisnis exactly what we should do.
*it's not a contest
My bad
I agree with you, which is why it shouldn't surprise you that a right-wing party that everyone is afraid of can't get funding from any bank apart from Russian ones.
I mean, power isn't always a gun. It's also public opinion and social ostracism.
there's a islamic terror attack almost every month in Europe
>noo it must be those evil right wingers
Who else is unimpressed by these estimates?
In France there are literally millions of muslims, and we only get a handful of terror attacks every year.
I'm not trying to justify or normalize it, I'm just surprised about the lack of literally hundreds of attacks everyday. Hell, most of them live in pathetic conditions, doing the most miserable jobs available in a life without any sort of goal, in a country that hates them, and ever after that virtually all of them decide to not start killing random people.
Most Islamic extremists are right-wingers
Are you taking Russia's known history if interfering in other nations elections into account?
That's not the same dude. Different hairlines for one.
>muh everyone in the West hates muslims
pls, people have nothing but insanely naive and xenophillic love for muslims.
but then again this is russia
this is possibly why litvinekno was killed
>several tower blocks blown up in moscow hundreds killed
>people see suspicous men carry sacks into the basement of a ryazan tower block, city is put on lockdown
>two men arrested who turn out to be FSB agents
>the sacks are tested on site and contain RDX (what they make semtex out of), the instrument is regularily tested by a specialist it is very unlikely to be inaccurate as many lives depend on it
>the goverment say it gave a false reading and say it was just sugar, apparently it was just a "training exercise" to test readiness
>chechens seperatist blamed
>chechen war heats up again
>smoothes the transition between yelstin and putin (who was a virtually unknown outsider before this popularity boost)
>putin upon taking the presidency immediatly grants immunity from prosectution to yeltsin and his family
You're conflating the consensus with what you see on mainstream media.
My experience is that the farther you go from the historic centre of the nearest city, the more the general population becomes racist.
Considering that most muslims live in the suburbs, and that very few countries have actual ghettos (ironically France is one of them) I'd say that it is fair to assume that most Muslim have experienced antagonism in their surroundings.
I'm not trying to be a moralizer here, I'm just saying that very few muslims feel welcome in Europe (especially after the last 5 years, in which most European countries have experienced the resurrection of actual,mold-fashioned right wing parties), and this should be a big factor in the number of terror attacks, but somehow it's not.
its not that its isis, isis are cool
What? Can you rephrase rhis post?
I'm not trying to be patronizing, I genuinely don't understand it.
What did he mean by this?
you see the three words at the end of the sentence, chop them off and make a new sentence, then read the sentence again
no need to thank
I really cant think of any example of a western government targetting its own people in this manner. It just doesnt make sense and the Front National isnt as powerful and pervasive as one may think.
Also while there is corruption in the west, pulling off an attack like this with the tacit support of the government or institution is really not likely.
Now what if a government knew an attack was coming but didnt do anything specifically for a political purpose? Bay of Tonkin or Pearl Harbour comes to mind.
Or maybe the government infiltrates extremist groups to destroy it from within by making them more reckless? Countless examples there but never where they would willingly push them to kill scores of people.
I don't get what you're trying to say, nor what is your response to my 2 paragraphs post.
Is it irony? Are you saying that I'm giving some sort of value to the popular (but not statal, nor cultural) antagonism towards muslims that you can find in countries such as France, that I'm either critizing it or praising it? Are you saying that what I've said does not matter because ISIS justifies such antagonism?
Can you expand on that response? I've been reasonable enough to lay down my arguments, you should do the same.
go fuck a bag of glass
Russiaboos will defend this
fuck off, you know what i'm referring to
there''s a lot of oppressed people living in shit conditions around the world, yet they don't feel the need to go on murderous rampage every week. So we should not hold muslims to the same standard as other minority groups? you seriously believe the problem is that we're not nice enough to them? that we're not giving them enough free shit?
Those evil swedes had it coming huh? Because that's what you're implying here
They are, I visited ISIS-controlled areas in Syria last summer and they were pretty nice to me
>there''s a lot of oppressed people living in shit conditions around the world, yet they don't feel the need to go on murderous rampage every week.
None of those minorities have any major terroristic narrative linked to their very identity.
>So we should not hold muslims to the same standard as other minority groups?
I've literally never said, nor implied this.
>you seriously believe the problem is that we're not nice enough to them? that we're not giving them enough free shit?
Okay, at this point you're just making shit up.
>Those evil swedes had it coming huh? Because that's what you're implying here
Fucking /pol/tards, when will they learn?
>there''s a lot of oppressed people living in shit conditions around the world, yet they don't feel the need to go on murderous rampage every week
Such as?
He's right about that point, it's just that every other conclusion he reaches is basically a vague SJW-ish strawman that is not represented by anyone on this topic (probably by anyone on this board in general).
