How come Africa's jungle people get so much more negative attention than South America's?
Jungle people
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because south america's are qt caramel colored people
citation on "Africa's jungle people get so much more negative attention" please?
Most of them stopped having shitty wars & civil wars save for those idiots in the Venezuela/Colombia region.
Do south american jungle peoples have warlords and shit?
Just anecdotally, they are the targets of a lot more vitriol, even though they are comparably savage.
Pretty much this
Lol no. You are just getting the SANITIZED version of it. Many of the brown "natives" are actually mixed.
>Many of the brown "natives" are actually mixed.
This is in regards to many pics paraded around of qt girls and such.
The equatorial populations of Africa were in essence pioneers. Even the pygmy populations were on its periphery until the introduction of Wa-Diba introduced banana.
Also tsetse, malaria, various parasites and other site specific diseases and vectors that created things like AIDS.
Both are Zambo derived in OP pic
Native American tribes don't fuck infants in an effort to cure disease
I'm talking about amazonians. They are canabalistic and conduct human sacrifice.
I want to fuck the South Americans, but not the natives in Africa's jungle.
Which is actually not too uncommon in ancient cultures. The difference is that there are policies in place that stop outsiders from entering into the tribes to interfere. Africa has a bunch of help going towards it, and they still act the way they do. Thus, they get worse press because they should, theoretically, be better due to outside influence.
There is a tribe in Perú who is still literally without """contact""" with the modern world and now and then they raid rural towns. Pretty cool if you ask me.
Because the south americans actually accomplished shit.
That's the Andes, not the jungle.
Lmao nice sand castle niggers
>Built by Arabs
At what latitude do niggers end and Arabs begin?
That's Mali btw.
Tbh it's exceptionally rare. My sister in law doesn't even flinch at the headlines "just as an American will eat a person so too does the insane and deranged in Zaire" (she still refers to it as Zaire for some reason, never ask why)
But yes Amazonian folks get just as much pressure, most Congolese are just trying to reach an international audience too.
Niggers come in all shades. Give me a country, or a latitude.
and people all over the world do stupid as fuck things don't know why this is so exceptional?
Igbo can be the same color as Chinese naturally.
its a black and white oversimplification obviously
>Africa has a bunch of help going towards it, and they still act the way they do. Thus, they get worse press because they should, theoretically, be better due to outside influence.
Lol no. Also the funny thing about Brazilian natives people still think they don't have contact with the outside world or Brazil in general or haven't made use of modern conveniances.
At whom am I looking?
Brb, gunna masturbate
Aside from the pygmies, is there so many jungle peoples in Africa ?
The various bantu tribes live next to the jungle and not inside, no ?
The south americans had actual civilizations in their jungles, the africans did not
What civilizations were in the jungle?
Jungle civilizations.
>tfw no jungle qt native to show you the sexual secrets of the universe
why live
Name one
The Maya, parts of the Inca
Discourse on Sub-Saharan Africa's past, has been corrupted. It triggers everyone due the whole white vs black attitudes. South America doesn't have that baggage to deal with. Africans get shit for building with mud, when it's an abundant medium in the region, just like snow for Eskimos. I'm not interested in the whole we wuz kangs thing, and as a person interested in Africa, I have my own qualms about various attitudes and practices.
Mud is a fine building material and any society in a environment that could use it did
Mayans, were in Central America, and inca were in the Andes. That's like giving the African jungle people, the moors, Nubians, and Semites.
They did have the Fulani jihad states, and scattered "empires". The jungle is not conducive to sophisticated societies.
The inca empire extended into the amazon
I just did.
>what is the Andes.
That's the same as saying the moors or Egyptians extended down into the jungle.
>what is the Andes
A mountain range, on the far side of which is the fucking amazon in which the inca had settlements
So how does that compare with the far side of the African jungle? Pic related is Ethiopian castle.
The ethiopians are thousands of miles from the african jungle
It directly borders the African jungle. It is an apt equivalency.
They did have cities in the amazon rainforest in the Xingu region, which were interconnected by large very flat roads. Usually they were clusters of villages closely connected to a central even larger one on a 4 directional axis, so five large villages organized as a single community. Many such cities are scattered and interlinked with each other as well in the region. Each one is estimated to have had up to 30,000 people which is much smaller than villages there today which number about 2-3,000. To support large populations they managed orchards and gardens which they transformed much of the amazon into, since it naturally has poor soil. Terra preta, the black and very fertile soil they invented allowed them to sustain agriculture and have large permanent settlements. Archeologically, there is still much to discover in the amazon rainforest, but the societies there are very old. Some pottery dates back to thousands of years.
When will this meme die
desu I don't think that the part about roads is true.
not doubting their ability to build em, just think its unnecessary for peoples that didn't have horses, carriages, etc.
from what I know they're medium of transportation was mainly through the rivers.
>tfw this aesthetic is lost forever
>tfw when Africa will industrialize collectively they will steal shitty western contemporary aesthetics, ending up with shitty skycrapers instead of the magical ones of those pics
Reminder that the US ruined EVERYTHING
>Pretty cool if you ask me.
