A reminder for everyone submitting their resumes

...That the company recruiter has already made up their mind before calling you and picking up their phone.

If you are applying for a company that is doing well, has a very high Glassdoor rating (4+) and that is locating in a major metro area, specifically NYC/SF/LA, the only way to really get in is if you know someone.

The vast majority of HR recruiters at the base level are girls, usually very young girls, so this makes it even harder because girls are notoriously biased and will always favor their friends.

Many of the times you'll be called up only to be rejected via email a few days later, even if you meet the requirements. They are calling you up not because they are interested in you, but because its busy work for them.

Location matters - applying to a job in a suburb or small city will increase your chances immensely.

Other urls found in this thread:


>t. bitter retard

I've been interviewed, made it to second round interviews, made it to third round interviews, and failed when there were like 5 candidates left.

And this was in Manhattan, right in the middle of NYC.

man this website is poison, nothing but bitter retards trying to infect you with their pessimism so you'll be as miserable as they are

why do i come here again?

Unless you are applying for a government job. Then the playing field is as level as its gets.

source: CISO, forced to hire idiots all the time.

OP is right, either that or you never applied to high end jobs in the city. Usually, the only way to get in is through referral. These companies are run like exclusive clubs. In fact I've been told this in private by several in house HR recruiters.

So for those of you who are upset that you are being screened out automatically, don't. The recruiters have already made up their mind before calling you.

>OP is right
he's not, you're a faggot, kys

Lol, do you really think that people don't hire their friends or people that they know? There is nothing poisonous about knowing the way the world works. Grow up, you little fucking bitch.

Fuck you you stupid faggot, you're wrong. Kill yourself.

There's a difference between "people hire their friends" and "abloobloo nobody hires me its all those young girls being biased against me abloobloo"


Pro-tip: Don't blame others for your failures.


I'm not bitter you pea brains. I just got hired through referral. Its how they operate. You want that job with that top company in the city? You go through referral. It's really the only way, otherwise your chances are slim.

In fact Im posting this to stop the bitter retards from posting about this. Don't feel bad if you are qualified and you are rejected. Its not necessarily because you suck, its because the recruiters are just calling you up for busy work, just to fill up their calendars.


>Getting in through a top company is best done through referral
>Somehow translates into blaming others

Anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering

Human Resources is shit and they need to be banned and illegal.

OP is right. A in house referral is almost necessary unless you are already well known in your field to the point they are worried about you being competition. Why pay you when I can pay you for mediocrity when I can pay my friends wife's son to do the same stupid monkey work. Why help you when I can help my friends family and business interests more? Unless you are good enough for me to already notice you a piece of paper with meaningless accomplishments will change nothing.

Reminder the only way to get a good job is being related to someone in power.

Ugh fucked my wording stupid phone posting. My message still stands believe me and op or don't idc. If you want to be " optimistic" channel it into your own work not someone elses.

Reminder College is for making friends with these people not for learning propaganda. Talk to people

Sounds like you picked the wrong field.

OP has good intentions but forgets the fact that half of biz is full of autistic retards that will flip the fuck out when being told that they need friends to get in that top company.

>but but muh qualifications

Your qualifications don't mean shit to that 24 year old girl fresh out of college. We all know the work attitude of most women. She is going to screen most people out unless she knows them or they are in dire need of people. She won't even know half of the shit you're talking about. I've been through countless interviews and phone screenings for NYC. It's a joke

is it your work to spread pessism you stupid faggot?

god I hate retards like you, kys

>Glassdoor rating (4+)
No clue what that is, but I work at a small (5 people) company and am a programmer.
It's pretty relaxed most of the time and while some of the tech we (have to) use is old (e.g. IE 9 compatibility), I like it a lot overall.

>telling people the reality is somehow pessimism
>telling people the best way to get in is through friends is somehow pessimism

Get out of your bubble special snowflake this is how the real world works

Women in the workforce was a huge mistake

Sounds like you're full of shit.

nice overused buzzword you fucking retard, are you going to spout more empty truisms or are you going to provide some actual valuable information that pertains to the "real world" as you describe it?

Fucking faggot, you think you're pretty smart for pointing this out huh? You aren't, you're a dime-a-dozen retard who thinks he's insightful. KILL YOURSELF

What is with your hostility? How young are you to not know that people hire who they know? Why is stating this fact making you two so upset? You are crying like bitches over nothing.

