Why are so many threads here are "Did the Holocaust really happen tho?" and baiting /pol/?
Why are so many threads here are "Did the Holocaust really happen tho?" and baiting /pol/?
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Someone told me /pol/ is always right. Is that true?
There is literally no proof it happened though. Everytime these threads happened (((they))) get BTFO'd by statistics and facts.
Because denying the Holocaust is like denying the armenian genocide, the Turks were well known for hating them, and had already done mass killings so why is it a surprise they found a scapegoat in their death throes
>denying the Holocaust is like denying the armenian genocide
No it's not. We have more evidence for the Armenian Genocide then the flimsy testimonies we use for evidence when it comes to the Holocaust
because they are brainwashing people about the holocaust so much that it's become sickening
>because they are brainwashing people about the holocaust so much that it's become sickening
this. Veeky Forums wants us to believe that there were eagles poking eyes out and jews were being turned into soap and lampshades.
only literal retards could believe that shit. plus /pol/ denies the heavy jewish influence with the bolsheviks. funded and run entirely by jews for jews.
Off to /pol/ you go
>Veeky Forums wants us to believe that there were eagles poking eyes out and jews were being turned into soap and lampshades.
Literally nobody says that. Fuck off, /pol/.
What was the purpose of the 3 Einsatzgruppen units (each consisting of 500-1000 members of the SS and Gestapo) during Operation Barbarossa? How were these units different than the Wehrmacht's Security Divisions (Sicherungs-Divisionen) and Guard Units (Landesschützen)?
Why did every defendant in the Nuremberg Trials and subsequent nazi war crime trials almost exclusively use the defense that they were just following orders ("Befehl ist Befehl")? Why didn't anyone deny the crimes they were accused of? Especially something as egregious as the mass murder of millions of people?
Why would Jews inflate the number of holocaust victims when reparations paid by West Germany after the war were based on the number of survivors and not the number killed?
What did SS and nazi officials in internal memos mean by the word "Special Treatment" (Sonderbehandlung) regarding jews in their custody?
How could the prisoners at the Bergen-Belsen be starving to death when 3 km away the food stores for the camp contained "600 tons of potatoes, 120 tons of tinned meat, 30 tons of sugar, upwards of 20 tons of powdered milk; cocoa, grain, wheat and other foodstuffs." Why was this food withheld from the starving prisoners?
If the Jews were evacuated "to the East" rather than being exterminated in Poland, what happened to them? Why have so many family members of those "evactuated" never heard from their loved ones again? Wouldn't they try to make some contact in the past 70+ years?
the unfiltered truth:
>What was the purpose of the 3 Einsatzgruppen units
not an argument
>Why did every defendant in the Nuremberg Trials and subsequent nazi war crime trials
why did the Jews admit to the Plague in Medieval Europe? not an argument. doesn't substitute the lack of evidence.
>Why would Jews inflate the number of holocaust victims
The facts is there were way less Jews before then after.
>Why was this food withheld from the starving prisoners?
Why did the primarily Jewish bolsheviks do this to millions of Christians?
>If the Jews were evacuated "to the East" rather than being exterminated in Poland, what happened to them? Why have so many family members of those "evactuated" never heard from their loved ones again?
The real question is why is there no proof that there was a drop in the population?
>The facts is there were way less Jews before then after
Congrats, you just made a false claim, how do you feel about it?
>not an argument
Yeah, that's /pol/-tier reasoning
>Why did the primarily Jewish bolsheviks do this to millions
And wikipedia doesn't count since anyone can edit it
>plus /pol/ denies the heavy jewish influence with the bolsheviks
No they don't. They are definitely aware that the Bolsheviks were Jews. And they all were. As were all the socialists that fought in the German Revolution just prior to the Nazi take over.
Oh shit that hivemind.
But this revolution happened 14 years before the Nazi takeover. Communists from KPD were also more popular in the 20s than NSDAP.
