How did the Jarawa people a negroid looking folk end up in the Andaman Islands which is in the Indian Ocean?
Jarawa people
>How did the Jarawa people a negroid looking folk
They aren't blacks in the african sense. They are more closely related to Papuan types.
i mean she isn't very good looking but i'd fuck it
Negritos literally are the people that founded the maritime culture of Asia
Looks like a hominid
They look like Blacks because they adapted to a similar environment. They're very distant from them genetically though.
The real mystery is how on earth they are not extinct, there is not enough biomass on that small island to support them.
supposedly inbreeding leads to extinction yet this tribes have so few people and survive. why is that?
B/c despite what sjw/diversity/open border morons preach, actual biologists understand that mammal populations can stay relatively healthy at as low as 2000 individuals (5000 is enough to avoid any and all problems entirely)
They're literally going extinct though.
Yea b/c of disease an intentional "depopulation" of the islands back in the day by the British. Historically they were in contact with other tribes and likely practiced trade and inter-marriage between groups.
No user. what the fuck do they eat?
There is not enough mammalian fauna on that island to keep them alive, and they are obviously too retarded to fish competently.
Everyone around the Indian Ocean used to look like that before Chink farmers came down from the north and replaced the native Australoid hunter-gatherers. Papuans stuck around because they already had agriculture, and as far as I know Dravidians adopted agriculture fast enough to not be replaced. There are small 'negrito' populations still scattered throughout Southeast Asia.
So they eat eachother to stay alive, once again how are they not extinct.
9 months to make new human, been there since 60,000 B.C = should be extinct if they cannibalized on eachother by now.
No some of the most primitive savages are in New Guinea and only a few Papuans had agriculture most were basically niggers mentally.
Onge deal with high levels of infertility
They'd be dead if it were for self-imposed quarantine and intentional checks from anthropologists
Most people in Papua were farmers.
Banana, Taro, sugarcane, etc... Was domesticated by Near Oceanian who then migrated East into India, Myanmar, etc...long ago.
You're dumb.
Even if they can still farm, they are still prehistoric savages.
Completely irrelevant.
They look like really dark Indians to me
that being said east africa has a pretty good history with sailing/ocean travel
Why do assume they can't fish well? They've been living on a fucking tropical island for the last thousand years, I'm sure they are world class at primitive fishing.
Sorry for the capslock
What I find interesting is that they look like pygmies besides just looking really African. But they're not at all related to the famous African ones.
Is there something about hardcore jungle living that turns you into one?
Less body surface = less body heating
UV radiation is the reason humans have dark skin due to having no fur to block UV rays from giving you skin cancer unlike most primates. While some primates do have black skin thats really a random skin coloring mutation and has nothing to do with UV radiation.
It doesn't matter, what you posted IRS inconsequential to your incorrect statement that Papuans were not wholly Agricultural or horticultural