I swear to god I'm not larping. At all.

It was for Citi's credit card services department.

What's the matter SNOWFLAKE? Can't handle a little hostility? Well this is what the REAL WORLD is like kiddo so get used to it

Again I'm not larping. I went to Wharton and these recruiters come to our school and I know plenty of people who got in to these companies without really having connections in them at all. They network, have amazing internships and grades, and that's about it. Not impossible at all.

>Said KYS in nearly every post

Get help bro.

Sorry I'm not trying to hostile but I hardly ever deal with this. I'm what you call a "people person". What job do you have that puts a 24 year old girl in charge of hiring you?

I did experience what OP says in large companies. I once had to do a competition with 30 prospective candidates. Came out on top. And then they said they didnt hire anyone for the moment.

In small companies its different. If they invite you, it means you already qualify on paper. They are just going to look if they like you.

Fucking KILL YOURSELF, you aren't providing any new information here you massive fucking faggot, you are jerking yourself over how in touch with "reality" you are and trying to discourage others. I see right through your bullshit veneer faggot, just kill yourself right this instant for the good of this board and humanity.

>The vast majority of HR recruiters at the base level are girls, usually very young girls, so this makes it even harder because girls are notoriously biased and will always favor their friends.

So if the vast majority of HR departments are filled with white women then whats up with the affirmative action meme that people rage about?

>What job do you have that puts a 24 year old girl in charge of hiring you?

First of all, those 24 year old girls are not in charge of hiring you, they are the phone screeners. The phone screeners dont hire, usually its your future boss. You should know this, unless you're still in college.

Most of the "best" companies in NYC, SF are the hip tech companies, and nearly all have young women in their HR departments. They do this purely for "diversity" reasons. To get in, you really need to know someone. It's just the way the world works.

Source - I know several people working for these top companies, they all have 4 stars and up on Glassdoor. They work in programming, all of them knew these girls through friends.

Referrals are really the only way. If you meet the qualifications on paper, they will book you in for a calendar slot to make it look like they are doing work. Especially now since all of the top startups are using Greenhouse.io's platform so its all digital. They want to fill up their calendars so it doesnt look like they are dicking around even though they are.

We're not talking about a company like Citi. And even then you just admitted you need an internship to get in.

You don't need an internship at the company to get in. You can get an internship anywhere, just a related internship.

I work at a consulting firm now and don't want to say which one but I got in with no internship, only OCR from Wharton.

Yes almost all my friends that got jobs at Apple, Microsoft, Netflix, etc.. spent lots of time talking to recruiters. Weeks or months before the recruiter even gave them an interview. You need to show large commitment to get internships. These guys all had 3.7+ GPAs at a top 5 CS school.

>Diversity reasons

Fucking lel. But true. Sad thing is that they really only do this for the company's image. They are doing work a monkey could do. But the company wants to look progressive, especially if they have roots in SF. Half of the time those screeners won't know what you're talking about.

You'll be screened out. Thanks we will contact you if a position opens... Blah blah, noreply. They are just playing games

My company is over 4 stars on glass door and I knew no one in the city when I moved here. They have young girls in HR sure but my process for this was:

1. Pre-screen test
2. Phone interview to make sure you're sane
3. Video interview/technical with hiring managers
4. Offer extended/counter

What you're saying goes on but just be normal during the screenings and you'll be fine. What job?

If that happened to you then you're in the minority. I'm not saying it doesnt happen that way, it does, its just much rarer than a referral.

Why any company would want a human resource department is beyond me. They are a useless department, a waste of resource, space and money. Managers should do the process of hiring and interviewing. Human Resource is a Jew trick.

>If that happened to you then you're in the minority.
Wrong. Kill yourself.

lmao who the fucks work underwater

>o if the vast majority of HR departments are filled with white women then whats up with the affirmative action meme that people rage about?

Affirmative action benefits white women. In tech, in anything math/science or vaguely STEM related (basically any job that isn't 70%+ female) they are considered "diverse."

In fact, it does so much more than it benefits black people or whoever else it was supposed to help, because you also need to be at least somewhat qualified for the job (e.g. have a degree).

You want the real fucking redpill retards?