>Quietly ignoring the man in charge, while focusing on irrelevant figures
>Why did the primarily Jewish bolsheviks do this to millions
>And wikipedia doesn't count since anyone can edit it
Look at this goy trying to deny that the Bolsheviks were Jews and that they killed millions of Russian citizens hahahaha. Holy shit m8.
Pic related, I suggest you pick up the Gulag Archipelago authored by Solzhenitsyn.
>the Gulag Archipelago authored by Solzhenitsyn
This is what did it for me. I honestly grew up thinking Hitler was evil, school did that. They didn't tell me anything about what the Jews did to Russia.
>You must understand. The leading Bolsheviks who took over Russia were not Russians. They hated Russians. They hated Christians. Driven by ethnic hatred they tortured and slaughtered millions of Russians without a shred of human remorse. The October Revolution was not what you call in America the "Russian Revolution." It was an invasion and conquest over the Russian people. More of my countrymen suffered horrific crimes at their bloodstained hands than any people or nation ever suffered in the entirety of human history. It cannot be understated. Bolshevism was the greatest human slaughter of all time. The fact that most of the world is ignorant of this reality is proof that the global media itself is in the hands of the perpetrators.
It's not even that. I'm horrified that such ignorant people post here.
SPD was part of this revolution. The term November criminals' refers mostly to them. Of course their leaders were mostly Germans so they aren't even mentioned by those idiots.
They don't understand how basic history research works, they focus only on the points that prove their pre-constructed notions and ignore the rest.
They don't even realise they are doing this, that's why any discussion is pointless.
>They are definitely aware that the Bolsheviks were Jews. And they all were.
>tfw Veeky Forums literally can't refute this
>the Bolsheviks were Jews
>And they all were
Every last one?
So now you think that Hitler wasn't evil even if his first victim was Poland - a country that fought against the communists and banned all communist organization and parties? This same Hitler signed a pact with those evil Jewish communists to destroy Poland. They even worked together - Gestapo and nkvd killing Polish intellectuals.
Truly a good guy.
Ok? And? The Bolshevik revolution began in 1917. The German Revolution began immediately after WWI in 1918.
Bolsheviks from the Russian revolution supported socialists in Germany during the German revolution. It literally happened during the same period supported by the same people aka JUDEN.
Hitler was a WWI veteran. He lived through it and through the German revolution (caused by Jewish Socialists backed by Jewish Bolsheviks). It's literally why the Nazi party grew so fast. People were fucking pissed off as shit about everything that happened and all Hitler did was say what was on everyone's mind at the time. You do realize NatSoc was in response to Communism? You do know that Hitler hated the fuck out of Communists for a reason right? You do know that Christian German's saw the Jew Commies try to seize power and were scared as fuck because they were looking over at Russia seeing Jews massacre other Christians?
> Communists from KPD were also more popular in the 20s than NSDAP.
And no shit because the Nazi party was relatively new. Are you actually this historically illiterate mate?
But I'm not. All the belligerents are listed. They are all Jews. Deal with it.jpg
Not even Jews are denying it.
also please take a stab at these
>All the belligerents are listed.
Even Liebknecht? The man in charge?
80%. When Putin said it the media couldn't even refute what he said.
To be fair I seriously doubt anyone in that room is an expert on the event.
Also, I thought Jews loved capitalism and banking and making money? Why would they put so much in a system that hates these things?
Did someone asked him to confirm it wasn't just an error?
>Hitler was a WWI veteran. He lived through it and through the German revolution (caused by Jewish Socialists backed by Jewish Bolsheviks). It's literally why the Nazi party grew so fast. People were fucking pissed off as shit about everything that happened and all Hitler did was say what was on everyone's mind at the time. You do realize NatSoc was in response to Communism? You do know that Hitler hated the fuck out of Communists for a reason right? You do know that Christian German's saw the Jew Commies try to seize power and were scared as fuck because they were looking over at Russia seeing Jews massacre other Christians?
