Why are men always tanned and women always fair skinned?
Roman art
Another example.
To be A E S T H E T I C
Because women stayed inside while men were outside.
Kids are often fairskinned too
Woman noticeably lighter.
Because men worked, farmed, fought outside while women stayed inside and cooked, taught the children, etc.
Women have traditionally been in a more reclusive role of society - men would go outside, either to work, farm, fight, etc. The women, if they weren't working the farms, were generally inside, away from the sun. There's a notable bias of antique paintings, however, as they generally only depicted the wealthy and the beautiful, who would obviously not be anywhere near a field. An average woman of the time would likely be more tanned that what royalty is depicted.
Because they hadn't yet been influenced by the whitest man and person in world history. He truly was whiter-skinned than the queen on Snow White!
Who dis nika?
Dayum he makes my Adi Baby look well hung!!! Man alive, I wish he could have met someone like that to make him feel less ashamed of his bulge!
He wuz Aryan
Why does his bulge look bigger than that naked guy's dick?
Kids are fairskinned too.
idk senpai
Are you lost?
Romanz wuz black and shit
But that's not true user
Why is that kid's dick the size of his little toe?
Because men had to work outside.
That "kid" is Perseus, it's even written in the file name c'mon
he looks like a kid tho
So gay!
Bunch of faggots!
Why do they all have baby dicks? They make Hitler's cock seem normal, if not big.
The topic is Roman art, not bodybuilding, moron.
Also, bodybuilders are hypertrophic artificial monsters, not exemplars of physical actualization and beauty.
Because the men were tanned
Because light skin is more feminine.
Big dicks are niggerish.
Men had to work outside while woman stood inside.
Tan skin was a sign of labour out in the field. Fair skinned women were seen as being higher class as they didn't need to work in the fields, they had servants/slaves for that.
Also maybe tan skin for men suggested warriors as they always fought outside or maybe strenght? Pale skin on women has always been a sign of upper class though
Tan was supposed to reflect military experience. You spend time in the army, chances are you gonna get roasted by the sun, since you'd tan even in Germania by spending the day out marching, drilling, digging camp.
I dunno, why'd ya think?
cuz they were tanned
Romans were tanned aryans.
Everyone knows that.
this combined with these:
lamo nigga that's not the first post
>lamo nigga that's not the first post
It is, however, the Forth.
ancient BLACKED
Women don't work in the sun, therefore their skin is fair.
Men work in the sun, therefore their skin is darker.
Aristotle actually wrote about this, commenting that pale skin was only fit for women and that it was a sign of cowardice, and that very dark skin (he gives Ethiopians as an example) indicated the same. He goes on to say that "tawny" skin is the ideal.
So their skin was the color of women's? No wonder they were gayer than gay!
Because they weren't fat perma-neets always staying indoors in fantasy world on the Internet. They were men who worked the fields and spent time outdoors actually doing stuff with their lives.
>Aristotle actually wrote about this, commenting that pale skin was only fit for women and that it was a sign of cowardice, and that very dark skin (he gives Ethiopians as an example) indicated the same. He goes on to say that "tawny" skin is the ideal.
>Αἰθίοψ (Aithiops), meaning "burnt-face"
Is my skin tone too light for a man?
its an idealization of femininity as with anything else ( along with submissiveness, daintiness, and innocence ). Men should be outside getting thier hands dirty/being active (will require at least some sun expisure)while women should be in the house all day. Is this really so hard to deduce? That's why words like pale were often used with a feminine contoration when describing a man others deemed as weak or unmanly.
I knew you /pol/ shit posters were trying to get at this
Is it?
Pale skin is a feminine trait. It indicates a delicate woman who spends much time indoors and sensitive to the sun.
Dark skin is a masculine trait, women prefer darker men because it indicates they spend time hunting in the sun.
I take it that everyone was use to the smell of vinegary ball sweat, right?
This is probably the answer and it's obviously still the common idealization today, at least among females.
Then means pale white men are feminine.
I don't prefer dark skin and I'm female. I wouldn't have a damn thing to do with any man whose skin was appreciably darker than mine. In fact, I would rather be alone for the rest of my life. I would prefer a white female to a non white male!!! (Yes, I have felt this way since I was 12 and stopped going out in the sun to look my best, as I see it, having just learned about WW2.)
My hand.
Romans were black
ur a faggot
Sorta: assuming they have no other redeeming traits like deep voice, body hair, square jaw, tall height, strong musculature, broad shoulders, etc.
Don't be an insecure faggot. Nobody has everything.
I'm not sure which is creepier: roleplaying as a woman when you're a fat neckbeard or expecting to be taken seriously. I could be wrong, but your writing style is weird. Everyone has preferences after all. Like how most guys prefer short women but won't say no to a fuckable tall girl.
Timestamp bro
No, I am genetically female and can pull down my panties to prove it!
>seeing your knife wound
I'd rather not.
very doubtful
>your ring can barely fit on your sausage fingers
romanz wuz black
Das rite
Because the women always did the indoor work such as cleaning child rearing and cooking while the men did farm work such as plowing fields taking care of livestock and some of the time soldering it's all about what kind of work you do and where you do it
His skull is clearly caucasian tho.
I'm sure thousands of years ago when the Romans created these frescos (this applies to other ancient med civilizations as well) They didn't think kangz would try to appropriate their posterity's ancestry because the men are portrayed as darker than the women.
It's obviously black kangs enriching local albino cave women .
why do their statues all look like old nazis from a nuremburg trials movie. Or old politicians straight out of british parliament. Meanwhile italians look like bedouins from the arabian desert
>straight hair
>. Meanwhile italians look like bedouins from the arabian desert
Are you blind?
But that;s literally a midget on the right.