Until said rural towns have enough and exterminate the tribe with the help of corporate funded mercenaries. The land will be turned into agriculture and the trees will be cut down.
>For more than 20 years, researchers have been building the case that pre-Columbian peoples had a significant impact on much of the Amazon. There were many hints: large mounds near the mouth of the river, sophisticated dikes and fish weirs in Bolivia, forests planted with palms and fruit trees, and patches of soils enriched by humans. But many experts assumed that larger, more complex societies were restricted to the relatively fertile floodplains in the region's lowest lying lands.
That's not the picture emerging from the highlands of the Upper Xingu River, where archaeologist Michael Heckenberger of the University of Florida, Gainesville, has spent more than a decade mapping earthworks such as roads up to 50 meters wide. The newest work, described in the 19 September issue of Science, has revealed 19 pre-Columbian villages linked to smaller settlements by remarkably straight roads. Shorter avenues headed out toward the same points of the compass, as if the villages were all built from a similar blueprint. "This really blew us away," Heckenberger says, for it implied a society much larger and more complex than any in the Amazon today.
>Anthropologist Michael Heckenberger of the University of Florida teamed with the local Kuikuro people in the Brazilian state of Mato Grosso to uncover 28 towns, villages and hamlets that may have supported as many as 50,000 people within roughly 7,700 square miles (20,000 square kilometers) of forest—an area slightly smaller than New Jersey. The larger towns boasted defensive ditches 10 feet (three meters) deep and 33 feet (10 meters) wide backed by a wooden palisade as well as large plazas, some reaching 490 feet (150 meters) across.
>The remains of houses and ceramic cooking utensils show that humans occupied these cities for around 1,000 years, from roughly 1,500 years to as recently as 400 years ago. Satellite pictures reveal that during that time, the inhabitants carved roads through the jungle; all plaza villages had a major road that ran northeast to southwest along the summer solstice axis and linked to other settlements as much as three miles (five kilometers) away. There were bridges on some of the roads and others had canoe canals running alongside them.
Khmer if we look to Asia.
I see only a posible nigger here, the rest are mulattoes or very mixed (the one with the blue dress).
from left to right
>half white
>mostly white
>mixed black, white and native
and the peeking white guy behind him. So only one is a nigger the rest are white or partially white.
Black Americans by definition are mixed to varying degrees. There is practically no black Americans that are 100% black
Wow you're dumb if you think Beyonce is mostly white and Jay Z is near half.
Folks sure love making successful black people less black when it suits them.
These people are definitely white.
I know a lot of you guys hate Beyonce, but I'd give her the dick and I'd feel no shame about it either.
They're quite clearly appropriating African culture by appearing to be dark skinned.
Wasn't Beyonce bullied in Barbadosfor being too white?
Fake news, Rihanna is from Barbados.
Ethiopians by the looks of it, and unironically you are right, they are white racially and technically speaking.
>nappy hair.
If they're white than I'm straight up Nordic.
Look at their faces, they're not negroid.
No they exist in the Black belt and those with ancestors from there exclusively
We are black get over it
South america's are cooler looking.
The first pic you quoted looks like American art deco architecture, just in stone, though. American tallbuildings in general are pretty cool, taking either weird geometric figures resembling crystal structures or with the bold curves and gothic elements of art deco. Look at the chrysler building or the empire state building for really excellent examples.
[spoiler]The Twin Towers were an eyesore but they're only as iconic as they are because of the loss of life associated with their destruction.
fuck off west african
Negroid is a very specific classification, "black" is a much larger classification. There is overlap between so called negroid and caucusoid features, so it's an archaic classification.
And yeah there faces do look "negroid" with maybe slight Arab admixture.
Pic is "black" or I guess what you would consider negroid, because they are from the states.
This stuff is very easy to look up. Black Americans by definition have european admixture.
Why does this make some white people feel so insecure?
Now it is knows the Amazonas was much more populated than we thought, and that it was largely terraformed. It was never a pristine jungle.
also, it is possible that civilizations of the Amazon were wiped out by disease even before being discovered.
this is a good read
One of the best examples is in the Llanos de Moxos in Bolivia.
It's the black version of. "Are slavs white?"
No they aren't and Griffe does not represent them neither does that photo
Why are you so jealous of black Americans?
I'm Habesha you stupid ferenj
The definition of Aethiopid is Negroid phenotypical inclusion
Thank you clarifying.
Because they are human like us while niggers are from another branch of humans so they are fucking shit by definition.
I mean while she lived there, at school.
Beyonce never went to school there dumbass
Black kids bully each other about whiteness all the time. It's normal. Kids bully each other about all sorts of stuff all the time.
No look at their facial bone structure, still negroid.
I recommend reading this from Ulrich Schmidt, a German who joined the Spanish expedition that colonized the River Plate region (Paraguay and Atlantic Argentina)
And also what Vaca de Narvaja wrote.