I love seeing Veeky Forums wake up. Those dirty rat Bolsheviks were cruel killers raping and slaughtering families for no reason. The secret police were mainly Jews, they committed the worst crimes against any group ever in history. The fact that it's the norm to think they didn't deserve to be targeted is ridiculous. They killed 60 million from 1919-1959. Germans had every right to want them gone.
>authored by Solzhenitsyn.
He is a writer, not a reliable source of information. He's also the retard who spent years trying to convince Russians that Stalin purged 60 million people.
You don't know basics of history. NSDAP was created right after WW1. In 1921 Drexler's party DAP changed its name into NSDAP. KPD was founded in 1918.
During the 1928 election KPD got 10.6% votes, NSDAP 2.6%, and the guys responsible for German revolution SPD 29.8%.
I don't think they ever got more than 40 or 42% of the vote, right? (Minus sham elections which they got 99.6%)
This is /pol/, not Veeky Forums. Veeky Forums knows more about history.
> In response to this and the Bolshevik Revolution, members of the left and of the far-left of the SPD formed alternative parties, first the Spartacus League, then the Independent Social Democratic Party of Germany and later the Communist Party of Germany. After 1918 the SPD played an important role in the political system of the Weimar Republic, although it took part in coalition governments only in few years (1918–1921, 1923, 1928–1930). Adolf Hitler prohibited the party in 1933 under the Enabling Act – party officials were imprisoned, killed or went into exile. In exile, the party used the name Sopade.
Literally Communist trash.
>Literally can't refute anything
Basically. Pic related.
>In violent opposition to all this sphere of Jewish effort rise the schemes of the International Jews. The adherents of this sinister confederacy are mostly men reared up among the unhappy populations of countries where Jews are persecuted on account of their race. Most, if not all, of them have forsaken the faith of their forefathers, and divorced from their minds all spiritual hopes of the next world. This movement among the Jews is not new. From the days of Spartacus-Weishaupt to those of Karl Marx, and down to Trotsky (Russia), Bela Kun (Hungary), Rosa Luxembourg (Germany), and Emma Goldman (United States), this world-wide conspiracy for the overthrow of civilization and for the reconstitution of society on the basis of arrested development, of envious malevolence, and impossible equality, has been steadily growing.... It has been the mainspring of every subversive movement during the Nineteenth Century; and now at last this band of extraordinary personalities from the underworld of the great cities of Europe and America have gripped the Russian people by the hair of their heads and have become practically the undisputed masters of that enormous empire.
>This is /pol/, not Veeky Forums
No it isn't.
I love /nu-his/.
the next generation isn't gonna fall for that Jewish victim bullshit.
July 1932 - 37.27%
November 1932 - 33.09%
They were already losing power and influence.
1933 elections weren't fully free. Hitler was a chancellor and the Nazis controlled the police.
I'm not even trying to refute anything.
It's like trying to refute the existence of God, it can't be done it's a matter of faith.
I'm just enjoying your squeamish arguments
Social Democrats and the biggest, most popular party in Weimar Republic
Holy fuck. I never understood what /pol/ was saying but it all makes sense now. I always never understood why Hitler was so evil. He wasn't evil.
We saw the last thread where people confessed the bulls hit they pulled. I doubt that you are a person who actually had their mind changed. In fact, I think you responded to yourself.
Are you even trying?
>In fact, I think you responded to yourself.
not an argument
Huh so Hitler invades Poland WITH Russia... but for some reason only Hitler is the bad guy? And Russia gets a freebie. So Jewish bankers pushing for war with Hitler for invading Poland but not Jewish controlled Soviet Union for invading Poland. Really made me think. Really makes you wonder why the man who kicked out the Jews and nationalized the bank after taking it back from the Jews was singled out.
