why is the West the only civilization on the planet that "whips itself" about its past crimes?
What is the root cause for Western masochism
What's wrong with that? It's a good way to remind ourselves of past atrocities and to ensure that newer generations don't repeat those same actions.
because only the ones on top could afford to do something that ridiculous
also propaganda
Because of Christianity's constant demand for guilt and also the valuing of meekness and compassion over strength and reason. The modern SJW movement is just a secular Christianity.
Other cultures do this too.
We are a guilt-based society.
Humility rooted in Christianity.
While other civilizations are unable to develop because they're focused on "custom" and "tradition," the Christian West is able to progress in ways unimaginable to any other civilization because they're capable of realizing the wrongs they did (socially, politically, technologically, morally), and attempt to avoid similar wrongs in the future. The only other civilization that has a chance of instituting a similar framework is China/East Asia.
I don't think there's anything wrong with it, it's just interesting that only the west does this. Other countries have are more like "What Armenian Genocide" or "What Rape of Nanking"
Morality advances just like technology does, and the West is as far ahead morally as it is technologically. Other cultures will go thru the same thing, once they catch up to our current moral development.
Christianity is strong. Reason is weak. You are weak.
Christianity. Most of it is literally nothing but a guy having nails driven into him, being covered in thorns and somehow reaching enlightenment through this.
So why arn't islamic societies similar in this way?
They are, at least to the same extent which Christian socities are. Which is to say it's less than 1% of the population that gets massively blown out of proportion.
t. Arab
gay propa ganda.....sage
Because western philosophy has expanded into a huge field of ethics.
The western governments could just not care enough to force this "we good bois" idea on their people. That and the minorities targeted in western atrocities (slavery, apartheid, Jim Crow, Japanese internment, Indian wars) are still here and only multiplied while still remembering what happened to their ancestors. Japan is mostly homogeneous so Nanking isn't that important to the Japanese and Turkey is...just a fucking mess.
Are there any examples of non-Western cultures exhibiting the same behavior? I can only remember Ashoka converting to Buddhism after the Kalinga War
It's primary religion worships a self-sacrificing martyr.
This plus Greeks
>Reason is weak
Shias do it too
These. Most of the Western Guilt is instigated by Jews and just perpetuated by naive whites. If you should take credit for the shortcomings of your ancestors you should also take credit for their accomplishments but you'd be called racist for that.
Because Western society embarked on the whole "reason and progress" train, thinking they were heading towards an ever more glorious future, and then got derailed by the deeply traumatic mess that was WW1 and WW2. It is the result of lost confidence, and a measure not to screw up as badly as they did in the past. They will probably continue messing up. The way I see it, European history from the Medieval period onward has been all about trying to find some system of equilibrium that could apply to the whole continent, and failing.
Evolution of civilization itself. With higher levels of knowledge pooling the society, people with higher IQs recognize what's happened in the past and what could happen in the future. They also reflect on what might be done present to rectify some of the wrongs.
the Juden
It's a result of its own value system.
Bullfuck, the west only developed because they allowed european geniuses to actually invent things.
Not that guy, but the reason the West allows that is because Westerners admit that they don't know everything, so they allow people to pursue knowledge, and they also welcome threats to the existing order, seeing that this is necessary for progress.
It's very (((mysterious))).
What if it becomes necessary to repeat those atrocities?
The Norse worshipped a self-sacrificing martyr as well (Odin), that didn't prevent them from being a culture most famous for it's pirates and propensity for slave raiding.
Jews in Israel are victims to the same mentality.
Historians and activists like Benny Morris, Ilan Pappé and Philip Weiss whip themselves over the exodus of Palestinians after Jewish victory in the Arab-Israeli war, and ignore the Jewish exodus from the Arab lands.
It's the other side of the coin with fascism. Outside of America and some other parts, Westerners don't understand individual responsibility, because while they focus the most on individuals, they recognize free will the least as they are degenerates. Just look at mechanical 'history' as seen in this thread.
It's not about Christianity because Christian theology involves both mercy and justice. SJWs only want mercy and only for themselves.
The abolition of cousin marriage.
Now you have to love your wife's family, not merely an extended part of your own family.
The wages of nepotism and cousin marriage is having a relatively shittier society.
Personification of nations, cultures, and ethnicities?