It starts in your freshman year of high school. That's the last time I can think of when you truly have an opportunity to be literally anything you want to be.

Get straight As, hardest classes in the school, perfect GPA, and get 98-99th percentile SAT and ACT scores (assuming you're in the US), lots of volunteering, extra-curricular leadership, all that and get into an Ivy league school that isn't fucking Cornell or Dartmouth. I chose Wharton but the others should be fine too. Then continue getting decent grades with a career in mind and these recruiters will line up to meet you and you just have to impress.

People keep asking >how do I get X investment banking job, nobody gets that unless they network
It fucking starts in your freshman year of high school. Be perfect and focused from that point forward and you can get it. That's literally fucking it.

underwater welders
fuck that shit is dangerous

dude this is an exclusive NEET cryptotrader board
get your resume shit to /g/, /pol/ or /b/
saged and reported

>it's true I asked my "friends"
1. If they admitted something like that to anyone they could put their company into a legal death spiral. Yeah it didn't happen.
2. While there is a higher chance that you'll get the second round interview if you have a referral, HR has absolutely no power in who gets hired. HR looks for a general personality and years of experience. And they use a corporate level table/checklist, not personal bias. They would be quickly tossed in the trash if they did shit their own way.
3. This referral shit only applies to entry level jobs where you have dozens or hundreds of applicants. You are still a stupid fucking failure if you don't find entry level work somewhere, but most higher level job seekers either skip HR screening or you're really only competing with one or two other people. Not everyone you know is available every time you have a position open up.

Holy fuck I was unemployed for a month two years in a row early in my career so this blame game hits me in the cringe organ hard. If there's a chance you're applying to a place with shady HR then you're admitting you would do shady shit for them. If you're just trash at selling your "personality" either memorize the answers from google or talk to manager directly.


>high school
Nobody in the last 50 years has given a fuck what you did in high school. Like 90% of the good students were cheating or will burn out. College networking is primo though.

Believe that vocation has been awarded most dangerous job on earth.

I did well in high school, got into Wharton, and now have a nice job in finance.

I'm telling you that it all fucking starts in high school. You HAVE to do amazingly well in high school to get into a top ivy league and in the ivy league you have to do well to get into a high job and all that, but this "you gottta have connections" shit OP is talking about all starts with doing well in high school so you get to a good college.

Nobody who did mediocre or only pretty well in high school that I know got a job like this. It just doesn't happen.

People think they can be whatever they put their mind to once they get into college. Bullshit. The time for that was freshman year of high school.

High school lol. It doesnt matter. 90% of the time its who you know that matters. That's all

If you didn't get into an ivy out of high school you missed the fucking boat for meeting the people in these big companies.

The kinds of connections you're talking about come from nice old ivies, and you don't get into ivies without doing well in high school.

Try this: get a low skill job such as janitor.

Then, late at night, take to the blackboards and compose an elegant solution to a pressing problem you've discovered by rifling through the file cabinets and desks

The ensuing mystery will have everyone wondering who did it.

Using the contacts from the phone directory "confess" to the department head whose problem you've just solved.

Surprise him in a confidential meeting and tell him that you did it all to get around the tyranny of HR and be immediately promoted.

>immediately get promoted
>now executive janitor

Columbia here, going onto Wall Street

this is all exactly right. Nobody cares how you did in high school, but you need to have done well in high school to get into the kinds of colleges that give you the connections and education you need for these jobs. Given 1000 candidates that have 4.0s in college and were valedictorians, why are they choosing the high school burnout who got "motivated" his sophomore year of college but is 4+ years behind in math and coding ability?

>he thinks high school mattered


>If they admitted something like that to anyone they could put their company into a legal death spiral. Yeah it didn't happen.

Yes admitting it to some schlobo after a few rounds of liquor shots is somehow going to put a million dollar tech company into a death spiral. Especially if I post about it on the internet. Yeah, thats really gonna put em under!

>HR has absolutely no power in who gets hired

They absolutely do. Their job is to screen people in. Of course they do. Now, the actual hiring is done by your future boss, so its usually the Director or Manager. However, to get that interview with them, the traditional route calls for submitting your resume, which then gets screened by HR.

>This referral shit only applies to entry level jobs

No, it doesn't. It applies to most jobs. Even "higher level" skilled job seekers go through HR. Everyone goes through HR unless once again you get a referral or network. It's the way the world works kiddo.