>The man in charge
He was one of many in charge. And congrats I concede the fact that JUST ONE of all of them might not have been Jewish. Still a socialist so he might as well have been one. Wew really got me bro.
Are you retarded? He is one of many writers on this topic. Definitely one of the most prominent writers on the subject. Malcom Muggeridge is another.
>Thomas Malcolm Muggeridge, known professionally as Malcolm Muggeridge, was a British journalist, author, media personality, and satirist. As a young man, Muggeridge was a left-wing sympathiser but he later became a forceful anti-communist.
>He's also the retard who spent years trying to convince Russians that Stalin purged 60 million people.
Oh shit a literal retard who doesn't know anything about history on a history forum. Can't make this shit up.
I don't think you get the basics of history. Nothing you said in this post contradicts what I have said.
> Left-wing members of the party, led by Karl Liebknecht and Rosa Luxemburg, strongly opposed the war, and the SPD soon suffered a split, with the leftists forming the Independent Social Democratic Party of Germany (USPD) and the more radical Spartacist League. In November 1918, revolution broke out across Germany. The leftists, led by Rosa Luxemburg and the Spartacist League, formed the KPD at a founding congress held in Berlin in 30 December 1918 – 1 January 1919 in the reception hall of the City Council[2]
Evidently not.
>So Jewish bankers pushing for war with Hitler for invading Poland but not Jewish controlled Soviet Union for invading Poland. Really made me think.
>I don't think you get the basics of history. Nothing you said in this post contradicts what I have said.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Veeky Forums is getting destroyed
Why mods even tolerate this garbage? There are hundreds of book written about this and this idiot posts some /pol/ trash thinking he discovered some hidden truth. Then he completely ignores the context and clearly misinterprets the events.
This is a history board, if you want to discuss it at least put some effort. So I'm guessing in /pol/ version of history Kiel mutiny, hundred days offensive, SPD, Ebert's government, Ebert-Groener pact simply don't exist?
/pol/ is a joke and this thread is worthless.
>refutes literally nothing
>says we aren't putting in effort
Really made me think
>Wew really got me bro.
Of course I did, that's why you had to dance around it so hard.
>He was one of many in charge.
So why wasn't Liebknecht a man in charge? Why does this fact hurt you so bad?
In Poland both are considered bad guys. Poland never declared war on the Soviets for unspecified reasons. Maybe they were afraid the allies won't help them then. We don't know.
Veeky Forums is designated frontier board. If you don't like iron-pilling /pol/acks then just leave these threads.
what did Veeky Forums mean by this?
I'm the guy answering the Jewish Question here. Sucks we don't have ID's to differentiate between posters; but I'll say this. I won't justiy what Hitler did but I am providing context to give you and understanding of WHY he did it. Makes sense too, doesn't it?
Context is everything. And only because of hindsight can we look back and wish Hitler won. No matter your opinion of him his version of society was the basis of Western Civ today in the West and we are STILL battling communism that is ripping apart the US in the form of Cultural Marxism.
Stalin and the soviets truly were a bigger threat than Hitler and we can only understand this now. Pic related. Just read some of the '''philosophies''' they came up with. Sickening.
KPD and the Spartacus League were a very small part of the left-wing. They were crushed by the SPD- a left wing party. Spartacist uprising is not the whole revolution.
>hundreds of books
>as long as more books were written supporting one point of view then it must be right.
>thread is useless
>why can't i downvote?! REEEEEE
y'know the drill
fun fact: Iron is used as antidote against cyanide poisoning
>German revolution (caused by Jewish Socialists backed by Jewish Bolsheviks). It's literally why the Nazi party grew so fast. People were fucking pissed off as shit about everything that happened and all Hitler did was say what was on everyone's mind at the time.
I do justify what Hitler did. He never attempted to kill the Jews, the Typhus epidemic was deadly. He had every right to intern the Jews based alone on the evil caused by them.