>those evil Swedes had it coming
They literally just asked for it by letting in as many rapefugees as they have
a russiaboo posted it famalam
this is a pretty good series; i think also the journalist believes the russian government could have done it (this sereis has nothing to do with it though)
Most oppressed people living in shit conditions, whether they are Muslims or not, tend to become criminals and go on murderous ramgapes.
everything is controlled oppostion in russia they fund far right groups then fund far left groups, it all serves to muddle the political dialogue and make people more apathetic, it almost camoflagues groups with genuine politcal causes
a good example is in ukraine where they would fund seperatist pro russian groups all the while funding right sector ukraininan nazis; it makes it hard to see what is really happening
when russians talk about ukraine they say the donbass/luhansk republics where justified because of ukrainian nationalists who wanted to ethnically cleanse them (groups funded by the russian government)
you can see it in europe too with the funding of all sorts of fringe politcal causes and parties, it is all incredibly disturbing because it blurs the line between what is real and what is manufactured so much that it makes you want to distance youreself from politics
it all serves to make things seem more complicated than they really are and make people more likely reserve judgement
Shh, you're bing too nuanced for the /pol/posters in this thread.
Dumb your thoughts down, please. Repeat after me: RAPEFUGEES ARE DESTROYING SWEDEN
>None of those minorities have any major terroristic narrative linked to their very identity.
yeah it's just a "narrative"
>i've literally never said, nor implied this
but that's exactly what you're implying though
btw i don't even browse /pol/ you faggot
Turkish military coup from last year. It was funded by Erdogan to give him a reason to clean up all of his opposition accusing them with some sort of relationship with the coupers. He fired 30.000 stateworkers that were not from his party and with an islamic backround. Perfectly executed the whole scenario. Now he won the referendum and his sultanate is comming.
>yeah it's just a "narrative"
When you look at the big numbers, yes, it's just a narrative. The number of terror attacks happened in Europe in the last 12 months would not have been statistically relevant even if they all took place in Paris. It's literally like saying that white people are fucked up because sometimes aome of them become school shooters: is that relevant at all? Even if it's one guy every 300000 individuals?
Of course it's more nuanced than this, but I'm not the one dumbing down the discourse here.
>but that's exactly what you're implying though
There was no prescriptive statement and no judgement in my first post. It was just a consideration, and an expression of surprise for my part. This completely neutral post was enough to trigger you.
the tendency levels of doing this is a lot higer with muslim immigrants
*or muslims in general
This would be true if there were something like 50000 muslims in Europe. Too bad that we're talking about tenths of millions of people.
nah they're identical
oh come on, Stating that almost every major terrorist attack in western Europe has been committed by muslims, is in no way "just a narrative" it's plain fact. but feel free to show me statistics proving me wrong.
>There was no prescriptive statement and no judgement in my first post. It was just a consideration, and an expression of surprise for my part. This completely neutral post was enough to trigger you.
nice revisionism there, you expressed an opinion based on your observation of a lack of terrorist attacks considering the living conditions and treatment given by their host country. if what you stated was true, one would have to place the blame on the host nation and it's citizens.
>Stating that almost every major terrorist attack in western Europe has been committed by muslims, is in no way "just a narrative" it's plain fact.
i meant to include "in the last couple of years" i obviously know they're not the only ones who have committed them
the difference is that white people despite common belief aren't committing school shootings at any higher rate than other groups while Muslims commit a lot more deadly terrorist attacks than anyone else.
Dutchfag here, I had the joy of going to an etnically mixed school because the marxist principle had the brilliant idea to merge mine with a more "urban" school. I have experience on how these people behave and trust me, these people have not a single bit of grief when it comes to Islamic terror attack. If anything they will pathetically try to attempt to justify it with >M-muh crusades and >Muh US intervention in Iraq
Nowadays I have the pleasure of discussing my school experiences with delusional green-voters from lilly-white villages in university.
How the fuck are you going to talk someone into pulling a suicide attack? Especially without leaving a paper trail? The people who actually give up their lives for this shit are almost always true believers.
And there's a mass shooting every month in America, if you take a collosal inhabited chunk of the planet and look for a spesific type of murder you can find it, amazing observational skill.
if i remember correctly, during the cold war there was this Black Ops Organization run by top tier NATO commanders and CIA, their goal is to made false flag attacks to blame the Communist in the western europe
By supporting radical muslim clerics and posing as members of IS on the internet. Putin/eurosceptical right-wings certainly have a modus operandi, but it is even more far-fetched than BUSH DID 9/11
I hate falseflagfags
She isn't financed by putin. She uses a russian bank account for her party's finances since no french bank will lend to her to run a political platform. The relationship is dubious I'll give you that, but to sum it up to "muh putin campaign monies" is doing the real story a disservic e
>ironic larping is now a conspiracy
oy vey
>refuse Le Pen to use your bank to do business
>give her shit and spread false accusations when she uses a foreign bank
gj leftist faggots
You left wing traitors will pay for your betrayal of people and country one day.
Because communicating without electronics is still possible. This is an example of low tech beating high tech.
That's a picture of Pericles
Actually the terrorist usually just use whatsapp
>oh come on, Stating that almost every major terrorist attack in western Europe has been committed by muslims, is in no way "just a narrative" it's plain fact.
