At what point in history did America start treating scientist like an infallible sacred cow? Seems to me like they've been wrong many times and do an equal amount of bad in the world as they do good, if not far more bad than good.
At what point in history did America start treating scientist like an infallible sacred cow...
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>At what point in history did America start treating scientist like an infallible sacred cow?
No one does this.
>Seems to me like they've been wrong many times and do an equal amount of bad in the world as they do good, if not far more bad than good.
Seems to me that you're wrong.
>No one does this.
>Seems to me that you're wrong.
Example A doesn't even see the irony in his post.
Are you literally autistic? Not even him (check the poster count), but "Not infallible" is a long, long way off from "does more harm than good".
This question is odd but what I can state is that an Anglo-American hegemony in international academia developed after World War 2 and perhaps science and scientists have taken a more prestigious position which could lead to dogmatic beliefs (but I don't know which you are referring to?)
When science started significantly contributing to society. So the 1920's + And the point os science is that once proven correct, it takes a lot to disprove it. You are supposed to get the same results not matter how many times you perform the experiment.
Around just after the second world war is when it really kicked in. Lots of sunny predictions about the future, free nuclear power for all, better living through chemistry, etc. The main reason why you see a failure to keep the faith is partly because the public was so focused on shiny toys that they never learned how science actually works. So when a study comes out that contradicts an earlier study they had taken as gospel truth, the public gets less and less enraptured by the enterprise.
It's questions like these that are the reason our countries produced more inventions and pioneers more things than yours.
also Creationism
After the invention of the atomic bomb, and heightened with the moon landing.
Pretty much this desu, though I'd argue that our nation (Burgerstan) is actually going backwards. Pretty soon, we'll be in a more depraved and memey stone age, where technology is considered magic.
>mfw plebians post Einstein quote about society
When was this? Are we talking about the same America I live in?
Yes they do, to the point where science worship has become a hallmark of the New Atheist movement and secularism in general. People who are big fans of Dawkins, Hitchens, Harris etc... are constantly complaining about how frustrating it is that we don't live in a technocracy and that the ethical boards limiting scientific research are "holding us back" and how #TheSingularity will solve all the world's problems. Sam Harris' entire message is that "science" can teach us morality and there are millions of fedoras who agree with him.
These are the same people who spam their social media with I FUCKING LOVE SCIENCE memes and will throw down the gauntlet if someone says they're praying for them. This attitude is even being promoted to children with shows like Rick and Morty where the entire premise of the show is a cynical old scientist shitting on religion for laughs.
So I don't know where you live but I can assure that the deification of science/scientists is alive and well.
Yeah, worst of all is when they dismiss philosophy, literature, history, etc. out of hand. Neil deGrasse Tyson, Bill Nye, and other pop science promoters the worst for this.
>dude who needs philosophy lmao we just need to progress why spend so much time thinking about it haha
They're just clueless. It's such a shitty attitude to have with any academic subject, yet when someone has the same attitude towards science they lose it.
>a Reddit cartoon enjoyed by Redditors has a Redditor scientist guy
Wow it's literally fucking nothing.
Another form of this is when people explain things "scientifically" by anthropomorphizing natural objects (especially "the brain" and refusing to say mind).
>nah-uh this reddit pic proves me right
you should probably go/stay there.
Science is good and useful. Scientism is overly romantic deification. As a scientist it annoys me more than anti-vaxers ever could.
Or when people use teleological language with biology
>philosophy does real bro
>btw a heart's purpose is to pump blood
That's just one example. As this user points out the "pop scientist" celebrities are also responsible for promoting this attitude.
The only people who bitch about "le epig sciencism" boogeyman are asshurt idealists angry because they can't bullshit tuberculosis away by thinking really hard about it.
The men in white coats do fucking nothing to you. Look at interest groups if you give a shit, otherwise shut up nu-males.
Is it possible to tip a fedora this hard?
>ITT: people bitching over an false narrative you have concocte
Ya'll're no different than the feminists with their "patriarchy."
>The men in white coats do fucking nothing to you
Men in white coats generally don't promote this way of thinking. It's idealists who haven't gotten that logical positivism was BTFO 70 years ago yet who do.
As far as I can tell no one is actually attacking the scientists themselves, the criticism is directed at those who worship science who more often than not aren't scientists themselves. However Sam Harris is a neuroscientist who deserves all the flak he gets for repackaging utilitarianism with science-y sounding words and acting like it's some paradigm changing revelation.
You mean a strawman.
>b-b-but it's different cuz it muh beliefs
How hard is it to say people from tumblr are retarded without hitching on a bandwagon or climbing an ivory tower? Guess it's just too fucking difficult for you, brainlets.
I don't know, but it is rather annoying.
The way I see it is I can't argue the science because I'm not one. I can however, argue about human nature, which all scientist are susceptible too.
It wouldn't be so annoying if it were just people on tumblr.
>more harm than good
Despite being retarded, people from tumblr actually have considerable influence over youth culture so their retarded views need to be addressed.
To me, we walk a fine line between "scientism" and denialism. We should be skeptical of new findings, but not to the point of "teach the controversey" bullshit, like pic related.
You're right, it's also some people on reddit, an insignificant number of TV show writers, and a handful of B-tier celebrities! This "Sciencism" is a plague on our households that threatens to plunge us all into a sea of mild misunderstandings and poorly-educated enthusiasm for the arts and sciences!
Besides "creationism" only being an issue among American protestants, they've lost that culture war a long time ago.
It's funny how if the tables were reverse and the same thing was happening with any other religion or ideology people like you would be the first complaining.