>Why mods even tolerate this garbage? There are hundreds of book written about this and this idiot posts some /pol/ trash thinking he discovered some hidden truth.
>Then he completely ignores the context and clearly misinterprets the events.
>This is a history board, if you want to discuss it at least put some effort. So I'm guessing in /pol/ version of history Kiel mutiny, hundred days offensive, SPD, Ebert's government, Ebert-Groener pact simply don't exist?
>/pol/ is a joke and this thread is worthless.
>Please put in effort
>Me? Nah I don't need to put in effort
Pic related it's you mate
ITT: Veeky Forums liberals refuting literally nothing while /pol/acks drop statistics and facts
Poland wasn't really the one declaring war as they were fucked. It was France and Britain who declared war on Poland's behalf - and only on Germany.
Protip: Certain bankers who had banks in Britain and France were pissed as fuck about losing their bank in Germany. (((Rothschilds)))
But again, that's not the reason why they grew so fast. You don't know history. NSDAP was a minor, irrelevant Bavarian party for most of 1920s.
The reason for their popularity was the economic crisis from 1929. In fact both anti-democratic parties - the Nazis and KPD gained a lot during early 1930s. Most people didn't really care about Hitler's anti-Semitic obsession, they were more concerned about high unemployment rate.
>drop statistics and facts
I'd like to see those
Poland didn't even recognize the Soviet aggression. Polish soldiers didn't know if they should fight against them or not.
>So Jewish bankers pushing for war with Hitler for invading Poland but not Jewish controlled Soviet Union for invading Poland.
You have no idea what you're talking about so I will only waste my time replying to you once. en.m.wikipedia.org
Nazi Germany had already taken land and Britain signed a treaty with Poland backing them up if Germany attacked. Additionally, the Nazis had already proven themselves to be land hungry after invading the Czechs. Not only that, Germany and Britain were still bitter and antagonistic with each other after WW1.
>Really makes you wonder why the man who kicked out the Jews and nationalized the bank after taking it back from the Jews was singled out
Except the United States nationalized its banks in 1863 by some definitions. If you don't like that definition, then tell me why "Jewish Bankers" would be OK with the existence of the Soviet Russian State if they were conspiring.
>Oh shit one guy of ten wasn't a jew! That settles that! Ha! That means only 9/10 were Jews, not all of them!!
Deliberately being obtuse only reflects poorly on you. Me conceding one semantic is not me conceding my argument. Sorry you are so distraught over the truth.
>So why wasn't Liebknecht a man in charge? Why does this fact hurt you so bad?
I never said he wasn't. It doesn't hurt me. Again read my previous reply to the first greentexted portion of your post; being deliberately obtuse hurts only you.
So why they allowed a much weaker Germany to rearm, remilitarize Rhineland, anschluss Austria, take over Czechoslovakia and Klaipeda?
>Oh shit one guy of ten wasn't a jew! That settles that! Ha! That means only 9/10 were Jews, not all of them!!
this whole thread in a nutshell
>believe he knows more than hundreds of pepole who researched enough to write hundreds of pages of documents about an event.
>his ego makes him believe he is better than anyone else so when more qualified and smarter people disagree his cognitive dissonance forces him to instead believe that everyone in the world is lying but him
Thoroughly consider it.
White males colonized a lot of the world and killed millions.
>[Africans, Asians, and American Natives have] every right to intern the [Europeans] based alone on the evil caused by them.
Stop thinking of a race/religion as one conspiring class
We aren't still spewing out ideologies every day like them that are cancerous.
Those aren't statistics.
It proves it wasn't something that only Jews were involved in and an exclusively Jewish movement, just that many Jews happened to become involved. By your logic the fact that Jews own a lot banks means that banking is a Jewish practice.
>First claims that Bolsheviks were a Jewish conspiracy, which is objectively false, then he claims NSDAP was response to rabble of 20s communists, which is again false. The rest is emotional filler.