I've never contested that, but at the same time you have to admit that saying that virtually no muslim in the general population is a terrorist is a fact too. There are a handful of terrorist attacks and literally tenths of millions of people who are living peaceful lives: those terrorists may be muslim, but maybe the category ''Islam'' is not good enough as a category to invididuate said terrorists, considering that for every positive case you have literally tenths of thousands of people who have nothing to do with it.
>if what you stated was true, one would have to place the blame on the host nation and it's citizens.
Not really, I was not saying that more muslims should commit crimes because these nations are oppressing or because terrorism is in their DNA. What I'm saying is that in these 15 years, with the rising of the 2 biggest terrorist Islamic organizations, during periods of mass immigrations from areas that were directly linked to said organizations, we've had not that many terrorist attacks.
As I've said earlier, I'm not justifying, I'm just surprised that there are so few attacks in the West, and that they are so disorganized. I expected different things from Al-Qaeda first and ISIS then, and I think that said expectations were reasonable.
In this expectation there is no judgement towards the nations that hosted these immigrants (which have been, according to the majority of Europe, even too much tolerant), nor I am judging the ''essence'' or ''nature'' of said immigrants, by implying that this is what they do. Rather I'm just pointing out at certain, massive polarizing influences, and their failure in fully radicalizing muslims in the West.
Too bad that you're not saying why said banks are not giving her loans, picturing it as some sort of censorship.
I'm not a leftist.
Yes I'm aware they interfere with elections, there's a massive difference between spying, buying influence and soft-pressuring and orchestrating 20-dimensional "false flag" terrorist events via Arab and North African proxies who couldn't fold a paper bag without a nanny. It's beyond the limits of plausibility.
If there were any evidence whatsoever that these attacks were tied to Russia the state security would've known about it and blown it up everywhere by now.
The French RG have known for decades that second- and third-generation "immigrants" are by far the biggest at-risk group for domestic terrorism, they've been ignored by the civil government because it's politically incorrect to acknowledge it and they have no answers anyway.
Literally no one in this thread said that it was a falseflag. At best you can say that a couple anons speculated on who would gain anything from this event, but as far as I've read all of them explicitly stated that there is no proof for it.
Get a grip and stop being such a bitch for Putin.
John-san p-pls notice me
Yeah the french banks actually are no-platforming her, so to speak. If you're familiar with french politics then you already the FN gets boycotted in everything. What I do find retarded/suspicious is that she went to a russian bank when she could have gone to spanish/british/italian/etc. She invited in the conspiracytards by doing that
you forgot this part
>The two SAS operators were part of Operation Hathor whose objective was keeping an Iraqi Police officer (who ran a crime unit with rumoured links to corruption and brutality in the city) under surveillance. Tension was already high between the Iraqi Police and British forces and when Iraqi policeman tried to pull the operators from their vehicle at the roadblock, they opened fire, killing two of the policemen. The SAS men drove off with Iraqi Police in pursuit, but feeling they couldn't outrun them they decided to stop and talk their way out of it. The Iraqi police beat and arrested them.[2]
why is Russia the scum-iest of all nations?
And if you're familiar with french politics you already know that FN is shady as fuck and that it costantly mismanages illegally its funds. That's a pretty good reason to not give them any sort of loan.
It's not ubiquitous censorship, rather the Russian banks were the only ones that were okay with taking this risk (is this suspicious? of course, but don't say it here on Veeky Forums or /pol/tard will call you a shill)
they killed everybody who wasnt scum, and gave everbody who was a job at the kgb
Yes, dad jean-marie was shady but her daughter is actually trying to be more than a meme protest vote and has done quite a lot to "clean" the party.
To say it's purely about past shadiness is retarded, banks have no ethical problem with dodgy money. Especially in france with chirac/juppe, sarkozy or fillon.
I don't like Lepen but she IS getting deplatformed because of her politics, why even pretend it isn't happening when it's true.
>Yes, dad jean-marie was shady but her daughter is actually trying to be more than a meme protest vote and has done quite a lot to "clean" the party.
She literally got caught one months ago mismanaging EU funds, for Christ's sake.
Sauce? I missed that, I'd actually be curious to know more about it if she is genuinely pulling dodgy shit too.
2 weeks later
There's your sauce. Hopefully you will evaluate it critically.
That's clearly Bumblebee you fucking racist
What do you think this thread is about?
Cheers user. Yeah it's definitely pretty damning. Not gonna damage control for her as I find the history of her party and some of her politics fucking disgusting and/or retarded.
That being said, it doesn't change that she has been unable to borrow for her campaigns since 2013. And she's not the only dodgy candidate/party out there. I'm not denying or excusing her, I'm just pointing out it's not the only reason they are refusing to lend to her.
You are dense as a rock. You are implying the reason why terror attacks have risen is because of European antagonism towards immigrants and he is stating that the more likely reason is that ISIS went from being a two bit rebel group in Syria to becoming a global Salafist propaganda machine spreading their ideology of terror into the hearts of those most susceptible who now decide to drive trucks into crowded streets at regular intervals, which considering most of them are supposedly native born sons of their host nation, this will obviously lead to the supposed antagonism you believe is a part of the cause of the rise of European Islamic terror.
I've clarified this misunderstanding in this post
I'm not implying any of that.