What's the point of being Catholic if non-Catholics can go to Heaven?
What's the point of being Catholic if non-Catholics can go to Heaven?
the fact they're right?
Don't get me wrong, this pope sounds like a false prophet
But the fact 2/3 of people only believe in God because they fear hell, is pretty hypocritical from a Christian standpoint
They would go to hell anyways by that logic, wouldn't they?
Eh? Nonbelievers or sinners still go there, it's just not fire-and-brimstone but rather a state of profound suffering from being close to god but not as close as people who were pious in life. Source: attending a Catholic uni.
There is no point to being Catholic. Get out.
You can only go to heaven if you're a non-catholic AND not know that the catholic church is the true church. If you know and you willingly refuse to be catholic, you'll still go to hell according to catholic teachings
>They would go to hell anyways by that logic, wouldn't they?
From what I remember if you follow their teachings because you're afraid of hell God still forgives you and you can go to Heaven, but ideally the main motivator should be love and not fear, and Christian should aspire to the latter option.
Also this
They teach you that with a straight face?
You get to wash and kiss other mens feet.
Is it something along the lines you find in Dante's Purgatorio, after Inferno, when he goes through Purgatory and finds people climbing up a mountain towards Heaven?
most likely
Dante did not put heathens in purgatory, righteous or otherwise. In Inferno, all heathens go to hell, just that righteous heathens get to stay in Limbo, the first level of hell, which is sort of a mild hell where you don't suffer that much. Dante's writings are just literature by a lay Catholic and does not reflect Church teachings, which teaches righteous heathens do go to heaven
How can an all-powerful and ever-loving God condemn billions to an eternity of suffering? What's the love in that?
The whole concept of hell seems so ridiculously un-Christian to me, I have no idea how it found any widespread appeal.
That's a bit dated - the Pope closed Limbo in 2007. Now ya can get into heaven regardless, everyone who was in there already got booted up, and babies get a free pass.
Is the Pope man equal in his power level to the omnipotent God man?
>Hell, in many mythological, folklore and religious traditions, is a place of torment and punishment in an afterlife. Religions with a linear divine history often depict hells as eternal destinations while Religions with a cyclic history often depict a hell as an intermediary period between incarnations.
The Pope is the mouthpiece of God... So goes the teaching.
The very existence of an earthly Chuch spiritually helps everyone, even non-Christians and atheists.
People send themselves to hell.
This is an 18+ board
I say that because the older I get, the more I realize why there is a hell, and why you people belong in it
You mean the pope admitted they made the shit up in the first place.
Not even once.
Is God a foot fag?
Don't recall him phrasing it that way...
Well, washing feat is a classic euphemism in the Bible, so...
All I know is that the more you think about it the more this world becomes comically unjust.
>this pope sounds like a false prophet
Because you're a brainlet that only reads headlines and not the full statements.
Why be a doctor if everyone is gonna die?
I'm a med student and I keep asking myself that same question.
He didn't, stop believing the clickbait.
Learn about Catholic understanding of magisterium too, instead of parroting whatever The Daily Mail/sedes/your bapturd pastor told you.
11 and to make it your ambition to lead a quiet life: You should mind your own business and work with your hands, just as we told you, 12 so that your daily life may win the respect of outsiders and so that you will not be dependent on anybody.
The salvation o non-Catholics in the church is kind of an open question for catholic theologians depending on whether your definition of being "in the church" is limited to membership in the earthly institution.
You can guess which side of the debate the conservatives are on.
The big difference between hell in Abrahamic and Eastern religions is the length. Eternity is a stupidly long time.
Not an open question at all. Lumen Gentium states that righteous heathens can be saved.
>Those also can attain to salvation who through no fault of their own do not know the Gospel of Christ or His Church, yet sincerely seek God and moved by grace strive by their deeds to do His will as it is known to them through the dictates of conscience. Nor does Divine Providence deny the helps necessary for salvation to those who, without blame on their part, have not yet arrived at an explicit knowledge of God and with His grace strive to live a good life.
Yeah but that is kind of a special case, and I dont know that it carries the weight of dogma
>not know that the catholic church is the true church.
Someone who thought the Catholic Church was the true one would be a Catholic.