>Second, I assume you mean the graph, which is made from three untustworthy sources, why the citation of Snyder and Plocker has to be fact-checked.
>Third is just emotional nonsense and dancing around being proven false
>Fourtht is just plain bullshit. "Marxist culturalism", seriously?
>We aren't still spewing out ideologies every day like them that are cancerous.
Yeah, good thing whites don't have ideologies that are incorrect. Also, you'really still viewing everyone that isn'the white as one blanket class. Also, are you really saying that every ideology outside of Europe is cancerous?
>The reason for their popularity was the economic crisis from 1929.
>Most people didn't really care about Hitler's anti-Semitic obsession, they were more concerned about high unemployment rate.
All three were a factor.
>Just lost a war you weren't the aggressor in (WWI was just a domino effect of country after country falling into it)
>Lose (oh well that shit happens)
>Treaty of Versailles fucks your country unfairly still
>Country reduced to rubble
>Jews run the papers
>Jews run the economy
>Jews profiting off the countries despair
>High unemployment and inflation as a result
Listen, Hitler didn't just wave some fucking wand and go "The Jews!" The Jews!" and trick people. All he did was point out the state of the country and what it had been reduced too, as well as point out the Jews who had a direct hand in it. As well as peer over to their neighbor and see Jewish Bolsheviks massacring other Christians. Then you see them try to take advantage of the poor state of your country and naturally you're going to be (rightfully) fucking nervous about it. After the German revolution by other Jewish socialists, you then had Bolshevik exiles come into Germany ONCE AGAIN trying to take advantage. People were equally fed the fuck up with the kikes, the inflation, and the unemployment. And Hitler did a damn good job solving all three of those problems.
Same as people asking "Is earth really spherical?" question to Flat Earth society. Or "Is evolution real or just fake news propaganda by China?" on Republican/Conservative safe spaces.
>Jews profiting off the countries despair
Prove how the German and Global financial crisis of the postwar period profited Jews as a class. Prove to me how the Great Depression was good for "Jewish Bankers".
What year is this list from? Central Committee often changed.
Inflation was stopped in 1924. Again, you don't know the basics. Please explain how the KPD and Social democrats were much more popular than Hitler and his party in 1920s. And why Hitler's putsch completely failed if everyone loved him so much? You can also write something about another right-wing putsch that failed, so called Kapp putsch.
Why were the German masses supporting socialists if they hated them so much?
Hey buddy; It's not secret that Churchill and the allies were as threatened by Stalin as they were by Hitler. They actually knew Stalin was the worse of the two but for (((reasons))) they didn't go after him.
>Except the United States nationalized its banks in 1863 by some definitions. If you don't like that definition, then tell me why "Jewish Bankers" would be OK with the existence of the Soviet Russian State if they were conspiring.
Jesus fucking Christ you are stupid.
And then Woodrow Wilson created the Federal Reserve aka a PRIVATELY OWNED BANK that loans the US money with interest creating perpetual debt. In 1913.
>then tell me why "Jewish Bankers" would be OK with the existence of the Soviet Russian State if they were conspiring.
Because German Jewish bankers (Warburgs) and German Jewish newspapers funded Lenin to go into Russia and take advantage of their weak leadership and shit situation in an attempt to take Russia out of WWI. And it worked because Nicky II was a spineless loser whose wife cucked him with literal bigfoot. Soviets were disproportionately Jewish. So of course they won't antagonize the Soviets because it was already largely under influence. What the hell kind of question is that mate?
>every human in the world before maybe the last century or two believed in a sky god and wrote tons about it
>writers of these books were known as the smartest in their age
>sky god must be real
Wow you so smart. I will accept your learned opinion backed by hundreds of people that think like you because you said so.
Please go back to
Because the memory of World War I was still fresh in everyone's mind. You serious mate? No one wanted to jump right back into that. And it's not like the bankers weren't still pressuring war with Germany despite that.