> competing with one or two other people.
>Fucking lol

>Not everyone you know is available every time you have a position open up.

Here's another secret, sometimes positions are put up but there is no need to fill them immediately. Sometimes they are put up there by HR just to make HR look like they are doing work.

>so this blame game hits me in the cringe organ hard.
How is this a blame game? Why are some people on here resistant to the fact that the real world works on networking and referrals and not muh grades, muh qualifications.

Oh right I forgot half of biz is full of neets/college kids/crypto nuts that forgot how the real world works

Big companies? do you mean prestigious?

Big implies more employees and more opportunity. Ivy League is good for a tiny fraction of companies in a tiny fraction of industries, but it depends on your major and yeah you can transfer in or get your masters/phd at one of you sucked in high school. Your whole argument is a mess. i can't knock someone for taking high school seriously but nobody in the professional world will ever employ you based on what you did as a 16 year old, unless you're only like 17 or 18 at the time. It gives you a nice head start to do IB or whatever, but grades don't mean anything and neither do your first two years of college classes. I specifically said networking was a good idea, because again general coursework is just kid games and teaching to the test, nothing relevant to the job and everyone has the same education.

Again, you're not getting it.

I'm tired of repeating it.
See: These comfy sales and trading jobs with BIG starting salaries and growth come lining up every year at Wharton and other top schools to meet these kids for networking, and that becomes an internship or job. But none of these kids would get to do that if it weren't for their performance in high school.

All of this is highly specific to finance though. Most other career fields (law, medicine, tech etc) aren't as obsessively focused on undergraduate prestige.

What is the average age on this fucking board?

After 4 to 5 years of work experience, your school doesn't matter as much as it used to, especially when you start to move up in seniority.

Grades do not matter, school does not fucking matter LMAO to all of the naive kids on here who still believe in the college school meme.

What matters most is who you know period end of story. You can have all of the qualifications on paper but it's just ON PAPER.

I never said that anyone employs based on what I did at age 16. They employed me here because I networked with them at Penn, which I got into because of what I did at age 16.

That ^ is my entire argument.

And yeah, I mean prestigious.

>how the real world works
>it's totally the opposite of what it looks like!!! XD
> I know the big secret and can tell you with confidence how my retarded opinion applies to every job around the world

You're 17 years old maximum or below the poverty line. Nobody else is so committed to pretending they know "how the world works"

HR is not special. They get a checklist, they follow it. You can google what qualifications you need to get an interview. After that it's all on you.

"Knowing" somebody is literally as easy as emailing the manager or going to an event where they will present or have a rep. I was "known" at one of my first jobs because I physically handed my resume at the company and it went straight to a manager.

Besides this, if you don't have classmates or old colleagues who can vouch for you SOMEWHERE then you are a stupid useless fuck and why should anyone hire you? That's my opinion, but I've seen at least 60% of new hires be complete randoms. It's a miracle when somebody knows somebody they can trust for an open position. You have no clue how much money goes around looking for talent.

>What matters is who you know period

You don't get to "know" these people unless you network with them and you don't get to network with them unless you do reasonably well at a top fucking school (ivy league). And you will NOT get into the ivy league unless you perform almost perfectly in high school.


Get that through your thick head.

>the only way to really get in is if you know someone.

What every high school should teach their students. It is too bad I only found this out later in life.

we're old man I think they're all undergrads

I just got out of b school and nobody gives a shit where you went

talking about your undergrad institution - after 25 or so - is cringey tbqh

That's what he said you stupid piece of shit.

So you admit you need to network and make friends and know people.

No one is arguing the fact that getting into an ivy doesn't help. But....


Comfy sales jobs with big salaries exist in most big cities and they visit local colleges and universities, as well as top schools.

All of that high school "performance" shit is a dumb shitforbrains line of logic. You are one step away from saying that you have to be born rich and intelligent to get to a BIG company.

I'm sorry, I thought you wanted to make money.

Guess which 20-something year olds are getting paid the most fresh out of school?

I'm telling you that if you want to meet the right people later in life, you have to do well in high school.

I've been out for a few years. I'm saying that to get that first high-paying finance job, if you want it, you need to meet the right people in college and to do that you need to get to the right college. You don't get to the right college without doing well in high school.