You'd like to think that.
The presence of anti-intellectualists in the American government and the gradual increase of anti-intellectualism across the globe suggests that that theater of your "culture war" hasn't been fully extinguished yet.
>scientist are intellectuals
I am laffin. At any rate your "creationist" boogeyman is a non-factor.
Oh wow. Better rev up the bill nye videos. Another shoa is imminent. Proof that Faith and trust in scientist is at an all time low. Persecutions of scientist is surly around the corner.
How are you callin a "anti-intellectualist" you stinkin no good muslim faggit?? I'll smash you're shit in moran! MAGA
An ideology of hard materialism that fosters an aggressive disdain for metaphysics is a recipe for more than just "mild misunderstandings."
Here's an analogy that I'm sure will resonate with you, the same impulse that leads fedoras to agree with whatever the men in lab coats tell them is identical to what allowed Nazi racial science to become ascendant.
By dismissing the problem of scientism you are literally forgetting about the 6 million, how dare you and shame on you!
If you're talking about real science, then it never reached that level - anti-intellectualism still permeates American society from multiple sides. On the right, you have anti-science movements generally relating to things like
>Climate change
>fossil fuels
And on the Left, you have hippy new-age bullshit things like
>GMOs are bad
>Vaccines are bad
>new age "medicine"
>general return to primitive tech, food, medicine, etc.
What you're probably complaining about is either the cult following pop-science has gotten today. That or you're mad that a bunch of evidence is threatening your worldview and you're trying to wish it away with the old
>b-but they've been wrong before
fallacy. And even pop-sci hasn't really been an infallible sacred cow. It's just the next level of urban legends, where people have found that they can back up their bullshit by misinterpreting press releases.
I think he's complaining about people who sincerely believe things like this
>GMOs are bad
>Vaccines are bad
>new age "medicine"
>general return to primitive tech, food, medicine, etc.
These positions aren't new age (which is a spiritual movement) and are generally true. Your slavish worship of vaccines and gmos because some shifty pharma company brainwashes you in that way is the problem.
See that's what I thought, but that second sentence sounded like something right out of the mouth of a young-earth creationist who's trying to refute the mountains of evidence.
But yeah, that post is an example of those people obsessed with pop-science.
u wot m8. The problems with GMOs and pharmaceuticals aren't the products themselves - it's the sketchy business practices that usually come with them.
soon none can make tuberculosis go away thanks to multi recistent bacteria
Youre not wrong when it comes to reddit tier science worship.
But its worth noting that Rick is not some celbration of "lol fuck god" made into a role model.
He's a cynical old fuck who drowns himself in nihilism, not just because of what he's seen, but because he's afraid of committing to anything.
>xyz developed after/as a result of ww2
When will this fucking meme end?
>homo erectus
The sooner creationists realize that theyre the equivalent of insecure Weaboos trying to get their friends into anime so they have someone to talk to about shit other than autists on /a/ the better.
You're goddamn right im projecting.
>At what point in history did America start treating scientist like an infallible sacred cow?
Early 20th century probably. I think I recall that Einstein was well known when he was alive.
> Seems to me like they've been wrong many times and do an equal amount of bad in the world as they do good, if not far more bad than good.
Is this going to be another thread where people argue about how much better things were in the good old days?
How is it that there's so many people with so much devotion and so much money in order to make something like this?
This sort of thing like evangelical movies, museums, parks, etc.
Is the market really that big that they can afford to potentially scare off the non-weirdos?
>poorly-educated enthusiasm
Yeah, that can cause a lot of problems, regardless of subject.
I think tax-payers' dollars were used along with regular contributors, though the Kentucky government is having second thoughts on this decision.
It's not a meme you dunce. WW2 and its results changed a lot.
sauce and I'll actually read what you wrote
Because it was the largest total war waged so far. We threw money left and right during the war economy in the hopes that it might garner some advantage to us in the war.
It was a very geographically safe investment because America got to reap the benefit of not having medical, industrial, and scientific centers being bombed the shit out of.
No idea. Only saved it for Mr Jones.
>go back in time
>teach basic english to a homo erectus
>teach him what disgust mean, and what a disgusted person look like
>make him read this post
>look at his reaction
I'm pretty sure he would cry.
When science became associated with money and status.
Anything associated with money and status gets normies riled up.
And normies would never understand that hunger for absolute truth and absolute consistency in one's model of "the world". So they spread memes without adopting the glacial and patient view that is the wellspring from which actual scientific logic and reasoning takes place.
Blind worship of anything is terrible, but I'd rather it be of pop scientists than of religious leaders, politicians or generals. This is probably a long dormant idea of the Enlightenment tbqfwy but I'm just guessing.
holy... the Veeky Forums in me seized
based existential comics
they unironically really make me think
Is this one of those "NEET autists misinterpret facts and reality to justify their fucked up worldview and pissing on normies and STEM when they are too socially fucked up to live a normal life and are too dumb to actually finish a uni that gives you a set of skills and the prospect of a career" threads?
t. humanities student who isn't a fucking cretin.
>This attitude is even being promoted to children with shows like Rick and Morty where the entire premise of the show is a cynical old scientist shitting on religion for laughs.
You've never seen Rick and Morty and it's also not promoted to children
"The biggest idiot is the one touched by philosophy."
>implying le "edgy" shows like family guy, South Park, rick and morty etc don't subtlety advertise to children
Hahhahahahahha you naive child.
>When science became associated with money and status.
So never.
>subtlety advertise
tinfoil kek im done
>this much naivety
Nye doesn't do that anymore.