>German Jewish bankers
Actually that was Ludendorff.
If you actually used that lump of grey matter you call a brain, you would realize that most of those articles are referring to the Eastern European Jewish population, and thus obviously are going to quote the same number, you mong.
nice sources
>being this obtuse
Where did you got that pic from? There were at least twice the people in the Russian executive commitee.
So they waited until Germany becomes too powerful for them and then waged a war against it? Those evil bankers were really stupid.
Why the French didn't agree to Pilsudski's propositions to attack Germany in early 1930s?
>First claims that Bolsheviks were a Jewish conspiracy, which is objectively false
Wrong. I dare you to look up the leaders of the Bolshevik party and tell me what religion/ethnicity they were. I'm sure it will be easy to disprove. Not to mention the writings of world leaders at the time also confirming.
>then he claims NSDAP was response to rabble of 20s communists, which is again false.
It was in response to WWI (Treaty of Versailles), The german revolution (jews), the bolsheviks (jews), the economy (papers and businesses run by jews), the unemployment, and another communist attempt by soviet exiles in Germany (again jews).
>untustworthy sources,
>aka I'm uncomfortable with the truth
>Fourtht is just plain bullshit. "Marxist culturalism", seriously?
>This retard actually has no idea about the Frankfurt school I kid you not on a history forum this piece of shit has the nerve to post LMAO
You didn't refute anything and ironically enough responded with nothing but emotional, factless drivel. Didn't even attempt a coherent response providing your own timeline of events. Just some hollow deflection.
What should I sauce?
>Nazis not being reaction to 20s communists
They started to gain power by Great deppression, which is common knowledge, check wiki if you want
>Wilton, Greife, Simons
Wilton was an antisemite making random claims (he even claimed that murder of Tsar's family was some kind of ritual sacrifice), Greife was a Nazi and Simons again was making random claims without knowledge
>Wrong. I dare you to look up the leaders of the Bolshevik party and tell me what religion/ethnicity they were.
You can check all of the commitees. You even have a nice little star to see them ebul kekes.
>aka I'm uncomfortable with the truth
You owe me 1000$
>This retard actually has no idea about the Frankfurt school
I have better idea than you have, since I am not spewing nonsense like "Cultural Marxism"
>Republican/Conservative safe spaces.
No such thing exists, my friend. Now Liberal areas are nothing but safe spaces. They cannot exist without censorship.
>he really believes this.
Don't see libruls trying to shut down evolution.
>You can check all of the commitees. You even have a nice little star to see them ebul kekes.
wikpedia isn't a source. there are many jewish ones without the star of david
People proved to you that German revolution wasn't led by Jews. SPD wasn't Jewish, Kiel mutiny wasn't led by Jews. It was a popular uprising of soldiers and workers. Only later the leaders appeared. Some of them were socialist others communist. The communists lacked support so they started a second revolution (Spartacust uprising) and were crushed by Ebert's government (social democrats).
This is what actually happened. Every historian agree with it. The communists were just a small force in a much bigger event.
>Jews had press
The biggest media conglomerate belonged to Hugenberg - a right wing politician that helped Hitler gain power.
>Inflation was stopped in 1924
>He's actually cherry picking one of many topics I listed that played a role in the rise of NatSoc
>Can't make this shit up
>Please explain how the KPD and Social democrats were much more popular than Hitler and his party in 1920s.
Because Hitler and his new party were relatively new. Hitler was released from prison in 1924 to begin with. The KPD and SPD had already been around long before. Notice how actually given some time it became popular?
>And why Hitler's putsch completely failed if everyone loved him so much?
Again - read the post. Him and his version of the party was relatively new and unknown at the time. Is that hard to understand?
>Why were the German masses supporting socialists if they hated them so much?
>Why were the Germans supporting one of the only parties in Germany durr hurr it's definitely not because they were one of the only parties in Germany that took up after the Kaiser fell during WWI durr hurrr