Which empire do you want to bring back the most?
Which empire do you want to bring back the most?
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Unironically the Ottomans.
The MENA + Eastern Europe mix in the early modern period is something I find exceedingly attractive.
>that enclave in arabia
trade routes
shipping routes probably
>you will NEVER see Austria-Hungary democratize and give autonomy to the nationalities living within it
>you will never see Central Europe develop peacefully while avoiding the violence, genocide, and oppression of fascism and Stalinism
why even live?
Especially compared to what we have today for both areas
Han/Qin China
Nazi Germany
So much choice
You know. That ugly Soviet/Polish border totally justifies the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact.
Long live the Hwan Empire!
seleucids were a meme empire, sassanids ftw
the dragon will be killed by an eagle and a bear fool
t. Finn scum
My Philos
Aztec, but with steel and gunpowder weapons
Holy Roman
Seleucaboos aren't even a thing
For now
They edeserve what they got.
dude saracens lmao
Byzantine empire
t. Christian middle easterner
Cnut the Great's empire
The Ancient Finnish Empire
Rashidun Caliphate
Butthurt Persians
Alexander was shit
>hurrrrrrr lemme ruin this beautiful city cause I'm drunk
idk but Africa would be better off if their states were more consolidated.
The Mongolian. Just the territory they had in Siberia though. Fuck the RUS
He was just a kid who had the fortune of having Philip as his father and Darius III as the Emperor of Persia.
oh god, I wish we're a US state. harder ameridaddy.
One incapable leader doesn't spoil the bunch, you couldn't have destroyed the Persian Empire and never lost a single battle had you been less of a man than Alexander.
Pretty fucking obvious.
I do have a soft spot for Carthage too, even though they were Rome's mortal enemies.
An Ottoman Empire would be preferable to the current clusterfuck that is the middle east.
Poland was bigger once.
The US would have probably went to War with the Britains over Canada had the WW not happened.
>Plan democratization
>State visit (plan prelemary talks on your plans about the above topic)
>Get shot on state visit
>They still regard him a hero.
>"We did something!"
Why did Yugoslavia even break up.
Roman Empire-Tier European Union with all present Member states included (incl. Greenland and other associated Territories that are not part of the EU).
Extended Roman Empire-Tier: The above plus ALL held colonies. Even if they successfully split later.
Fuck everyone-Tier: All of the Above + Soviet Union at Height & Colonies.
World Governmet-Tier. Gotta exploit the stars. Where's my Dyson Sphere?
Hello World Civil Wars!
Would they have allowed Carthage sui generis to remain a somewhat autonomous part of the Empire?
It's a fascinating one. I've often wondered what would have happened if the Ottomans had simply been offered their 1914 borders in the Treaty of Sevres.
Would they have held onto their Arab holdings? If so, would they have reemerged as a global superpower given their massive oil reserves? Would they have been able to prevent the rise of radical Islamism? Would they have got through WW2 unscathed and whose side (if any) would they have joined (and what kind of impact would their participation have had)? What would the world look like in the absence of Israel? Would they have asserted their claim to Egypt and Tripolitania? What kind of government system would they have developed (they had an absolute sultanate, a proto-parliamentary democracy and a triumverate semi-dictatorship all during the last years of the empire)?
If they had fought in WWII they probably would've had to decolonize like Britain and France did.
If Rome with that border still existed, Islam would be the #1 religion in the Empire
i would be more interested in how things would have turned out if the british had kept their promises to the arabs and given them a united arab state.
if the arabs managed to hold together (maybe under a pan-arab nationalist ideology) that state could've completely altered the balance of power in the world. they would have a huge proportion of wordwide oil reserves under their control while at the same time having all the great cities of mesopotamia and the levant, giving them the opportunity to develop industrial capabilities.
the sa'uds and their retarded religious ideology would never have taken hold, much less been spread around the islamic world. Arab nationalism would not have been discredited, so pan-islamism would not have risen as an alternative ideology.
Khwarazmian to be desu
t. Antonio 'Caeser' Russo
Imagine Assyrian Empire now that would possess ruthlessness of old towards Arabs and Turks.
i would like to bring back the portuguese empire
Russian Empire but with a modern parliamentary system.
We need this just so that this video can come true.
Stop right there!
The Caliphate of Cordoba under the Umayyads would be pretty nice.
Pre-9/11 US
In fact it is very important that this happens.
VERY good choice
>that is somehow a bad thing
kill yourself ahmed
An actual Islamic Caliphate to replace the filthy arab nations.
>all of these in the span of 30 years
how the fuck did they do it
>tfw you will never defend the great Finnish empire from the Atlantian-Demiurge invasion
You first cletus
Most of it is empty desert occupied by 6 guys and a camel
My empire of dirt.
>egypt nille river delta
thats like 40% of the world population at the time
don't forget ROME
Bigger Saudi Arabia?
This, brother. I cry everytime.
You know the Romans were trying to kill Muhammad and his followers, right?
>Would they have held onto their Arab holdings?
Arab nationalism was a rising tide by 1914. Granted, the Ottomans tried to counter it with "Ottomanism" (a form of civic nationalism). You can bet any enemies would try to aggravate the Arabs, especially once the oil reserves were exposed. Oddly enough, to placate the Arabs, the Ottomans would probably have to take an Islamist bend (muh caliphate) and redistribute that oil money.
>If so, would they have reemerged as a global superpower given their massive oil reserves?
Absolutely. Even with the reserves they have now, the likes of Qatar and the UAE manage to be semi-relevant states. Imagine if the entirety of Arab Gulf oil reserves were in the hands of one state - they would be extremely powerful throughout the second half of the 20th century.
>Would they have been able to prevent the rise of radical Islamism?
Wahhabism would have been without the sponsorship of the Saudi royal family, which is a big reason why its so widespread. However, radical Islamism is a reaction. It's hard to imagine an Ottoman Empire that would satisfy the puritanical, ultra-orthodox demands of Salafis. You have a polity that contained a lot of Christians, not to mention Druze, Alevis, Sufis, Alawites, Jews, etc. I doubt radical Islamism would be as widespread as it is today, but I can easily see such a movement arising, perhaps with an essentially Arab bend.
>The MENA + Eastern Europe mix in the early modern period is something I find exceedingly attractive.
Are you me? That's the reason I find Israeli girls hot. American Jew girls do nothing for me.
Sadly, Carthage is my top choice for this.