NOBODY is saying that your college grades matter. NOBODY is saying any of your grades matter except for the purpose of getting you into college so you can network you thick shit.

>Comfy sales jobs with big salaries exist in most big cities and they visit local colleges and universities
No they don't. The comfy ones exist on Wall street and wall street only. I never said sales jobs. I said "sales and trading", which means investment banks only, and it was just an example.

Networking only starts in college for most people and you can do it while going to any school. Grades don't mean anything.

You don't meet the people who you need to know, at least not in a networking setting, unless you go to a top school.

I never said grades mean anything. See: >you can do it while going to any school
It's a completely different level. Trust me it doesn't even fucking compare.

ivy kids are always so autistic. it's like being homeschooled but for college

>the right college

So college is the only way to meet people?

Here that folks, pack up your shit, stop going to meetup, stop playing flag football, stop being social, the only way to meet the right people is through college.


your argument is moot. College is only one way to meet people

>wall street
1. You're a fucking moron
2. Even if I took you seriously, that's a small percentage of jobs and is not a meaningful discussion about career or employment in general. If you think you need to be on Wall Street to have a fulfilling life, sucks to be you desu

The real redpill starts with the parents. Ultra successful children almost invariably have parents who were grooming them to be successful from birth. Identify his/her strengths early on and expend as much time and energy as possible aggressively pushing your child to develop those strengths. The time to do this is from age 1-13 or so. You've already missed the boat by middle school if you wanted your child to be a top tier athlete/student/entrepreneur/musician etc at a young age. At that point, it will be entirely up to them if they want shift thier mindset to one which will allow them to acheive success.

ivies help a bit but I know public school kids in banking doing fine

'thick shit' hmm are you an analyst or an associate I wonder. my bet is analyst.

>So college is the only way to meet people?
If you want the kind of big wall street jobs that pay well without years of certifications and experience, yeah.

If you just want to meet people, you can fuck right off. We're talking about careers here.

>trust me
No. Ivy's give an advantage but you can network from anywhere. It's (current year).

Poorfag normie general.
Analyst yeah, but everyone I know here is ivy or very close to it.

>If you think you need to be on Wall Street to have a fulfilling life, sucks to be you
They should put this on a big banner and hang it at my school. Might reduce some of the suicides each year

No they aren't.

Public service announcement: You don't need to join an Ivy League school in order to network with the "right people."

Just be social. Get to know people. So and so's might be a recruiter with Apple. Or Netflix.Or with another one of those hot tech SF startups.

It's really, very simple what I am saying. Most of the HR of these companies, if not 100% of them are run by women and as women they will nearly always prefer to hire people they know, even if they dont really qualify. Its just the way they work.

This is not a blame game, I am not blaming anyones failures, this is a very simple deal. This is for the people who keep on applying even though they are qualified, and are getting automatically screened out.

if you are younger, its best to get an internship. Again that starts with networking, just try to get to know as many recruiters are possible, at least. Its best if you try to make as many friends as possible and go from there.

>Get to know people. So and so's might be a recruiter with Apple.
>Be yourself. It just might be your lucky day!
That's cute lol

You're embarrassing yourself here.

but no one said that.

Again, the vast majority of people aren't working in finance. Calm down.

You're projecting your insecurity. Networking and making friends is like, how humans work, you know? Especially the smart ones that get good jobs.

Not all good job's are on Wall Street

I think you're just pretending to be some bigshot, and/or you're just projecting your insecurity on us. Did you get bullied in school?

Why must there always be some insecure faggot that invades threads like this and fucks them up? Smh

kek, nailed it

>ivy or close

we're in agreement

look up where 'analyst' falls in the IB job ranks - that's why he's cursing like he's afraid his VP will hear

OP is going in the right direction.

Large companies hire mainly cucks. Not just some casual cucks, but really heavy duty, literally lick your ballsack verbally, kind of cucks. They like them, because they are easily moldable and no one will cry for them when they leave.

Veeky Forums might be anything, but sure as hell does not fit this frame.

Good luck to all lambolanders.

>Many of the times you'll be called up only to be rejected via email a few days later
Man I must be doing something wrong because I don't even get this.
They just never contact me for the most part

>without having connections
>they network
Networking is making connections you triple nigger