There are many testimonies from the XVI century by people who were there
>half white
Those giant gumbo lips should have tipped you off that he is 70% nigger.
Kids make fun of the blonde haired kid, the dark skinned kid, the kid with the small nose or the big nose. Literally anyone outside the norm. But user is obsessed with whiteness so you have to get why he posts the way he does.
thanks for the answer
I was being sarcastic. The fact that white people are making such ludicrous claims are indicative of another underlying agenda. I'm trying to start a conversation about that, never talked about, hidden agenda.
>ludicrous claims
Caucasoid gene flow into the Ethiopian gene pool occurred predominantly through males. Conversely, the Niger–Congo contribution to the Ethiopian population occurred mainly through females.[25]
The jungle sucks honestly, you have to be careful where you cut down trees in order to build a settlement because it rains so much that the ground becomes muddy without the tree roots being able to absorb the water.
Temperate forest are much better to have civilizations developed in.
Actually this is false. Riparian grassland/savanna is.
source thats pretty cool
nah and Caucasoid =! white
"SOON after the arrival of the governor at the Ascension the natives and conquistadores brought serious charges against the officers of His Majesty. Alvar Nuñez therefore ordered all the native subjects of the king to assemble, and in the presence of the monks and clergy told them he had been sent to protect them, and that they should come to the knowledge of God and accept Christianity at the hands of the monks and clergy who had come as the ministers of God, and should subject themselves to His Majesty. If they did this they would be better treated and protected. He warned them to give up eating human flesh, as that was a sin and grave offence in the sight of God. The monks and the clergy repeated this warning, and the governor concluded by distributing presents among them, such as shirts, stuffs, caps, and other things they delighted in.
These Guaranís speak a language common to all the tribes of this province. They eat the flesh of their enemies whom they take captive in war, bringing them to their settlements and making great merriment and rejoicing with them, dancing and singing till the captive grows fat. They give him their wives and daughters, in order that he may have every pleasure. It is these wives who take the trouble to- 130 - fatten him. Those held in the greatest honour among them admit him to their couches, adorn him in various ways according to their custom, and bedeck him with feathers and necklaces of white beads and stones, which are much prized among them. When he begins to grow fat they redouble their efforts; the dancing, singing, and pleasures of all kinds increase.
Savanna isnt jungle user, jungles are so awful for humans that they make humans become stupid overtime, those amazon moron's ancestors that came from the Bering Strait were far more intelligent than them. In some cases like the Piraha tribe they are essentially niggerizing mentally as the Piraha have no fucking concept of time at all.
Then the men come; they adorn and make ready three boys of the age of six or seven, placing a little hatchet in their hands. The Indian considered the bravest among them now takes a wooden sword in his hand, called in their language macana, and leads the captive to a place where he is made to dance for one hour; the Indian then advances, and with both hands deals him a blow in the loins, and another on the spine to knock him down. It happens sometimes that after striking him six blows on the head they cannot kill him, so hard are their heads, though this two-handed sword is made of very tough, heavy, black wood, and the executioner is strong enough to kill an ox with a single blow. When they have knocked him down the three boys come with their hatchets, and the eldest of them, usually the son of the chief, begins striking blows on his head, the others do the same till the blood flows; the Indians meanwhile exhorting them to be brave and learn to kill their enemies and make war upon them, and to remember that this victim has killed many of their own people, and that they should revenge themselves upon him. As soon as he is dead the one that gave him the first blow takes the name of the dead man and keeps it henceforward in token of his bravery. Then the old women cut the body in pieces and cook it in their earthenware pots, distributing the flesh among themselves. They eat it and consider it excellent food. Afterwards they resume their dancing and pleasures, which last several days, saying that now the enemy who had slain their relatives is dead, they will take their rest and make merry.
How the governor received complaints against the Indian Guaycurús.
THE riparian chiefs, and those inhabiting the vicinity of the Paraguai, near the town of the Ascension, vassals of His Majesty, came and presented themselves before the governor, and complained of a tribe of Indians that dwelt near their borders. These Indians are great warriors, and valiant men, who live on venison, butter, honey, fish, and wild boar, eating nothing besides, neither they nor their wives and children. They go daily to the chase for it is their only occupation. They are nimble and vigorous, swift of foot, and so long-winded that they tire out the deer, and catch them with their hands, besides slaying many more with their arrows, as well as tigers and other fierce animals. They are kind to their wives, and not only to those of their own tribe, who are greatly esteemed by them, but also to women generally; thus, if any fall into their hands when they are making war, they set them at liberty, and do them no wrong. They are much feared by all the other tribes. They never remain more than two days in one place, but quickly remove their houses, made of matting, to distances of one or two leagues when they are in pursuit of game. This tribe, and others that live by fishing, eat of a certain bean[320] that grows in that country; they search for it in the mountains where the trees are that produce this fruit; and the wild boar climb the hills at the same time, and for the same purpose. It ripens in November and the beginning of December, and they make flour of it, and wine strong enough to intoxicate themselves.