who was the greatest communist leader?
Who was the greatest communist leader?
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That's quite an oxymoron.
define "greatest"
According to modern communists none of them were communists.
Good post.
Also Tito.
They weren't practicing something called "Communism", but they potential could be called Communists.
Torquemada was a Christian, but his bloody inquisition wasn't necessarily Christianity in proper practice.
almost none of them were.
Did the workers control the means of production in soviet russia? no?
Not communism.
>none of them were communists
They weren't. It's an old story.
Hai guize let's free the people by acting like their capitalist overlords!
Mao is a confirmed alpha male.
I don't know about the others but Karl was probably a beta cuckold.
no u
They were communists in the sense of wanting communism and all that
Their countries, however, were not communist, because communism is a particular state of affairs relating to a particular eschatology.
They were communists but they never established communism. Nor did any of them ever claim to!
Tito and Castro
bonus: Sankara
"Communism" in the sense of the 19th-century utopian ideal is mostly irrelevant. Actually-existing communism of the 20th century is more important and was very nasty. Tito was the best I guess.
>they were communists because I like them
>the regimes said communists established weren't communist because they failed
really makes you think
>who was the greatest communist leader?
All of them.
Mainly because they're dead.
Rosa because she died the earliest.
Also, true communism will NEVER be tried.
I want to be an Akko
You're retarded. Stalin and Mao sincerely wanted to help establish communism, even if they never came close to doing so.
As individuals, they were communists. However, the states they managed did not provide over a communist society.
Communism is a set of circumstances in which production is socialized and capital and wage labor have been abolished. A communist is any proponent of these circumstances.
he puts the dictator in the dictatorship of the proletariat
Obviously this guy.
The Best
1.) Barack Hussein Obama
2.) Deng Xiaoping
3.) Vladimir Lenin
4.) Mao Zedong
5.) Joseph Stalin
6.) Ho Chi Minh
7.) Joaquim Chissano
8.) Subcomandante Marcos
9.) Raul Castro
The Worst
1.) Limpdick Brezhnev
2.) Shithail Gorbatrash
3.) Literally every Afghan
4.) Saloth Sar
5.) Mengitsu Haile Mariam
6.) Siad Barre
>Stalin and Mao sincerely wanted to help establish communism
Maybe they did but only before they got to power. Or maybe they wouldn't get to power if they were true communists. maybe that's why communism is so easily derailed, just like democracy - there is always a wolf among the sheep.
This would be true if not for this:
Communism should be leaderless so i'd suggest the jews of kibbutzes for the greatest communists.
Communism is the abolition of arbitrary hierarchies, not all hierarchy. Classless society does not mean no hierarchy. It means there is not a hierarchy of classes where people's places in the hierarchy is because of their class, and their membership of a the class is because they're a member of that class.
But dictators? Come on. "Power to the people".
Who's the girl ?
>Barack Hussein Obama
Islamists aren't commies user
>Stalin and Mao sincerely wanted to help establish communism,
I think Mao did in his own way. Which was exceedingly rare for asian "communists". But Stalin I'm not so sure about. He was a weird dude that did a lot of stuff that seemed pretty questionable to a supposed communist ethos.
Mao tried to weaken the government (and hilariously gets shit for it from anti-communists to this day) despite being a powerful politician. Stalin did everything he could to centralize it around himself.
I always like the the conspiracy theory that Stalin was secretly a tsarists secret police double agent embedded in the Bolsheviks. But he somehow accidentally outlived his former monarchist employers and came to lead the terrorist organization he was supposed to be spying on. Imagine a right wing monarchist accidentally becoming a communist overlord and just trying to make it up as he goes along. It would explain some of his more fascist decisions. Even if it is just a crazy unsupported conspiracy theory.
Leonie Brezhnev of the USSR
Who says we liked em
We're merely pointing out an etymological matter
Pol Pot
>Cambodian people suffering under western puppets
>liberate king from his prison in the royal palace
>simply try and start a rational and civil discourse on how country should be run going forward
>CIA starts and funds terrorist organization which attack you
>win civil war
>try to restore traditional Khmer values
>turn Democratic Kampuchea into SEA economic powerhouse
>demonized by the west
Why has history been so unkind to a man who did so much for his people?
Comrade Sceneable.
>gorbachev in worst
he inherited an essentially impossible situation from leonidiot brezhknob, his reforms put teh USSR back on track to economic growth but were dragged down by decades of reliance on oil exports and local party elites who (rightly) felt threatened. if he had come 20 years before the soviet union would still be around today.
Many historians and academics wear glasses
nice pic of american peratrooper being killed in Vietnam by communistic AA fire