>Egypt will never be Christian again
Egypt will never be Christian again
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but user there are christians in Egypt
Not for much longer
You fucked it up.
>the British had Jerusalem, and all of the holy land and they fucking gave it to the Jews
Now there's something to rage about.
Majority Christian. Also,
>they will never speak Coptic either
Being in filthy proddy hands would be worse desu
If the Middle East was still christian would the crusades have still happened?
if it was still british it would be completely muslim now
>Egypt majority Muslim almost a thousand years after Muslim conquest
>southern Africa majority Christian after only a hundred years of Christian conquest
Your literal face when this is the case in every place that is now Muslim and now Christian.
There are around 15million Christians in Egypt, unlike Syria and Iraq and where minority populations can migrate over time and lead to the end of Christendom in those countries the huge numbers in Egypt are just too high.
Blame the United States for that. Britain didn't want to give up its empire but the US demanded it as a price for saving them from Nazi victory.
We can overcome allah inshallah
>Egypt will never be politheistic again
This is the real tragedy tbqh.
Totally yeah.
>tfw local religions are getting buttfucked by Islam and Christianity in Africa due to evangalicals Larping for the old missionary days and radical Islamists.
>I will just leave my thousands years old religion and traditions for a Jew on a stick
What did they mean by this
Neither will Europe, to be honest.
>Iran will never be Zoroastrian again
>Iran will never develop into a mixed Zoroastrian-Nestorian empire, creating a trinity Christianity
But it will be user.
not if the muslim brotherhood has anything to say about it. allahu ackbar!
>what is one of the most impactful realizations of the modern era?
Why do christians always get btfo in wars? Is god not on their side?
God is only on the side of Gulf Arab Muslim oil states and Christian Europeans.
The rest can go fuck themselves. Honestly it's better to mention the people God does not side with.
In that case the Crusaders were invaders and aggressors, and aggressors tend to lose out in the end.
Really makes me think...
Really gets the noggin joggin
Really activates my almonds
Really boils my bouillon cube
really jerries your curls
Really satays my sauce
Really perms my hair
>can't even beat Balkanshits any more
no need to be a salty sandy
>Implying the Egyptians under the Ptolemies didn't worship whatever flavour of the century Greek/Egyptian/Iranian god/hero.
>Britain had Antioch, Constantinople, Rome too
Muslims were lucky Europeans were Post Christian Capitalists in the XIX century.
Are you kidding?
the allies occupied Constantinople at the end of WWI. British I think occupied most of the levant, including Damascus and I'm guessing Antioch as well until the French received their Syrian Mandate.
>muslims will never ever get al-Andalus back
>even if they manage to, it will be a shitty Salafist version where everyone is killing everyone else
wrong type of christian in egypt
I honestly don't think I've ever seen a picture of Stalin smiling or laughing before
Afghanistan/Bakhtria will never be Buddhist again
The ancient name of Egypt appeared in hieroglyphs as km.t. In Coptic it's pronounced varyingly in different dialects as kēmi, kēme, kīmi, kēmə, khēmi, ancient Greek had Χημία (Khēmía).
The Coptic name for Egyptians is rem en kēmi, translated as "people of kemi". Ancient Egytian had rmṯ n Km.t.
Now the Coptic word rwme is actually means man but can be used to refer to people.
Norwegians refer to themselves as Nordmenn (Northmen) so an accurate translation of rem en kemi would be Kemimen/ Kemiman.
>implying God sides with people which would result in people being able to attribute suffering to a higher power when it was really all y'alls fucking fault.